Sweet Mommy, Go!

C238 Tyrant

C238 Tyrant

After Muxiangwan left, he sat there thinking for a long time before realizing that he had been tricked by Muxiangwan. In the end, he still did not understand the previous question, and Muxiangwan did not give him a proper answer.    


And most importantly, he even forgot to ask who the man who always went to see the Muxiangwan was.    


"This damned woman!" Guchenzhe cursed in a low voice and got up to look for Muxiangwan.    


He walked around the villa and found that no one was around. He walked out of the villa in confusion and found a few people in the amusement park.    


Gufu and Muxiangwan were playing a merry-go-round with Xiaoqi, and they were laughing like children. Seeing this scene, Guchenzhe felt that the amusement park he created was right.    


He never thought that it would actually make a few adults be as happy as children. Seeing his family so happy, Guchenzhe could not help but have a smile on his face.    


"Daddy!" Xiaoqi's eyes were sharp, and he immediately saw Guchenzhe, who was standing not far away and looking at him.    


Seeing Xiaoqi calling him, Guchenzhe walked over with a smile. Xiaoqi ran over and hugged him.    


The Guchenzhe took this opportunity to hug Xiaoqi in his arms. He patted Xiaoqi's head and asked lovingly: "Xiaoqi, did you have fun playing?"    


"En, I'm happy, thank you daddy!" Xiaoqi nodded obediently.    


"Let's go find grandpa and grandma to play. Mom and I have something to discuss." Guchenzhe said as he looked at Xiaoqi, placing him on the ground.    


Muxiangwan walked in front of Guchenzhe helplessly and said in a suppressed voice, "Is it really that interesting for a man like you to not give up!"    


"Let's talk about that question another day. I have something else to ask you!" Guchenzhe held onto Muxiangwan's hand and walked to the side.    


Seeing the two of them walking away hand in hand, Gufu and Gumu had kind smiles on their faces.    


It was the first time they saw their son like someone so much, and this person was someone they also thought was good. Their hearts were filled with comfort.    


"What was the matter that you didn't ask me earlier? Why are you chasing after me now?" Muxiangwan asked as they walked to a quiet place.    


"Tell me, who is that man? Are there still any contacts? Do you always want to run out to see him? "    


Guchenzhe was confused by Guchenzhe's three consecutive questions. She stared at Guchenzhe for a while, then touched his forehead and muttered: "I'm not burning them, why are you saying such nonsense!"    


He grabbed onto Muxiangwan's hand. Guchenzhe's face was gloomy, his voice was low and scary, asking: "Don't change the topic, answer me!"    


"That man!" Muxiangwan had a baffled expression.    


"If I didn't know the truth, I really would have been tricked by you. Muxiangwan, you really know how to act, I am starting to suspect that what your sister said about you was all true! " Guchenzhe's face was dark and terrifying, but in his eyes, he was making trouble for nothing.    


"If you want to cause trouble for no reason, stop wrongly accusing me!" The Muxiangwan left behind these words and wanted to leave.    


This Guchenzhe, it was obvious that he did not mention he was here to find trouble with me because of what happened just now.    


"I wronged you! Muxiangwan, you really can't blush even if you lie! " Guchenzhe grabbed Muxiangwan's hand, preventing her from leaving.    


Her action of flinging her arms and leaving, in Guchenzhe's eyes, was clearly an escape. It was a escape after he had said his piece.    


"If you want to quarrel with me then just argue, why are you blaming me by saying such ridiculous things!" Muxiangwan tried his best to shake off Guchenzhe's hand, but Guchenzhe's hand that was holding onto his wrist was like a pair of pliers that were tightly holding onto Muxiangwan's wrist.    


She was unable to break free from the pain, causing her to frown slightly.    


Seeing that Muxiangwan was only staring at his hand that was being held, Guchenzhe felt that she was avoiding him, and said angrily: "Why don't you dare look at me? Isn't it because he has a guilty conscience? "    


Muxiangwan raised his head and met Guchenzhe's furious eyes. He angrily said: "Guchenzhe, stop spouting nonsense here!"    


"I won't look at you arguing with you because of laziness. Also, you hurt my hand!"    


Hearing that, Guchenzhe realized that he was holding onto Muxiangwan's hand with all his might. All the anger in his heart had been completely vented out by this hand, he didn't even know when the hand's strength had increased.    


He immediately let go of Muxiangwan's hand, and Guchenzhe realised that there were four finger marks on Muxiangwan's fair wrist.    


Red finger marks circled around his white wrist, as if he was wearing a bright red bracelet.    


Seeing this scene, Guchenzhe immediately and gently lifted Muxiangwan's hand. He asked with a bit of heartache and self-blame: "It must be very painful, right?"    


Muxiangwan pulled back his arm, and fiercely glared at Guchenzhe. He used his other hand to lightly rub his wrist, and said: "Guchenzhe, you are simply a Baojun!"    


"Arguing when there's a disagreement, arguing even when there's no reason behind it!"    


"Baojun!" Guchenzhe silently chanted this word in his heart, and then the corners of his mouth unconsciously lifted upwards.    


Seeing this scene, the Muxiangwan was stunned. Her feet slightly moved, preparing to escape as far as she could before the eruption of the Guchenzhe.    


"Do you think I'm the monarch?" The Guchenzhe asked.    




Muxiangwan looked at the strange smile on Guchenzhe's face and didn't dare to say a word. His eyes were fixated on Guchenzhe as he tried to think of an opportunity to escape.    


One second earlier and one second later is no good, you have to be just right.    


If he was a second too late, Guchenzhe would have already denied that he wanted to take action.    


In the end, everything went beyond Muxiangwan's expectations.    


Guchenzhe gave Muxiangwan a big hug, causing his body to stiffen and become completely unable to move. She did not know what Guchenzhe wanted to do, nor did she know how to respond.    


"If you think I'm the monarch, then tell me obediently. Who is that man and what does it have to do with you?" The Guchenzhe's voice was tainted with a bit of bewitchment, tempting her to speak the truth.    


At this time, Muxiangwan was in a whole realm and he wasn't bewitched by Guchenzhe at all, his body stiffened as he said: "I said you are Baojun!"    


"Baojun is also a Monarch, since I'm a Monarch, you have to listen to me!" The Guchenzhe's voice was filled with joy.    


Muxiangwan couldn't help but roll his eyes. Unfortunately, he couldn't see anything.    


Heavens, there must be something wrong with this person's brain. Shouldn't ordinary people be angry when they are called Baojun? Why was this person so happy?    


"Guchenzhe!" The Muxiangwan tried to wake him up.    


"En, I'm here!" Guchenzhe placed his chin on Muxiangwan's shoulder. He was in an unprecedented mood.    


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