CEO's Endless Love

C318 Dismissed due to Injury

C318 Dismissed due to Injury

Gu Zijin looked at her for a long time. When he saw that she had been keeping an eye on him, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Trust me this time."    


Qin Muxuan did not open her mouth and did not say anything.    


Seeing her like this, Gu Zijin felt even more bitter in his heart.    


He, who was usually a chatterbox in the business world, had nothing to say at this moment.    


He knew that his good mood of liking a woman had completely disappeared, and now only regret and sorrow remained.    


He leaned against the wall and stared at her. Suddenly, he called out in a low voice, "Qin Muxuan."    


Qin Muxuan did not turn around and still maintained her awkward posture of looking out.    


"Qin Muxuan." He called out again. "Is it impossible for us?"    


"Yes, it is impossible for us to do so." After saying that, Qin Muxuan's eyes became wet with tears again.    


She looked up and blinked her eyes. She did not want her tears to come out.    


"So it's like this..."    


Gu Zijin licked his thirsty lips and stood up straight. He walked over and hugged her.    


He put his head on her neck and hunched his back. Qin Muxuan lowered her eyes and did not move. She let him hug her.    


She looked at his spinning hair and her heart was filled with mixed feelings. It was as if the salt jar and vinegar were mixed together and drowned her, making her not know what to do.    


A moment later, Gu Zijin let her go.    


"Go back to the wedding." He had regained his composure, but his voice was even more muffled.    


Qin Muxuan pursed her lips. After returning the coat to him, she walked back.    


The decisiveness of her back made Gu Zijin laugh softly.    


That was good. It was good.    


He looked away, took out a cigarette, and lit it. The smoke covered his face.    


Yin Youting came over as soon as he returned to the banquet hall. He pulled Qin Muxuan to a corner and asked worriedly, "What did Gu Zijin say to you?"    


Qin Muxuan took a glass of champagne from the waiter's tray and drank it all in one gulp. She then changed to another glass.    


"Don't drink so quickly. Be careful not to get drunk." Yin Youting frowned and stopped her.    


She held the wine and took small sips obediently. "He knows Xiaoxin's background."    


Yin Youting fell silent and also finished the wine in his cup.    


"Fortunately, he promised me that he would not acknowledge Xiaoxin." Qin Muxuan clinked glasses with him and chuckled softly. "This is the best news I have heard today."    


Her laughter sounded like crying.    


Yin Youting took her wine away and changed her orange juice. "There is no one else here. If you don't want to laugh, don't laugh."    


Qin Muxuan still giggled, "I'm happy."    


"From now on, both of us will be happy. How can we not be happy?"    


Yin Youting looked straight at her, his heart beating faster. He knew it was despicable to be happy at this moment, but he could not help being happy.    


At this time, Jian Xi carried Qin Xiaoxin and walked over, "Qin Xuan, quickly, Xiaoxin will return it to you!"    


Jian Xi grabbed her and complained, "This little bean bun is annoying! Not only is he picky about food, but he also listens to bedtime stories and little stars when he sleeps. He made me want to be three years older!"    


"I am not annoying!" Qin Xiaoxin clarified for herself, "It is you who told me the story! You are still toneless! Singing like a duck, it makes me unable to sleep!"    


You are the one who is like a duck! "    


The two of them chattered and argued with each other, making Qin Muxuan's heart heat up. Her mouth raised into a light but warm smile.    


With her daughter and all her good friends by her side, it was already time to calm down.    


The banquet was halfway over. Xiao Heng, who was slightly tipsy, came to Qin Muxuan with a bottle of orange juice.    


"I'm sorry. I caused you to get hurt." As soon as he came over, he wanted to hold her hand, but she dodged it.    


"It's none of your business. I was careless."    


- - - The explanation from the horse farm was that the strong smell of paint on her body provoked the horse.    


Clearly, it was an excuse, but Qin Muxuan did not want to find the owner of the horse farm, Gu Zijin, to pursue the matter. She did not want to get involved with him again.    


Xiao Heng was stunned. He lowered his head and apologized again like a big dog that had done something wrong.    


After Feng Yi pulled him to stand up, he came over again and looked at her pitifully. It was as if he had been following her since she did not say she would forgive him.    


"He's drunk. I'll take him back to his room to rest." Feng Yi wrapped his arms around his waist and wrapped them around him.    


Xiao Heng seemed to have been awakened. He no longer foolishly apologized to Qin Muxuan. He approached him and pulled his ear to defend himself. "I am not drunk. I know you are Feng Yi."    


Feng Yi frowned. He opened his hand and wanted to take him away. Xiao Heng was lazy and did not leave.    


"Qin Xuan, I will protect you from now on!" He patted his chest and promised, but he could not even stand steadily. If it was not for Feng Yi holding him, he would have performed the wrestling style.    


"Alright." Qin Muxuan found it funny, "I will rely on you to protect me from now on, boss."    


The wedding was a success. It was very popular, but the person who benefited the most in the planning team was the boss of a wedding dress shop.    


The news of him modifying the wedding dress was widely spread, and he became the most popular shop in town. The wedding dress was swept clean, bought, ordered, and even queued up for him to plan the wedding.    


He found out that Qin Muxuan was leaving the group and gave her a traditional wedding dress.    


"Don't push it. You gave me your wedding dress and changed it. This is my compensation for you."    


