CEO's Endless Love

C314 Asura Arena

C314 Asura Arena

Yu Miaomiao was an impatient person, and she could not stand anything more than a deliberate attempt to whet people's appetites. Before the groom could speak, she shouted anxiously, "Ai, don't take a deep breath and say that it's done in one breath? You're making me lose my balance. "    


Qin Muxuan glanced at her. She did not dare to make a sound. She hid behind Qin Xiaobai and pretended that she did not exist.    


"I have a wedding dress designed by George. If the bride doesn't mind, I can give it to her."    


When the groom heard that, he quickly refused, "No need. I will not accept anything without merit. " Besides, I have a request for you. How can I accept another gift from you? No, I absolutely can't. "    


Based on their relationship, what George gave her was definitely not some common goods. A private order worth hundreds of thousands jumped up. He was already lucky to be able to borrow it.    


Qin Muxuan only smiled and did not try to persuade him anymore.    


After some discussion, the groom completely defected and took the initiative to lead them to the bride's house.    


In the end, the bride was also defeated by Qin Muxuan's sharp tongue and could not resist George Stoker. She nodded and agreed to this farce of hers.    


Returning to the inn, she entered the room. Qin Muxuan discovered that the atmosphere was different from usual.    


Everyone looked very excited?    


Was this the Heavenly King superstar?    


Liu Xia's eyes were the sharpest. When she came back, she found her, "Qin Xuan, you are finally back!"    


She took three steps, two steps, and pounced towards her.    


"Do you know who's here?!" Liu Xia was so excited that she forgot her posture. It was as if the girl who was chasing stars had seen a steaming pot. Her face was red and her eyes were sparkling as she waved her hands back and forth. "President Gu and Director Yin are here to see you!"    


At this moment, Qin Muxuan wanted to perform a scene where she lost her memory. She held onto her hope and asked,... "That Director Gu? That Director Yin?"    


Liu Xia laughed and winked at her, "That Director Gu you think of, that Director Yin."    


She wanted to die on the spot.    


Qin Muxuan pulled her hand away and turned around expressionlessly, preparing to slip away. She wanted to wait for the two CEO Ba, who had come all the way here to travel, to fall asleep before coming back.    


As she slipped, she begged her grandfather and grandmother to worship the gods and pray that she did not meet the two of them.    


However, the heavens also wanted to see the Asura Arena.    


Before she could leave the main entrance, she was stopped by a familiar gentle voice.    


"Ah Xuan."    


Qin Muxuan's body stiffened and she slowly turned around. When she saw that there was no one behind her, she was glad that it was an illusion but her peripheral vision saw that there was someone on the second floor.    


She looked up and saw Yin Youting sitting on the rattan chair on the balcony of the second floor. He looked at her with a smile.    


Yin Youting, who saw that she wanted to sneak away, said deliberately, "Did you just come back?"    


"Haha, yes, I just came back." Qin Muxuan replied dryly.    


"Youting, are you here on official business?"    


"No, I'm here on purpose."    


Qin Muxuan's heart trembled. The heavens wanted her dead!    


Yin Youting drank a mouthful of tea and then continued with a smile, "Traveling."    


Fortunately, he did not say that he was looking for her.    


She was half relieved when she mentioned it. She thought to herself, "The Heavenly Axiom is good at reincarnation. She will never speak or breathe again.    


"Don't act cool. Being struck by lightning while acting cool." The one who said that was probably the current her.    


Qin Muxuan rubbed her face and pulled Qin Xiaobai, who wanted to slip away, upstairs.    


When she saw their seats, she wanted to sneak away again.    


Yin Youting and Gu Zijin sat at the opposite corner of the room, the furthest away from each other. Yan Xiaoyu sat on the left side of Gu Zijin, while Xiao Heng and Feng Yi sat on the long sofa in the middle.    


She did not dare to touch the formation of the Dragon Gate.    


Qin Muxuan, who wanted nothing more than to knock her head against the ground, but still had to smile on her face. She looked around and pulled Little White to sit next to Xiao Heng.    


Xiao Heng glanced at her and said in a low voice, "What kind of experience is it to be chased by two tyrants at the same time?"    


