CEO's Endless Love

C307 Receiving the Variety Show

C307 Receiving the Variety Show

Qin Muxuan was silent for a long time. It was only when Zhang Jiawen wanted to change the topic that she opened her mouth. Her voice was cold and indifferent. "Who are the guests?"    


Zhang Jiawen was waiting for her to say this. When she asked, she immediately said, "Little White's dramas are about to finish filming in the next two days. He will also be there when the time comes."    


"Who else is there?" Qin Muxuan's tone was a little gentle.    


He picked and picked. Finally, he chose a person who did not have any ill intentions with her and said, "He is the new double acting king Xiao Heng. He is the owner of this episode."    


"Although it is a variety show that runs the inn, it has a private custom-made program that needs to meet any customer's request that is not against the law. You, Lil 'White, and Xiao Heng will be in charge of this segment."    


"It's quite interesting." Qin Muxuan raised her eyebrows. "How many people are participating in the program?"    


"Eight." Zhang Jia Yi asked, "Are you sure you want to come? The production team will start filming in three days. Your injuries..."    


Qin Muxuan thought of how it was easy for Little White to get into trouble. She looked at the fixture on her right shoulder, licked her dry lips, and lowered her eyes.    


She had to attend this program.    


"As long as I don't use my right hand, I should be fine."    


She spoke vaguely, but when Zhang Jiayi thought of her ability to bring explosive traffic to trending, he didn't pursue the matter to the end, "Then I'll give you my senior brother's phone number."    


The two of them exchanged a few more words before hanging up.    


She opened WeChat and saw the message Director Zhang had sent her. She was shocked.    


Du Gang, the genius director of the variety industry.    


His programs were more popular than the previous ones, but few artists dared to show up. - The difficulty level of his programs was very high, and the guests often exposed their intelligence and nature. Although they were popular, celebrities who loved red and red would not want to attend unless they had no other choice.    


Why did Little White's manager choose such a variety show for him?    


Qin Muxuan frowned and transferred Du Gang's contact information to Jian Xi. After asking her to contact him, she gave Gu Zijin a call.    


"Director Gu, did you know that Little White picked up Du Gang's variety show?" She did not hide the disdain and anger in her words.    


After sending his subordinates away, Gu Zijin relaxed his posture and leaned against the boss chair. He smiled silently. "I specially arranged this for him. Du Gang is planning to transform into a variety of intellectual products."    


"Little White is about to enter junior high. I plan to let him slowly take over the family business."    


If anyone else heard that their son was about to inherit a hundred billion yuan, they would definitely be so happy that they would immediately nod their heads in agreement and send their son over to take over the family business.    


However, Qin Muxuan was surprisingly angry. Her hand that was holding the phone suddenly tightened and she roared, "He is not even ten years old!"    


Gu Zijin took a document and focused on two things. He looked at her and replied, "He's ten years old."    


"Gu Zijin, you said you would let him make his own choice!"    


Gu Zijin stopped flipping through the document. The smile on his lips became wider, but his eyes were full of bitterness. "He does not have brothers and sisters."    


"The sooner we get to know him, the more convenient it will be for us in the future." He put down the folder and said slowly, "Take over more while I'm still in power to help him"    


"It's better than being suddenly pushed up to take over." The smile on his lips faded, and his eyes gradually became filled with coldness.    


Qin Muxuan remembered that when he took over, he was plotted against by his stepmother. Her anger was extinguished. She hung up the phone and dejectedly lied back on the sofa.    


Staring at the ceiling, she did not say a word.    


In the evening, after Qin Xiaoxin was picked up by Yin Youting, Qin Muxuan had yet to get out of the dilemma of whether she should snatch Qin Xiaobai's custody rights back.    


She really did not want him to do business at all.    


The ancient people Zeng Yun. It was better to be a scholar for generations than to have children become Han Lin. Today, she only wished for him to live a happy life.    


"Mom, Mom, are you okay?" Qin Xiaoxin rushed towards her as soon as she entered the door and called her back to her senses.    


"I'm almost recovered." Qin Muxuan put away her worries and smiled as she opened her left hand that could only move. She hugged her and pulled her into her embrace, "Mommy can accompany you at home. Are you happy?"    


"Don't think that I lied to you when I was young!" Qin Xiaoxin cautiously stuck to her body and tried not to let herself suppress her.    


She pouted and sighed, "I'm not happy. You're still sick. You can't play with me."    


Although she said so, her eyes were full of worry. She looked at the bracket and carefully touched it. "Mom, is it still painful?"    


Qin Muxuan saw that her eyes were still red and swollen. She knew that she must have cried for a long time. Her heart was sour and sweet.    


She touched her head and smiled. After that, she said seriously, "It hurts. If you blow it, it won't hurt."    


Qin Xiaoxin knew that blowing it would not stop the pain when she was in kindergarten. She rolled her eyes at her, but she still obediently blew it for her.    


As she blew, she muttered, "You are really childish."    


"That's right, I am Qin San. I am younger than you, Xiaoxin." Qin Muxuan boasted shamelessly.    


Qin Xiaoxin, who had been sulking ever since she entered the house, finally smiled. She took off her shoes and climbed onto the sofa. She stood on her tiptoes and touched her head with her curved eyes. "Then you have to call me Sister Xiaoxin in the future."    


"Okay, Big Sister."    


The mother and daughter looked at each other and laughed heartily.    


