CEO's Endless Love

C315 Selling Paintings to Earn Money

C315 Selling Paintings to Earn Money

Qin Muxuan's heart softened. She raised her hand and gently touched his eyes. The corner of her mouth moved slightly. She wanted to call him by his name, but this sound weighed thousands of pounds. It pressed against her throat, making her unable to speak.    


Gu Zijin stared at her for a long time, but she did not say anything.    


After he impatiently loosened his tie, he sneered and let go of her. He walked towards the small balcony.    


As he walked, he took out a cigarette and lit it. He took a deep breath and said self-deprecatingly, "Qin Muxuan, Qin Muxuan, you always know how to hurt my heart."    


His voice was very soft, so light that the wind would dissipate into the air along with the smoke.    


Qin Muxuan suddenly understood why he went crazy. Her eyes turned red and large drops of tears fell to the ground.    


You hurt me the most.    


That wedding dress was specially designed by George for the wedding that was not scheduled four years ago.    


If not, if not...    


She would not have given it away.    


Gu Zijin, who had finished smoking a cigarette outside the balcony, finally calmed down. After he extinguished the cigarette, he turned around to look at Qin Muxuan.    


Seeing her tears, his heart fiercely smoked again. It was extremely painful and also extremely hateful.    


He hated her, and he also hated himself.    


He pursed his lips and walked back with a cold aura. He took the tissue box and passed it to her. "Wipe it."    


Qin Muxuan looked up at him. Her tears became more and more fierce. They went from silent tears to soft sobs. In an instant, she stopped crying and took the tissue box. She took out a tissue to wipe away her tears.    


Every time she wiped it, she would add another layer of defense to the heart wall, firmly locking her heart in place.    


Gu Zijin poured a cup of warm water back and stood beside her, quietly waiting for her to calm down before handing the cup to her.    


Everything was done naturally, as if it had been rehearsed a thousand times.    


However, this consideration was something Qin Muxuan had never seen four years ago.    


She lowered her head, took the water, and moistened her throat. "Is Director Gu looking for me for something?"    


Her voice was very calm, without a trace of fluctuation. She did not seem like a person who had just cried.    


Looking at the woman who had become mature, confident, and more charming, the corner of Gu Zijin's mouth curled up. The self-mockery in his eyes intensified.    


She had grown into a woman who could support others. She was no longer the person who could only rely on him.    


He suppressed the endless thoughts in his heart and said in a low voice, "There's nothing else. Help me change the blanket. It's troublesome."    


The corner of Qin Muxuan's mouth twitched. She had indeed been mistaken. How could Gu Zijin, this dog man, be considerate? It was all an illusion.    


... "Are you sure you want me to exchange one hand for you?"    


Gu Zijin glanced at her right shoulder. His eyes darkened but he still nodded and said, "Yes. Didn't you make a bed during your training?"    


After rolling her tongue and suppressing her anger, Qin Muxuan started to change the covers for him without saying a word. It was just that it was inconvenient to use one side of the hand. It took her a long time to change it.    


The finished product was not very good. It was crooked and crooked.    


However, she no longer had the strength to correct it.    


She took a long breath and adjusted her breathing. After that, she bid farewell to Gu Zijin, who was smoking on the small balcony.    


"Don't go yet." Gu Zijin put out his cigarette and returned to his room. He took out a few large bags of braised chicken drumsticks from his suitcase and stuffed them into a bag for her. "Mom asked me to bring this for Little White. I have prepared an extra portion for Xinxin. You can bring it to her when you go to see her."    


Qin Muxuan looked at the delicious meat and drooled.    


Yang Xiaoying's cooking was pretty good, but she said that she only knew how to cook three or four dishes and she really only knew how to cook these few dishes. It was not fake at all. Moreover, they were all vegetable dishes.    


Qin Muxuan did not stand on ceremony with him and took the bag. After thanking him, she turned around and left.    


Xiaoxin's food did not follow the program team. It was delicious and delicious. It was obvious that she was looking for an excuse to eat these snacks.    


Qin Muxuan did not eat alone. She took out her share and added it to everyone's meal.    


At the same time, she discussed with them what to do with the wedding.    


"The main problem now is where to borrow the traditional wedding dress."    


"Miaomiao, you specially came here for this. Do you know which wedding dress shop rented it?" Qin Muxuan asked.    