Qin Muxuan pulled the corner of her mouth and said angrily, "Cover your microphone. It's live."    


Xiao Heng immediately sat up straight, as if the person who was gossiping was not her.    


Since she came in, Other than her, Gu Zijin did not look at anyone else. Yan Xiaoyu felt hatred in her heart.    


She lowered her eyes and poured a cup of tea for Qin Muxuan. She smiled and asked, "You're back. Did the bride agree to change to a Chinese wedding?"    


For a moment, everyone's attention was attracted by her words.    


After Qin Muxuan thanked her, she smiled confidently and said, "Xiao Bai and I will naturally be able to do it easily."    


"How did you do it?" Yan Xiaoyu pretended to be surprised, "Tell me?"    


Actually, she had asked Xiaohuan to send her a message when she was doing the mission in real time. She naturally knew how she persuaded the bride and groom, but she wanted Qin Xuan to personally say that she used her wedding dress to exchange for the mission success.    


When a woman prepared a wedding dress, she usually already had a lover and was prepared to spend the rest of her life with him.    


Qin Xuan also had one, which meant that she already had someone in her heart.    


She just happened to borrow her mouth to personally let Mr Zijin understand that Qin Muxuan and him were not possible.    


When she thought of this, the smile on Yan Xiaoyu's lips grew wider. In a good mood, she handed a watermelon to Little White.    


Qin Xiaobai did not give her a single watermelon. He directly went past her and picked up a new watermelon from the side to eat.    


He was embarrassed in front of everyone. Fortunately, everyone was attracted by Qin Muxuan and did not notice her little actions. Yan Xiaoyu took a deep breath and placed the watermelon next to his hand.    


Qin Muxuan finished the story with just a few words,... "I promised them that I will not mess up the wedding. You guys have to be more helpful."    


Xiao Heng saw that Gu Zijin's brows were tightly locked when he heard Qin Xuan contribute to her wedding. He could not help but think about it.    


"That requires us. Your escort is just standing by and listening." As he spoke, he winked at Gu Zijin.    


Before Gu Zijin could say anything, Yin Youting asked, "Did Director Du ask for help?"    


This question hit the nail on the head, blocking Gu Zijin's words of help.    


"Director Yin also lived here as a friend, right?" Gu Zijin's eyes were deep. He looked at Gu Zijin and asked meaningfully.    


Yin Youting instantly understood what he said. He pursed his lips. He leaned back against the sofa and put his hands on his crossed legs. He smiled and said, "It's my fault. A friend taking the initiative to help is not an external help."    


When his goal was achieved, Gu Zijin did not want to talk to him anymore. He stood up and looked at Qin Muxuan. "Qin Xuan, come here and help me change the bedsheets."    


"The fragrance of the bedsheets is too stimulating for me. I can't sleep when I smell it."    


His reason was reasonable and Qin Muxuan could not reject it. She could only follow behind him and help him in his room.    


Once the door was closed, Gu Zijin pressed Qin Muxuan against the wall. With red eyes, he kissed her crazily.    


In the guest room, to respect the privacy of the guests, the production team did not set up a camera.    


Qin Muxuan, whose left hand was held high above her head, could not move due to the gravity of his body, did not let him kiss her. At the same time, she stepped hard on the tips of his toes.    


"Gu Zijin, what are you doing?!" She scolded him in a shaky voice.    


Yes, he was crazy. He went crazy when he heard her give his wedding dress to someone else.    


Gu Zijin did not say anything. He held her chin and turned her face to face him. He sealed her mouth with a kiss.    


He kissed her fiercely, like a hungry wolf who had its territory stolen. He rushed and swept her mouth.    


Qin Muxuan's legs were weak from his kiss. If he did not hold her waist, she would not be able to stand steadily.    


Only when she was almost unable to breathe did Gu Zijin let go of her.    


Qin Muxuan wanted to curse, but when she lifted her head, she met his red eyes that were filled with viciousness and watery light. A tear fell from the corner of his eye and disappeared into his collar.    


She was stunned.    


He seemed to be crying.    


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