Qin Muxuan looked at the big red wedding dress and her eyes flashed. She smiled and shook her head. "Don't. I don't need it."    


"Why can't I use it?" The boss looked at her with disapproval. "It's not like you can only wear it when you're married. You can wear it when you attend parties or awards ceremonies."    


He said it in a serious manner and it made Qin Muxuan laugh.    


When he said this, she did not decline and took the wedding dress, "Thank you. Come to A City when you have time, I will treat you to a big meal."    




The two chatted for a while. When Jian Xi came to find Qin Muxuan, the boss tactfully took his leave and returned to his restaurant.    


The man standing in front of the "pearl" wedding photograph asked, "Did she take it?"    




Qin Muxuan left the "There is an Inn" announcement because of her injury and the netizens started to stir up trouble again. They cried and begged her not to leave, saying that once she left, she would not be able to watch anymore and would not be lively anymore.    


Seeing this, Jian Xi clicked her tongue in wonder, "Are all the netizens in this world in Skelmore?"    


Qin Xiaoxin said, "If there is a melon, then it is mother."    


"Yo, when did Xiaoxin become connected to the Internet?" Qin Muxuan teased her.    


Qin Xiaoxin puffed out her chest. She said proudly, "big brother Xiaobai taught me!"    


When Qin Muxuan heard this, she blinked and asked probingly, "Then, if possible, are you willing to be a family with big brother Xiaobai?"    


"Really?!" Qin Xiaoxin's eyes were full of stars and her face was full of excitement. She wished she could be a family with him now, "When?"    


"When you grow up to be the same age as big brother Xiaobai." Qin Muxuan smiled and stroked her head. She looked out of the window and said in a leisurely tone.    


"That will take a long time." She counted with her fingers and finally knocked her chin on her knees. "I miss big brother Xiaobai."    


Qin Muxuan listened and smiled but did not answer.    


At least, she had gained something from this trip.    


On the other side, the director was not as happy as she was.    


Looking at the sudden increase in the viewership ratings, Director Du frowned and sighed, "When will Qin Xuan come back?"    


The scriptwriter rolled his eyes, "You're the one who chased her away. Once she left, you wanted her to come back. Why do you have such a big face?"    


"I don't want her to leave either, but my investment father told her to go back and recuperate." Thinking of the man's cold face and the way he was throwing money, the director sighed and was happy again. "It would be great if there were a few people like Qin Xuan who brought their own traffic and resources."    


Writer: Hur Hur!    


The scriptwriter held it in for a while. He could not help asking, "How much did Director Gu add?"    


"Ten million."    


Tsk, a lot of money! "    


Outside the door, Yan Xiaoyu, who wanted to recommend herself to take over the custom-made task, heard this and a fierce light appeared in her eyes. Her hands clenched into fists.    


She took a few deep breaths and barely managed to suppress her anger before knocking on the door, "Director Du, Counselor Wang, I'm coming in."    


After "There's an Inn" was broadcasted, Qin Muxuan became a strong fan. Even the "Young" drama that she was currently participating in also gained a lot of attention. She was so happy that the director gave her another week off so that she could make up for the progress after she was done.    


However, during the two weeks that she was on leave, the wind and clouds rose again.    


The reason was that when Xiao Heng was drunk, he was throwing himself into a drunken frenzy. The group of CP fans gathered around her. They forced themselves to dig out sweets. The two of them would either frame or interact with each other and sing "Star King" in the comments section.    


Among them, the most outstanding was that a big shot had cut this small video with the addition and subtraction of the video and edited it to the scene of a lover and a concubine being beaten up by Feng Yi in the end.    


[AWSL Announcement not to let Littleflower hold hands. It's so sweet here!]    


[Wuwuwu, why do you want to separate them?] Star CPs should be immortal forever!]    


[Ah, this damn sweet love, I believe in love again!]    


The fans of the company dominated the screen. Xiao Heng's poison was gone. He stepped on the board and suppressed Qin Muxuan. He even went to her Weibo to insult her.    


[Get lost!] You're not even on the 18th thread. Is it fun to blackmail Littleflower every day?]    


[How much money does this cost to hire the Internet Water Army? If you have the money, you might as well use it to study your acting skills! Qin Xuan really wanted to be famous.    


At first, the CPF could reasonably ignore them, but as they scolded more and more, they could not help but fight back. And so, a big black war started again.    


This kind of fight would happen from time to time during the broadcast of "An Inn.    


Qin Muxuan directly ignored it. There were people who insisted on seeking death. Not only did he attack her personally, he even killed the people around her. The more he acted, the more intense he became. Qin Xiaoxin, Jian Xi and the others' journey was seriously obstructed.    


After Qin Xiaoxin was once again bullied by the classmate of Du Wei's family, she cried and went home to complain, Qin Muxuan did not want to tolerate it anymore.    


She frowned and sent a WeChat message to Xiao Heng: Mind your fans.    


Xiao Heng quickly replied to her: Mind your fans don't move.    


"Then I'll take care of it for you?    


"I've been thinking about it for a long time. They are really good at using dirty tricks on me!    


After getting his approval, Qin Muxuan's lips curled into a cold smile.    


She picked up Qin Xiaoxin who was rolling around on the sofa. She went out and went straight to Jian Xi's office.    


Internet violence is very fun, right? I'll play big games with you guys.    


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