Wild Agent Wife

C53 Unexpected visitor

C53 Unexpected visitor

Ling Chen took a moment to call Jian Fan, but no one answered for a long time. Only then did he realize that she didn't have her bag with her when she left the house, and she didn't have her phone with her.    


Ma Wen was in charge of security outside the building, so Ling Chen could only notify him to go to the surveillance station first to find Jian Fan.    


Yan Qirui's unexpected visit was a surprise. Most likely, he was the only one who knew about him.    


Was he here to ruin everything? Ling Chen's sword-like eyebrows twitched, he could not help but raise his attention to welcome them.    


"Isn't this a serious matter? What brings you here? " Ling Chen smiled brightly. His confident look caught everyone's attention.    


Yan Qirui was also smiling, but there was a trace of an illusory look on his face. He was the Chief of Serious Crimes, the country's representative of justice. Naturally, he would not be prejudiced against when his father had something on Ling Chen.    


"Director Ling is really capable, we've interacted more than once. With just a change, he became the CEO, the leader of the Light Water City's luxury goods industry. I, Yan Qirui, truly have a whole new level of respect for you, and I look forward to the actions of Director Ling. " Yan Qirui patted his shoulder without the slightest bit of malice.    


Ling Chen took a glass of red wine from Su Rui's hand and handed it to her. "You're overthinking things, Director. I just returned from my stay in France. But don't worry, I, Ling Chen, am a good citizen who follows the law and does proper business.    


Yan Qirui accepted the wine. With a faint smile, he clinked cups with Tang Wulin and left him in the imprint. He did not deny it.    


"As you wish, I have other important guests to greet." The corner of Ling Chen's mouth hooked up as he led Su Rui away.    


Ling Chen raised his wrist and looked at the time. In the blink of an eye, it was already 7: 35. The banquet was about to begin in 20 minutes. But Jane Fan had yet to go down.    


He patted Suri's hand. "Help me take care of the guests. I'll go out for a bit."    


Ling Chen turned and disappeared into the elevator. Su Rui put down her glass with a cold smile and hid herself in the long hallway at the back of the hall.    


"Marvin, where are you? Has the monitor been called out yet? " Ling Chen entered the elevator and pressed the button for the eleventh floor.    


"Boss, the monitor was called up, but it only showed Miss Jane and Big Sis Rui leaving the CEO's office together. After that, there was a two minute blank. It seems like the monitor was shut down at that time." Ma Wen reported truthfully.    


While he was speaking, Ling Chen had already gone upstairs, his face full of resentment. Where did this Jian Fan go? He was still so positive this morning, he wouldn't retreat now, right? She was today's main character, she had to appear on the banquet stage, she had to!    


"Boss!" Marvin lowered his head and stood to the side. Ling Chen walked quickly to the computer. Indeed, it was empty.    


"Did you find him at home?" What about Master Corlo? What about Shixiong? Have you looked for them? " Ling Chen's expression darkened, the aura around him became even colder.    


"We went back to the Boss, we went back to where Young Master Song was, we didn't see any of them."    


Song Chengyou and Shiqian did not come to the banquet today to avoid suspicion.    


Ling Chen angrily smashed his fist on the table: "Lift up the whole building, don't let even a corner go."    


Everything that he had meticulously planned was about to be destroyed. This was the first time that Ling Chen had been so anxious when dealing with things. He didn't know whether he was angry that his original plan was going to fail, or worried about Jian Fan's whereabouts.    


Damn it! How could he care about her safety? How could he care about her safety!    


The phone rang. It was Suri.    


"Chen, the guests are all here. The banquet is going to start in five minutes. The host is already at the warm-up. Hurry and get down."    


"Is Jian Fan back yet?"    


"No, haven't you found her yet?"    


Ling Chen immediately hung up, his breathing was ragged, and his chest was heaving.    


Jane Fan was sleeping soundly in the massage chair in the lounge, disturbed by the sound of the phone ringing.    


"Yes, yes, Sister Rui. I got it. Don't worry." Her voice was as soft as a mosquito's, but in the resting room that was so quiet that one could hear their own breathing, it entered into Jian Fan's ears.    


Sister Rui? Jian Fan trembled. She remembered that on the night he assassinated Ling Chen, Ling Chen mentioned this name. It seemed to be a sex trainer specifically designed to train him.    


And her voice... By the way, although the tone of the phone had changed a little, her voice was clearly that of the woman who answered the phone that night.    


The waves in his heart quietly faded as he continued to pretend to be asleep.    


Keke moved her face a few more times, as if she was wiping her cheeks.    


Jian Fan pretended that he had just woken up and stretched lazily.    


"Oh wuu …" What time is it? " Jane Fan stood up and went to the dressing table to observe his lightly made-up face.    


Keke packed up her makeup and looked at her watch. "It's 7: 30."    


Jane Fan stood in front of the mirror and turned in a circle. Her makeup was bright, like the pink makeup of a bride. Her overall appearance was brimming with youth and vitality. The makeup technique was not bad, and Jane Fan was not stingy enough to give her 90 points.    


"It's getting late, I should go to the front and make some preparations." She didn't know what was going on in the gourd between them, but it was always right to be careful.    


"But Manager Su said to wait until Director Ling comes to pick you up before leaving with you." Keke wanted to stop him, but the indifferent aura from Jian Fan's body was too cold, causing her to retract her hand in embarrassment.    


