Wild Agent Wife

C56 The calm before the storm

C56 The calm before the storm

The next day, after Ling Chen left for work, Jian Fan woke up. After washing up, they brought Lian Xi to the Baohui shopping mall under the Ling Qi Group.    


A row of pretty boys welcomed them with smiling faces as soon as they entered the mall. Most of the women's clothing stores were bought by handsome boys with a deep voice, and the remaining female service staff were all fashion collectors with professional standards. They specially matched and selected clothes and accessories for wealthy women, giving professional fashion advice.    


Jian Fan smiled. He saw the wealthy lady squeezing out of the mall with a big smile on her face. He knew that this vulgar arrangement and arrangement must have been thought of by Ling Chen.    


After entering the Chanel store, the waiter came up to welcome them warmly. The elegant and fair boy was dressed in very fashionable clothes. He had fair skin and a sweet smile. His teeth were especially tender. It was no wonder that those middle-aged women were particularly fond of him. Even when she saw it, she couldn't help but want to knead it to see if it was made of jelly.    


"What do you need, ma'am? I can recommend it to you. "    


"You look like you're wearing OL," Jane Fan said as she pulled her hair back, revealing her exquisite face. "If you want something sexy, it's best if you can suppress them."    


Jian Fan raised his elegant eyebrows, causing the waiter's eyes to widen.    


Lian Xi angrily pushed him away before the waiter finally came back to his senses in distress.    


"Yes yes yes, please come this way. I'll bring it to you."    


Jane Fan placed a suit with a sweet style that the waiter brought over onto his body. The fabric of the wool was very soft, and the design with a little cloth added onto it also made the entire garment look quite lively.    


"That's right." Jane Fan was very satisfied and took it into the fitting room.    


When he came out, not to mention the waiter, he was so overjoyed that he was dumbfounded by what he saw.    


"Miss, you are so beautiful." This was the second time Lian Xi praised her so brilliantly.    


He saw that Jane Fan was wearing a sexy dress with long sleeves and a lotus top. The top was round and plump, making the top look very full and stylish. The 10 centimeter high heels were 1.72 meters tall. It was even more of a queen than a queen, much more of a demoness than a fairy.    


"Then this style?" Jane Fan turned in a circle and was very satisfied.    


"Yup yup, yup, we'll definitely kill all the women in one shot." He hurriedly nodded his head.    


When the waiter saw that she was a bold and unrestrained customer, he completely wrapped her up with all of the similar styles.    


Jian Fan looked at the several large bags and raised his eyebrows. She knew she wouldn't be able to wear it, so she decided to give Ling Chen some satisfaction.    


Jian Fan held Lian Xi and strolled around crazily for the whole morning. The harvest was quite bountiful. Lian Xi's hands were full of two hands full of bags. They were both capable and sexy professional clothing.    


"Xiu-Er, let's go back." Jian Fan looked at the spoils of war with satisfaction. His mood was bright and beautiful, completely unaffected by the heavy snowy weather outside.    


Halfway through the drive, Jane Fan suddenly stopped the car.    


"Miss Jane, what's wrong?"    


When I was changing my clothes, I left my phone in Chanel's changing room. I have to go back and get it. Chen's phone number was in there, so it would be hard to tell if it was leaked. "Xiao'er, send the things back and tidy them up first. Let Ah Bian prepare lunch for me when I get back. I'll be back in a while."    


Lian Xi also became nervous along with her anxious tone. She muddle-headedly nodded: "Then little miss, you should go quickly. I'll take a taxi myself."    


Jane Fan quickly put down his happiness and turned around, heading back into the city. However, what she was going to was not Baohui Market, but instead the studio of West Flower Tower's Corlo.    


Jane Fan went straight to the top floor. The secretary recognized her and brought her to Corlo's office.    


When Corlo saw Jane Fan, his eyes lit up and he said happily, "Miss Jane?"    


"I'm honored that you know me." Jane Fan extended his right hand and shook hands with him.    


"Miss Jane is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. The soul of the person who could wear clothes designed by me will naturally be engraved in my mind for all eternity."    


"Heh," Jane Fan was amused by his poor pronunciation of Chinese. "Master Corlo didn't learn anything else in China, but he did learn how to be smooth with his words."    


