Sweet Mommy, Go!

C24 She Is the Owner of Our Shop

C24 She Is the Owner of Our Shop

"En!" Muxiangwan nodded his head, "I also think that what you said makes sense."    


"But this way, the cost will come up. Also, our shop needs to close down for decoration, so we will lose a portion of our customers."    


"How about this!" The Muxiangwan pretended to be very magnanimous, "I, Shenxiaojie, will pay for the renovation of the base, and I will pay for the losses from the suspension. Calculate the total amount of money you need, Shenxiaojie settling the bill quickly so it won't affect her from doing other things. "    


Initially, Shenrongrong was already startled by the price. She was still angry and wanted to spend twenty thousand dollars to withdraw the ring, but in the end she accidentally left a mark on the floor and added another ten thousand. From what Muxiangwan said, the amount of money she had should be compensated even more by now.    


The Shenrongrong pointed at Muxiangwan's nose and said loudly: "Muxiangwan, what are you? When did it become your turn to speak in this shop? You can't even afford to buy the smallest diamond ring in this shop, so stop pointing fingers and pointing fingers."    


"Get the manager of your store over here!"    


"Miss, I'm the manager of this shop, what can I do for you?" The shop manager stood there, slightly bent over with a professional smile on his face. His attitude was very professional.    


"You!" Shenrongrong looked at her in confusion. When he saw the electronic screen on her chest, he was sure that she was the shop manager.    


"I don't need you. Call your boss over for me. The people below are so ignorant. I'll definitely get her to expel you!" The Shenrongrong began to use the boss to scare people.    


"Miss, our boss is right behind you. If you're not satisfied, you can complain to her." The shop manager still smiled as he pointed his right arm towards the direction of the Muxiangwan.    


Shenrongrong turned his head in surprise, and saw Muxiangwan standing behind her, and did not see anyone else. She impatiently wanted to push Muxiangwan away, "Get up, you're blocking the way."    


The Muxiangwan looked at Shenrongrong and said slowly: "I'm sorry Shenxiaojie, the boss you are looking for seems to be me!"    


"What?" The Shenrongrong made an unfathomable sound.    


"How could you own such a jewelry store!" Shenrongrong looked up and down at Muxiangwan carefully. She realized that there wasn't a single brand name on Muxiangwan from head to toe, how could she own such a jewellery store. She wouldn't believe it even if she beat him to death.    


"Stop lying!" Then he turned to the shop manager and asked, "Where is your boss?"    


The manager smiled and said, "It's right behind you. The person who just spoke to you is our boss!"    


Hearing this, Shenrongrong acted as if she was struck by lightning. After a long while, she finally turned her stiff neck and turned her head to ask in disbelief, "You really are the owner of this shop?"    


"Do you need me to show you some proof?" Muxiangwan still had a smile on his face, but this smile was just like a type of ridicule in his eyes.    


"You, you, when did you have the ability to open such a large jewelry store? Could it be that you've made up with your family? Did they give you the money?"    


This matter was truly too ironic for the Shenrongrong. He had originally wanted to humiliate the Muxiangwan and take revenge for his high school years, but who would have thought that things would turn out like this?    


When Shenrongrong heard that Muxiangwan and her family had been chased out, she was extremely happy. After all, when she left her wealthy and powerful home, she was only an ordinary person. Shenrongrong had always hoped to see her humiliate her one day.    


But today, he really saw it. He didn't expect that he would be the one to be humiliated.    


"Let's not talk about this first. Let's settle the issue of the floor tiles first!" Although Muxiangwan's attitude was gentle, it was indeed like he was doing business.    


"Xiangwan, look! We are all Laotongxue!" Shenrongrong's tone became gentle, and even his attitude became much lower.    


"That's right, so I only want you to compensate me for the cost of the work. I don't need your labor or the loss!" The sweeter Muxiangwan smiled, the more he hated her. However, there was no other way, she had no choice but to lower her head under the eaves.    


"Look at the Xiangwan, this is really just a small scratch, you wouldn't be able to see it if you don't look carefully!" The Shenrongrong tried to explain.    


"En!" The Muxiangwan nodded.    


Seeing Muxiangwan nod, Shenrongrong's expression softened, but she soon heard the words "but" from Muxiangwan.    


"But even this little scratch will have an effect on our store. As you can see, I have very high requirements of this place. If everything were to be the best and most perfect, then this small imperfection would affect the overall feeling of this place. "    


"For Guifuren like you, this small imperfection means that the whole shop is imperfect. I will lose many customers!"    


"Therefore, this floor tile must be replaced."    


"Quickly, help Shenxiaojie calculate how much money is needed in total!"    


"You! Muxiangwan, you are a scammer, I want to call the police! " Shenrongrong pointed hatefully at Muxiangwan.    


"Great!" You can report it! " Saying that, Muxiangwan took out his own phone and gave it to him.    


"You!" Shenrongrong was so angry that he did not know what to say in that moment. Looking at the phone that Muxiangwan passed over, the anger in his heart grew even stronger.    


"Pah!" The cheap phone was smashed into smithereens.    


"Yes, I have another phone now!" The Muxiangwan nodded his head and said with a disappointed expression: "You have to know, people like us who do business cannot leave our phones. If we leave our phones, every minute delayed us will be a business worth around ten million."    


"Now, how are you going to compensate?"    


"You are obviously blackmailing me!" Your phone is worth at most a thousand dollars! At most, I'll give you a similar phone! " Shenrongrong was already flustered and exasperated.    


"The phone doesn't really care how much money it costs, but it's hard to say how much business we're delaying." Muxiangwan rolled his eyes and said: "Like this, I won't blackmail you. It's not easy to estimate the value of the business I am delaying. After saying that, he put on another 'magnanimous' expression, not wanting to haggle with you.    


"You, you've gone too far!" Shenrongrong was about to cry.    


"You can ask your fiance about this!" He should know what the damage was. "Besides, if he hadn't pushed you, you wouldn't have fallen down and scratched my floor!"    


Everyone had nearly forgotten about Shenrongrong's fiancé. At this time, his words shifted everyone's attention to him.    


Although the Muxiangwan didn't like the Shenrongrong, she couldn't bear to see such a trash of a man like the Zhangqingbo in such a situation.    


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