CEO's Endless Love

C302 Want a Dad

C302 Want a Dad

In front of everyone, Gu Zijin scolded them mercilessly, "Our company's business philosophy is that our customers are above us, not ourselves."    


He looked coldly at everyone and said, "The company doesn't need people who worship themselves as their ancestors."    


"Those who have such thoughts should leave as soon as possible."    


saleswoman, who had almost been criticized by him, felt her ears turn red and her face turn red. Her body trembled. It was unknown whether she was angry or angry.    


Qin Xiaoxin's eyes flashed as she looked at him, "Uncle Gu, you're so cool! It's like Superman beating a little monster. He pushed them all down with one finger. He's super powerful."    


Gu Zijin wanted to laugh at her Rainbow Fart. He wanted to get closer to her. Even if she was the daughter of a love rival, he could not stop her.    


Qin Muxuan was afraid that the two of them would get into trouble if they continued to interact. She picked her up and nodded coldly at him. "Director Gu, thank you for helping me out."    


"We have other things to do, so we will leave first."    


She called Jian Xi over and was about to leave. Gu Zijin's hands moved faster than his brain and grabbed her.    


Qin Muxuan's gaze moved from his hand to his face. "Is something the matter?"    


There were no ups and downs at all. It was different from the vivid scene of fighting saleswoman just now.    


Gu Zijin felt bitter in his heart.    


He let go of his hand and asked Lisa for a card, "Today's matter was caused by me not managing my subordinates properly. This black card is my personal compensation to you. You can choose any clothes in this shop as you wish. Also..."    


Qin Muxuan did not want to get involved with him anymore. She took the card and held it between her fingers. She shook it, "It's enough."    


After she finished speaking, she carried Qin Xiaoxin and left elegantly with her good friend.    


That day, she rushed Qin Xuan's fake tail. Qin Xuan tore saleswoman apart and was trending again.    


In one day, she went on the hot search twice in a row. Even the passers-by who were no longer interested also clicked in and ate melons.    


After that, they fell in love and were immersed in her beauty and domineeringness, unable to come out.    


[F * ck, I can't stand it the most.] It's these saleswoman. Being arrogant and despotic makes everyone a grandson. She was like God. I have to urge you three times to buy something before I bring it to you to show you!]    


[She has been holding a grudge for a long time! Thank Qin Xuan for helping me vent my anger. I will first worship it as a sign of respect.    


[Aaaaawawsl!] Little Missy A exploded! I can do it!]    


[Is this hype? Are you trying to fake it or not? You guys are even using your brains to hype it up?]    




Most of the comments on the Internet might have the same experience, but most of them were aimed at Qin Muxuan.    


Of course, there were quite a number of black stones, but this time, they really could not catch Qin Muxuan's sore foot. They could only use her unreasonable methods to hack her.    


Under the crisis public relations and the evaluation of the cosmetic powder, the heat of Qin Muxuan pretending to be a small flower was suppressed, and Qin Xuan's anger at saleswoman was suppressed. Qin Xuan took the lead and took the lead.    


Looking at Gu Zijin who was helping Qin Xuan in the video, Mu Xue gnashed her teeth in hatred.    


Did you treat anyone who was like that dead person with special treatment when you saw Gu Zijin helping Qin Xuan in the video?    


She touched her face with a strange light flashing in her eyes.    


Having been disturbed by saleswoman's good mood, the three of them did not plan to continue shopping. They found a dessert shop to go in.    


Qin Xiaoxin who was digging ice cream suddenly looked up at Qin Muxuan and said naively, "Xuan Xuan, can you tell me about dad?"    


Qin Muxuan's hand that was drinking coffee stopped and looked straight into her eyes, "Why?"    


They had an agreement that they would not easily ask about this sensitive topic.    


"If Dad was here today, that auntie would not dare to bully us."    


She didn't know how utilitarian the adult world was, so she laughed and said, "I want a dad like Uncle Gu. Once he comes out, that auntie won't dare to move."    


Was this the nature of father and daughter?    


Qin Muxuan looked at her with a complicated expression.    


Jian Xi cast a sidelong glance at her and rubbed Qin Xiaoxin's small face. She smiled and said, "How about Uncle Youting being your father?"    


She held the spoon in her mouth and thought for a while. She nodded seriously, "That's fine too."    


"When can Uncle Youting be my father?" She tilted her head and looked at Qin Muxuan. Her eyes were full of expectation.    


Qin Muxuan had mixed feelings in her heart. She touched her head and asked softly, "You want your father so much?"    


"Other children all have fathers. I also want a father." Qin Xiaoxin held the ice cream in her mouth and lowered her head. She said in disappointment, "The kindergarten is about to start a parent-child activity. I want a father to help me get the Toto Award!"    


"It seems that you are doing it for this." Jian Xi laughed and scratched the tip of her nose. She asked with a smile, "Can't Uncle Youting get you an award? Do you have to have a father?"    


"But... "Qin Xiaoxin lowered her head and played with her fingers as she said softly, "They said I was a wild child without a father."    


"Nonsense!" Qin Muxuan frowned and scolded angrily, "Our Xiao Xin is not a wild child!"    


Qin Xiaoxin was so scared that she shrunk her neck and looked at her timidly. Jian Xi quickly coaxed her and diverted her attention.    


Qin Muxuan looked at her and her heart was sour and astringent. Her eyes were also dyed red.    


Why did she let Xiaoxin experience what Little White had experienced?    


This mother of hers was really not competent at all.    