"Thank you for your praise."    


Jane Fan's smile deepened. He seemed to have misunderstood what she meant.    


"Corlo, I have something I want to ask you. Is it convenient for you?" Jane Fan glanced at his secretary and assistant.    


Corlo understood and led her into the innermost design room, closing the doors and windows firmly.    


"Say it. You know that I'm a foreigner. I'm not one to beat around the bush and I don't like lying."    


"Awesome," Jian Fan gave him a praising look, "I just want Master Corlo to tell me about Young Master Chen's parents. You know, I'm his fiancee, but he hasn't brought me to meet his parents."    


Corlo shrugged his shoulders, "Actually, I don't know about his family's situation. When I was in France, young master Chen's mother, Annie, liked to look for me to design a dress, and also loved Hua Xia Feng the most." I've worked for her for many years, and after I transferred to Huaxia, young master Chen also returned home. Recently, there's been news about him in Liushui City, so his family should be doing a lot of business. "    


"That's it? What did his parents do in France? Is it still there? " Jane Fan lightly knitted her brows. It was as if she didn't say anything about this information, as it was completely worthless.    


"I don't know. Someone who can afford to wear clothes designed by me, Corlo, should be a businessman. "I've told you everything I know. You know our customer's privacy, so we should keep it a secret. I wish you and Young Master Chen a happy life and an early marriage."    


"Well, thank you, Corlo." With Ling Chen's intelligence, he might not let others know too much. She should not have held any hope, "Don't tell young master Chen that I've come here, it will make me feel insecure."    


Corlo nodded.    


Jane had just finished cooking lunch and was waiting for her.    


Jane Fan had no appetite. The energy that he had gained from shopping had completely disappeared after going to Corlo Studio.    


Lian Xi tidied up the wardrobe and just came down from upstairs.    


"Miss Jane, you're back? Did you find the phone? "    


"Yes, I found it." "Yes," said Jane, and went to the restaurant for lunch.    


When they returned to the bedroom, Jane Fan once again rummaged through the drawers, but her communication device could not find any new information regarding her identity. It had only been two days since his initial excitement and panic.    


At her usual speed, Ye Sha should have already found her. Why was there no news of her in the past two days?    


The communicator was obtained from the U.S. military intelligence department by Nightingale. The fixed channel would emit an inverted pentagram of wireless light that could be found within a radius of five hundred kilometers. Because she didn't know where the communicator was located, she could only use the media's exposure to agree to become Ling Chen's fiancée to attend the dinner party and use the special hairpin on his head to contact Ye Sha.    


She was not afraid that Ling Chen would break the password to the communication device, which was currently the most sophisticated instrument. The code would automatically explode the moment it was entered incorrectly.    


Nightingale hadn't appeared yet. Had he been dealt with when Lisa found out that he had helped her escape?    


"I'm going out for a while." Jian Fan couldn't stay at home any longer. He didn't come to find her and she wanted to go out to find him.    


"Miss Jane, where are you going?"    


When Jian Fan came down, he changed into a pair of fluffy clothes and said in a relaxed manner, "I've had too much to eat. I'll go digest it. The snow has been falling well these days. It's beautiful outside. I'll go enjoy the snow."    


"Shall I accompany you?" Lian Xi put down the rag in his hand and followed her.    


Jian Fan smiled faintly, "What? It's been so long, and you still don't trust me? " The corner of his mouth was curled up, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.    


Lian Xi was scared off by the cold light in her eyes and embarrassedly went back inside the house. She didn't want to do this to Xi Er, but the sharpness of the killer made her more cautious.    


Jane Fan left the villa and leisurely walked to the top of the shallow mountain. On the back of the hill was a footpath, paved with marble steps, perfect for summer mornings.    


The shallow mountain was not high, but it could at most be considered a hill. Therefore, the stairs were not steep. The trees on both sides of the road had bent due to the pressure of the snow. However, the steps were clean. There was not a single speck of snow. Looks like there are people cleaning up here every day.    


On the other hand, Jane Fan was leisurely walking, enjoying the moment of peace before the storm. She could sense the coming storm, but she had miscalculated a big step.    