"No problem, I know the way to the hall." Jian Fan stroked the dazzling necklace on his neck as he walked out of the lounge with his head held high in satisfaction. He then walked to the very front of the hallway.    


"Esteemed leaders, dear friends, good evening! Tonight is a great day for the opening ceremony of our Ling Qi Group, thank you all for taking the time to come and support us. "Next …"    


The host had already begun presiding over the event from the stage. There was only a minute left before the official opening of the banquet.    


When Jian Fan heard the host's voice, he immediately realized that Keke's timing was fake. The woman had deliberately taken her into the lounge to buy time.    


He quickened his pace and ran forward, but was met by the incoming man.    


"Chen?" Looking at his dark face, Jane Fan knew he must have been angry.    


Ling Chen had promised her that he wouldn't throw a tantrum at her, and seeing that she was safe and sound, the anger in his heart subsided. He grabbed her by the hand and dragged her forward, "I've gone crazy looking for you. Where did you go?"    


Jian Fan was stunned. He turned his mind a few times and slowly said: "I asked Manager Su to find me a makeup artist. Tonight, you are going to appear as your fiancee. Didn't Manager Su tell you? "    


Ling Chen paused for a moment before reverting back to his normal appearance. "She was too busy greeting clients that I didn't have the time to ask her about it."    


"Next, let's invite our CEO Ling and fiancee, Brightmoon, to come on stage." As soon as the host finished speaking, all of the crystal lights in the hall turned off, leaving only the dreamy neon lights flickering in the hall. The dim light shone onto everyone's faces, filled with anticipation.    


Two beams of strong light swept across the two sides of the stage. As time passed, there were still no signs of people walking from the red carpet.    


The audience started to discuss among themselves as they discussed what had happened.    


"It can't be that he's too ugly and doesn't dare to come out and meet people, right?" A woman gloated.    


Someone at the side immediately chimed in: "That's right! If I hadn't seen the security guards rushing around, I might have been scared off."    


"You're not joking with us, right?" The cameramen and reporters, who had been carrying cameras for a long time, also began to show signs of resistance.    


Sura, seeing that the timing was right, put her foot on the red carpet, and her voluptuous figure shone brightly in the limelight. She was the queen of the party, or even the hostess!    


"Everyone, I've made everyone wait for a long time." She stopped halfway through her sentence. The content was ambiguous and made one's imagination run wild.    


Ah, she can't be Boss Ling's fiancee, right? Was it done so mysteriously to create a surprise? " The women below burst into discussion. "When a woman attacks a woman, she will always have a keen sense of touch, and a quick, accurate, and ruthless way to strike.    


"Surprised? You should be scared. To find such a courtesan, I'm not even as good as a noble from a rich and powerful family." It was still that fashionable woman. The resentment in her heart was even more intense.    


Su Rui had a bright smile on her face. She put on a charming and capable look and said, "Hmm. Everyone, please be quiet. On behalf of Chen Xiang and the others …"    


"Wait, I don't need you to represent me." Ling Chen yelled, and the spotlight fell from Su Rui to the entrance of the stage. The tall man, his whole body shining with golden light, was slowly walking up the stage with a tall, graceful woman in his arms. That woman had an elegant and noble air about her. Her faint smile was so cold that it could only be seen from afar but not scoffed at. In an instant, all of the men and women present were suffocated.    


Only then could he be worthy of the dignified CEO Ling! The women below the stage were all ashamed of their inferiority, and no longer had the interest to discuss with each other.    


Ling Chen did not want to embarrass Su Rui anymore after she changed her appearance and warned her. After he got on the stage, he softened his expression and said to the people: "Thank you, Manager Su, for helping me out. Leave the rest to me."    


Su Rui looked at Jian Fan meaningfully. Jian Fan also gave her a bright smile.    


"Sorry to keep you waiting. "My fiancee, Jian Fan, and I apologize to everyone here …"    


Ling Chen continued to speak, but Jian Fan did not have the mood to listen. He only maintained a dignified smile, calmly looking at the people below the stage. The right side of his face, which was tied up in a bun, was slightly tilted, allowing the inverted pentagram on his head to be exposed to the reporter's camera.    


Although Ye Sha knew that her name was Jian Fan and recognized her appearance, he only knew that she was calling for his help through this communication signal.    


As for the organization, no one could recognize her without genetic information. She had to admit that she was willing to trust Ling Chen for him to appear in such a bold manner in such a situation.    


When his gaze fell onto a middle-aged man with a stern expression, Jian Fan was slightly startled. His mind immediately searched for an accurate piece of information. He was the chief of the homicide squad, and she had seen him the day she arrested Chen Da on the Lishui Sandfield. It was just that he might not have seen her while she was hiding behind Ling Chen.    


Ling Chen spoke until he was emotionally moved, then wrapped his arms around Jane Fan's waist and pulled her back to reality.    


"The reason why I had such small achievements in my career was because my fiancée supported me, encouraged me, and gave me a great help in my life. Only then could I have no worries and give my all in my career."    


Jane Fan looked up into his affectionate eyes. His words were sincere, and not only did the hearts of the girls below break, even she herself was about to enter into the drama.    


Su Rui stood closest to the stage and glared viciously at Jian Fan.    


Humph! I want to see how long you can be complacent. Su Rui gritted her teeth and smiled sinisterly.    


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