CEO's Endless Love

C344 I'm Willing

C344 I'm Willing

Qin Muxuan instantly turned her head and said incoherently, "You, why don't you wear pajamas!"    


Seeing Qin Muxuan's earlobes and neck that had already turned red, Gu Zijin instantly felt a little happy. He thought of Qin Muxuan the day before yesterday, Qin Muxuan who had no scruples about him.    


Gu Zijin felt his mouth go dry. He said casually, "I forgot to take my underwear."    


At this moment, Qin Muxuan's heart was in turmoil. Her mind was filled with images of Gu Zijin's eight abs and water dripping down from his hair to his abs. Why did this man still have such a good figure after so many years?    


Although the two of them had had a relationship two days ago, that was in a situation where their brains were not clear.    


Hearing Gu Zijin's words, Qin Muxuan instantly refuted. "You can ask me to help you take it. Why did you come out naked?"    


Gu Zijin could not help laughing when he heard that. "Are you sure you want to help me take it?"    


Qin Muxuan also felt that what she said was not right, but she could not take it back, so she decided to ignore him.    


Gu Zijin did not continue teasing her, turned around and went into the cloakroom.    


Qin Muxuan heard the sound of Gu Zijin taking off his clothes and putting on his clothes. Her mind was still fixed on the scene just now, and she almost applied hand cream on her face.    


After a while, Gu Zijin came out. Qin Muxuan carefully glanced at him. When she saw that he was wearing pajamas, she secretly heaved a sigh of relief.    


Gu Zijin took a towel and wiped his hair. Seeing Qin Muxuan in a daze, he thought she was tired, so he gently said, "If you are tired, go to sleep first."    


Qin Muxuan nodded and took the headband and went to bed. However, she was still holding the phone in her hands and did not plan to go to sleep immediately.    


Gu Zijin frowned but did not say anything. He just sat on the edge of the bed and continued to wipe his hair with his back to Qin Muxuan.    


Thinking about Gu Zijin defending her on the Internet, Qin Muxuan thought that she should thank him. So she said in a relaxed tone, "Gu Zijin, do you know that you have been trending again? I think you are really more popular than many celebrities."    


Gu Zijin did not stop what he was doing. He just hummed casually.    


Qin Muxuan saw Gu Zijin's cold look and felt a little relieved. Did she really think too much? Maybe he did not do it for her. He just did not want to see such filthy words appear in her comments.    


But if he let Lisa handle it, why would he reply to her in person?    


Qin Muxuan shook her head. She could not figure it out and could not be bothered to think about it. But it was still necessary to thank him. So she still said, "Gu Zijin, thank you."    


Gu Zijin finally stopped what he was doing. He turned his head and stared at Qin Muxuan's face. "What are you thanking me for?"    


Qin Muxuan blurted out, "Thank you for speaking for me online."    


"Then how are you going to thank me?" Gu Zijin asked matter-of-factly.    


Qin Muxuan was speechless. What was she supposed to say?    


Gu Zijin did not urge her. He seemed to be very patient as he looked at her. He had to wait for an answer.    


Qin Muxuan saw that Gu Zijin's hair was still half dry and had an idea. She instantly pulled the towel from Gu Zijin's hand and turned his shoulder. "I'll help you wipe your hair!"    


Gu Zijin did not object and let her do as she pleased.    


Qin Muxuan was a little happy in her heart. Fortunately, she reacted quickly. Anyway, it was just wiping his hair and she would not suffer any loss.    


The two of them did not speak for a while. Qin Muxuan seemed to be seriously wiping her hair while Gu Zijin lowered his head and was thinking about something. His face was calm and expressionless.    


But God knew how much Gu Zijin's heart was surging. The two of them were very close. Qin Muxuan's warm breath sprayed on his face and neck. What followed was the fragrance of her body. It should be the body milk with the smell of roses. It smelled very good and was very intoxicating.    


After a while, Qin Muxuan took the towel and said cheerfully. "It's done."    


Gu Zijin turned his head to look at Qin Muxuan. His voice was a little hoarse. "Are you sure? Why do I feel like I haven't done it yet?"    


Qin Muxuan did not feel the unusual atmosphere. She straightened her body and touched Gu Zijin's hair. She murmured. "I think it's almost dry."    


Qin Muxuan knelt on the bed and Gu Zijin sat on the edge of the bed. Gu Zijin's face was almost buried in Qin Muxuan's chest. He felt that if he could still endure it now, he would not be considered a man.    


In the next second, the position of the two of them changed dramatically. Qin Muxuan was pressed under Gu Zijin's body, and Gu Zijin's nose was buried in front of Qin Muxuan as if his heart was filled with desire. He took a deep breath.    


Feeling Gu Zijin's actions, Qin Muxuan's entire body instantly stiffened. Her hand followed the previous movements and placed on Gu Zijin's head. It was as if she had taken the initiative to push him into her arms.    


Sensing Qin Muxuan's stiffness, Gu Zijin came back to his senses. He secretly regretted that he shouldn't have acted so impulsively just now. It was not easy to coax someone to his side. He didn't want Qin Muxuan to have any more grudges against him.    


Gu Zijin was just about to stand up and apologize, but in the next second, Qin Muxuan noticed and pressed him down again.    


This time, Gu Zijin's nose was completely filled with the strong fragrance of Qin Muxuan's body, and the reaction under his body was even greater.    


Gu Zijin was still a little uncertain. "Muxuan," he said. His tone was full of affection. There was a trace of anticipation.    


For some reason, Qin Muxuan suddenly had the urge to cry, but the words she said were incomparably firm. "Gu Zijin, I am willing."    


Hearing this, Gu Zijin's rationality that had returned a little flew back to the clouds, leaving behind only the most primitive desire.    


Two hours later, Qin Muxuan was already so tired that she seemed to have lost all her bones. She laid on the bed softly.    


Qin Muxuan could not help but feel some regret. Why did she agree to Gu Zijin? Give me back what I'm willing to, what the heck are you willing to do! But she did not want to admit that Qin Muxuan really wanted it two hours ago. Sometimes she also wanted to follow her heart. That was why she said "I am willing.    


Before Qin Muxuan completely fell asleep, she seemed to hear Gu Zijin gently asking in his ear, "Muxuan, do you want to take a bath?"    


Qin Muxuan did not even have the strength to move and refused, "I'm so tired. I'll take a bath tomorrow morning."    


Gu Zijin did not force it. He only went into the bathroom to get a towel and soak it in hot water. Then he helped Qin Muxuan wipe her body slightly. Qin Muxuan did not react and let him do as he pleased.    


After a while, Qin Muxuan felt Gu Zijin lift the blanket and lie down again. Perhaps it was because he was unprepared in his sleep, Qin Muxuan quickly found a good angle and went into Gu Zijin's arms. She even moaned happily.    


Gu Zijin gently hugged Qin Muxuan back and a slightly hoarse voice sounded above her head. "Muxuan, can you stay here all the time?"    


He did not know whether Qin Muxuan understood or not. It was as if the voice above her head was hindering him from sleeping and he impatiently replied, "En.    


In the darkness, the smile on Gu Zijin's face gradually widened.    


It was fine. Even if he was talking in his sleep, it was fine. Anyway, she agreed.    


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