If Yaksha still did not appear within a week, then she could only place her bet on him. Even if she didn't believe it, he would have to believe it. Ling Chen's evidence she found nothing, Song Chengyou's safe also needs the help of Ye Sha to open. Everything had been piled up in the short span of half a month, like a mess. She couldn't catch a breath.     


If Nightbreak Trickster still hadn't appeared, she could only give up her plan to take down Ling Chen and escape from this nightmare. Heh, the corners of Jane Fan's mouth curled up in self-mockery. She had already failed her first mission, and now that she had been hiding within the enemy ranks without any results, even getting brutally silenced by an organization that she trusted all this time, she could not really be considered a qualified agent.    


Unknowingly, he had already reached the foot of the mountain. Jian Fan was covered in sweat as he walked. At the foot of the mountain, there was a checkpoint, which could be considered as Kingone's back door.    


When the guard saw Jane, he lowered his head and greeted her, "Greetings, Miss Jane."    


His greeting made it so that his mood was much clearer. "Hello, are you keeping guard here all this time?"    


"Yes, my name is Ada." Ada was a very honest looking young man. Her temperament was similar to Marvin's, but she was a lot closer to him.    


"I always go out from the front and come to the back of the mountain for the first time. The scenery here is very nice and the snowmen piled up at the entrance are also very nice. The steps are really clean." Jane Fan pointed at a large snowman at the door with a beautiful smile.    


"My wife and I piled that up together."    


"Where's your wife?" Jian Fan's eyes lit up. It turned out to be a couple.    


Awoo …" Behind the gatehouse were two bungalows with red roofs and white walls. The flying eaves of the buildings had the meaning of a beautiful mountain and river residence. "From time to time, a few whines could be heard from inside, as if they were the cries of some animal.    


"What's going on there?" Jane pointed to the house.    


"It's our big dog that gave birth to a puppy. It's been two months and it's still eating milk, so the big dog was quite empty." It hurts so much that it cries out. "    


Jian Fan frowned. He immediately thought of the guard dogs and mastiffs that Kingone had raised in the backyard. His scalp went numb.    


"Miss Jane, don't be afraid, my dog is a Samo sled dog, it's very honest. My wife and I haven't met anyone else on the mountain all year round, so we can't give it away. My wife is currently tying it up."    


"I'll go take a look." The sled dog, which she had seen on television, was all white and beautiful.    


Ada led Jian Fan to their house, which was very clean, even though the guards had better conditions than many of the well-off families. This was probably the reason why they were all willing to be loyal to Ling Chen.    


When Jane entered the room, Ada's wife was a beautiful woman, but she was a little lame and did not walk well. Jian Fan instantly understood. They should be pitiful people that Ling Chen took in.    


Ling Chen? It made her more and more unable to see through him.    


"Miss Jane, why have you come?" Ada's wife was called Xiuzhu. She wiped her hands as she came forward, looking surprised and pleasantly surprised. After all, she was the fiancee of Ling Chen, and they all respected and loved a perfect match for her.    


"Where's the little bastard? I want to see it. " A kennel made of logs was beautiful, wider and sturdier than the ones he'd bought.    


Xiuzhu pulled out the cub that had just been tied up. After two months, its entire body was snow-white, and its furry fur had been washed clean, making it look extremely beautiful. Her big round eyes stared straight at Jian Fan, wanting to come up and smell the new guest at home.    


"Can I hug him?" It was about the size of a five-six month old baby, and Xiuzhu handed it over, placing it into the embrace that Jane Fan had prepared, "It's so beautiful, how could it have such a beautiful little dog?"    


"If Miss Jane likes it, you can bring it back to raise. The young master hunting dog on the mountain has already been cleaned up by us. Ada enthusiastically recommended, which was rare for Jane Fan to like.    


"Thank you. Then after I carry him away, will the big dog think of him?" It was hard for Jane Fan to hide his excitement.    


"No, next month the big dog will be holed up again and won't have the energy to look after him."    


"You guys are really nice, then I'll be taking it away. If you miss it in the future, you can come to the mansion and visit it. I also bring it out to practice a lot. "    


Jane Fan happily carried Doggie down the mountain. What she never expected was that her "You guys are really good" would move the hearts of the innocent couple, causing them to lose their lives …    


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