Yin Youting looked at them and a trace of smile appeared in his eyes.    


With Yin Youting's help, the one-armed Qin Muxuan managed to coax her daughter to sleep with great difficulty. Together with him, they went to the small balcony and discussed the matter of moving out.    


It was a cold night. It was very comfortable to blow, but Yin Youting's mood was not clear at all. Instead, it was dark clouds covering the sky.    


"Why do you want to move? Isn't it good to live here?" Yin Youting looked at Miao Man's daughter, who was holding the railing with one hand. He said urgently, "Xiaoxin just got used to the new environment."    


Qin Muxuan turned around and looked at him. She said softly and firmly, "Youting, I know this is very sudden, but I don't want to hide anymore."    


"On the Internet, people have already found out that I have been alone with Xiaoxin all these years overseas. Xiaoxin's matter is now almost completely exposed to the public. If I continue to hide her, I will only let the netizens dig deeper..."    


"Why don't I take the initiative to say it."    


This way, at least I can still hide what I should hide.    


Restraining her eyes and lowering her head, Qin Muxuan revealed a rare look of fatigue. Her snow-white neck was so white under the moon that it was fragile, as if it would break with a snap.    


Yin Youting could not bear to make things difficult for her for his own selfish motives.    


He took out a cigarette box from his pocket and took out a cigarette. Just as he was about to light it, he heard her indifferent voice again, "Give me one too."    


She reached out to him.    


Seeing that her hand was still bandaged, Yin Youting refused. He took off the cigarette that had not been lit and played with it between his fingers. "Have you found a house?"    


Qin Muxuan withdrew her hand and turned back to look at the stars. "The apartment Jian Xi lives in is on the same floor as her."    


Afraid that he would misunderstand that she was avoiding him, she explained, "It is close to Xiaoxin's school."    


Yin Youting folded his cigarette and sat back on the rattan chair. He lowered his eyes and said with an unfathomable expression, "When you need my help, just say it."    


"Help me find a reliable nanny. Three days later, I want to bring Xiaoxin to Inner Mongolia. I need a professional to take care of her."    


Yin Youting understood what she was thinking. He suddenly lifted his eyelids and stared at the woman with her back to him. He felt a stabbing pain in his heart.    




Do whatever you want to do. I will always be behind you.    


Gu Zijin, who asked his mother how to make up for her broken bones, was teased instead. He carried a large thermos flask with four floors and came to No.1803 Whale Drinking Building. He knocked on the door.    


After two rounds of the piano sound, Qin Muxuan's face appeared on the screen.    


When she saw Gu Zijin, her face darkened and she was about to hang up.    


"Don't hang up yet. I'm here to talk to you about Little White's future."    


Qin Muxuan's face turned even worse, but she had no choice but to pinch her nose and let her in.    


Gu Zijin, who had come here once to figure out the layout, changed into a cotton mop. He placed the thermos on the table in front of her and went to the kitchen to take out a bowl and spoon.    


It was as if they were at home.    


Qin Muxuan, who was holding her injured arm, sat on the sofa and watched him fly back and forth. She did not say a word.    


Gu Zijin's posture was elegant as if he was playing a musical. He took the steaming white dragon bone soup into a porcelain bowl, put a spoon on it, and pushed it in front of her. "Eat some soup first."    


Qin Muxuan glanced at him, who did not know what kind of riddle he was playing. She did not move and coldly asked. "Must we let Little White do business?"    


Gu Zijin sat beside her and took out the other three insulation boxes one by one. After setting them up, he took out a tissue to wipe off the oil stains.    


She could not help but ask again. "Little White can only do business?"    


He finally wiped his hands clean and threw the tissue into the trash can.    


"After I die, all my assets will belong to him." He was very calm. "His opponent has been through hundreds of battles and the old Taoist is ruthless, but he has been putting on an act. In his comfort circle, I'm afraid he won't be able to fight back."    


Qin Muxuan imagined the consequences and shivered. She understood that he was doing it for his own good, but she was still stubborn. "Who said that actors can't beat businessmen? "Didn't Feng Yi beat a Hong Kong family company?"    


Feng Yi, who was only 35 years old, had entered the industry for 30 years. He was a famous film king in showbiz and a good friend of Xiao Heng. But in recent years, there were less and less reports about him. He was considered retired.    


She had only found him after investigating Xiao Heng's deeds. It just so happened that she could sell him on the spot.    


Obviously, Gu Zijin was more aware of Feng Yi's personal achievements than she was. He raised his eyebrows and said, "My parents died. I fought alone for twenty-five years and barely managed to get my original assets back. Are you sure you want Little White to learn from him?"    


It was a bitter experience. One could tell how difficult it was just by thinking about it.    


Qin Muxuan was completely defeated.    


Her straight back was bent by reality and she gave in to him, "Is there no other choice?"    


"This is the simplest one."    


He put his fingers together and touched the bowl. He felt warm and pushed the bowl in front of her. "Drink the soup first."    


Qin Muxuan had nothing else to say. She took the porcelain bowl and slowly ate the soup. After she put the bowl down, she collapsed back onto the sofa like a lord.    


"When do you plan to let him enter the company?"    


"Let's see his performance."    


Qin Muxuan had asked all the questions that needed to be asked. She threw them away after she used them, but it was easy to ask a god to send a god away.    


Gu Zijin sat steadily on the sofa.    


"I heard you are going to bring Xin Xin to Inner Mongolia?"    


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