Yu Miaomiao, who came over to freeload, rubbed against Xiao Heng's side. Seeing his interaction with Feng Yi, she was so happy that she was floating in the air. She could still be distracted and listen to their conversation, so naturally, she could not hear her question.    


Qin Xiaobai pushed her and only then did she come back to her senses. "Ah, what did you guys say?"    


Qin Muxuan repeated the question.    


"She is the word beside the female word. This is the name of the shop. Other than bridal wedding, her family also plans a wedding. She can provide all services as long as you have money." Yu Miaomiao seemed to have thought of something and lightly clicked her tongue, "Boss loves money so much. He does everything you give him money."    


... ""    


Silence, silence is tonight's inn.    


When Yu Miaomiao saw that everyone had stopped talking, she finally reacted. She scratched her head and smiled in embarrassment. "In this town, only her family has the traditional wedding gift."    


Everyone looked at me. In the end, they all looked at Qin Muxuan. "Go and earn money!"    


Two fists could not beat four hands. Moreover, they had more than four hands. Qin Muxuan was persuaded to sell paintings to earn money in the end.    


At the same time, she also pulled Xiao Heng into the water and asked him to make money for the guests.    


Qin Xiaobai volunteered himself.    


The next day, Yin Youting followed the group of three to the prairie to earn money.    


Once they arrived, they were surrounded by customers and took the initiative to meet with business.    


It turned out that many viewers had come from the live broadcast room. After they bragged about it, when the people around them heard that it was a celebrity coming to lead the horses, they were moved and joined one after another. This resulted in a shortage of manpower. Qin Xiaobai had no choice but to go and help as well.    


Until noon, when the sun was high. The scorching sun made people's skin hurt, and they finally stopped, allowing Qin Muxuan and the others to rest.    


After finishing the last stroke, Qin Muxuan passed the painting to the guest. She placed the easel horizontally on the ground and directly leaned on it to rest.    


Because Yin Youting was not invited by the production team as a guest actor, he did the easiest job - to collect money.    


He passed the ice cola he had bought to her face and cooled her down. "Can you still move your hands?"    


"My hands are about to cramp." Qin Muxuan's face was bitter. She shook her head. "Help me squeeze it open."    


After Yin Youting opened the coke buckle for her, he half-squatted down and grabbed her other hand. He massaged her while trying to persuade her. "There will be more sun in the afternoon. Maybe there won't be anyone left. Why don't you stop painting?"    


"No, we don't have enough money."    


"I'll take care of the farm. You draw me a portrait. I'll pay for the rest." Yin Youting looked up and stopped her.    


"Your painting is worth this price."    


Qin Muxuan looked at him and raised her finger that was holding the can of cola. Her emotions were complicated and guilt made her feel uneasy.    


She pulled her hand back and sat up. She snorted, "That's right. At least I used to be the Qin's's executive designer. You earned it by buying my painting."    


Yin Youting could guess what she was thinking. He felt a little disappointed.    


He stood up and smiled. He looked into the distance. "I think the bride and groom make more money than me. They make more money. They can hire so many famous people to work for them without spending a single cent."    


"Indeed." Qin Muxuan saw Xiao Heng, who was leading the horse and was in a sorry state. She smiled and squinted her eyes. "There are not many people who can make Boss Xiao in such a sorry state. Haha."    


Xiao Heng heard her gloating words and glared at her fiercely. He said weakly, "You are in a worse state than me, big cat!"    


After he handed the reins to the owner of the horse yard, he sat on the ground and did not dare to move.    


Qin Muxuan took out her phone and took a picture. Her face was really stained with charcoal. Maybe it was when she wiped her sweat.    


When she wiped it clean with a tissue, Qin Xiaobai rode his horse to their side with a face full of excitement.    


"Aunt Xuan, get on the horse. I'll take you for a ride!"    


"You?" Qin Muxuan looked at his thin arms and thin legs and shook her head, "This horse of yours is tired after running all morning. Let it rest."    


"Then let's change one?" Qin Xiaobai was in high spirits and did not want to give up.    


Qin Muxuan thought about it and said, "How about this? We will race and come back here. Whoever loses will be beaten by the winner."    


"Deal!" Xiao Heng sat up with a fish in the water.    


The three of them agreed. They picked their horses and rode on them.    


The referee, Yin Youting, who was entrusted with an important task, had just counted. "Ready, one..."    


Before he could finish counting, the three of them had already run away. They rushed out like a gust of wind.    


"Ahhhhh! What's wrong with my horse?!" Qin Muxuan screamed in shock.    


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