Suppressing the bitterness in her heart, Qin Muxuan carried her over and placed her on her knees. She asked softly, "Why didn't you tell mom that you were bullied, hmm? Don't believe that mom can protect you?"    


Qin Xiaoxin grabbed her hand and fiddled with it. She said in a small voice, "Announcing that you want to make money, I am already very tired."    


These words were like a sharp arrow that shot into Qin Muxuan's heart. She felt sad and warm at the same time.    


It was just that she actually left Xiaoxin with this kind of impression...    


She was still too weak.    


She tightly circled the child. Her eyes were red and her voice was a little choked. "I'm not tired. Xiaoxin did not eat much at all. Mom can afford to lie at home and do nothing."    


"That's right." Jian Xi's heart also ached for her sensitive feelings. She deliberately exaggeratedly patted her chest and said heroically. "Xuan Xuan wants to not raise you and the godmother will carry you home. She will definitely feed you until you are white and fat like a pig Page."    


Qin Xiaoxin was amused by her weird actions and giggled.    


After wiping her face, Qin Muxuan did not dare to linger on this topic and told her about going to the amusement park. It made the child want to go and play immediately.    


However, it was already late. The three of them ate and chatted for a while before returning to their respective homes.    


After coaxing her daughter to sleep, Qin Muxuan looked at her peaceful sleeping face and her eyes gradually became determined.    


She would definitely be so glorious that people would no longer have any place to gossip about them.    


The next day, the sky turned white.    


After cleaning up her daughter like a little princess, Qin Muxuan carried her into the car and personally drove her to the kindergarten.    


The moment they reached the school gate and the car stopped, Qin Xiaoxin opened the door and ran towards the kindergarten.    


Qin Muxuan pulled her and held her hand as they walked towards the school gate together.    


"Mom, do you want to go to school with me?" Qin Xiaoxin looked up at her in confusion but her mouth revealed a big smile.    


"Yes, I will go to school with you today." Qin Muxuan touched her head and smiled, "But it can only last for half a day."    


Qin Xiaoxin's eyes were like shining stars, dazzling and dazzling. She confirmed, "Really?"    


"It's not true."    


"Hehehe." She was so happy that she started dancing. With a whistle, she quickly ran into the kindergarten: "Jiang Ting, come and see, Xuan Xuan has come to accompany me to the kindergarten!"    


Qin Muxuan smiled and looked at her like a little bird out of a cage, jumping around everywhere.    


"Miss Qin." The kindergarten teacher walked over and greeted her, "The yard master told me to come with me."    


Qin Muxuan nodded and returned the greeting. She asked, "Do Xiaoxin have many friends in school?"    


"Xiaoxin looks very pleasant. Many children like to play with her." The teacher seemed to have thought of something and his smile grew wider. "In order to play with her, the little prick in the middle class did not cause any trouble."    


Qin Muxuan raised her eyebrows, "Jiang Ting?"    


"Yes, it is him. When Xiaoxin arrived, Jiang Ting announced in front of everyone that he wanted to protect her."    


"Speak of the devil." The teacher pointed at the little boy who ran out to hold Qin Xiaoxin's hand and was half a head taller than her and said, "Then, Jiang Ting is him."    


Qin Muxuan narrowed her eyes and carefully sized up the little boy.    


Jiang Tingyin, who was 1.3 meters and 4 meters tall, was tall and sturdy. From the looks of admiration from the surrounding children, it could be seen that he was the king of children.    


That shouldn't be the case.    


Qin Muxuan knitted her brows. Xiaoxin was protected by him, so how could there be anyone who dared to mess with her and say that she was a wild child?    


She did not understand.    


Qin Xiaoxin did not even put down her schoolbag and brought her good friends over to introduce to her mother. She said with great honor. "Xuan Xuan, this is my best friend, Jiang Ting. He knows a lot of fun. He has always been the first place in the game."    


Before she could finish her sentence, a sneer came from behind.    


"I, Ye Song, am the first!" The boy's voice was loud and domineering.    


Jiang Ting was angry. He stared at Ye Song who rushed over like a cannon ball. "How dare you claim to be the first?"    


Ye Song walked past him and walked in front of Qin Muxuan. He held his head high and puffed his chest out. He was full of vigor. "Sister, I, Ye Song, am the best friend of Xinxin."    


As he spoke, he wanted to hold Qin Xiaoxin's hand.    


When he was opened by Jiang Ting, he did not care and directly held her hand. Jiang Ting was so angry, "Xiaoxin will not be friends with you."    


Qin Xiaoxin held Jiang Ting's hand with her free hand and shook it from both sides. "You are all my best friends."    


"I am not going to be good with him!"    


The two of them said in unison. They glared at each other and turned their heads away in anger, not looking at each other.    


Qin Muxuan was happy to see that. She smiled and took out a handful of chocolate from her bag and gave it to the three of them. "Hello, I am Xiaoxin's little aunt Qin Xuan."    


"I know you. Xinxin often tells me about you."    


Jiang heard Song Ye look at her at the same time and said at the same time.    


Qin Muxuan finally could not help laughing. She awkwardly stared at the two boys. One of them rubbed his head and brought them into the classroom with the teacher.    


After attending a class with them, Qin Muxuan still did not notice who had a bad relationship with Qin Xiaoxin.    


She and Jiang Ting who came to play with her daughter during class heard the conversation. "Xiaoxin has been playing with you guys at school. Is there any child who does not like her and does not want to play with her?"    


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