The Rise of Rich Family's Daughter

C152 Good Things Always Come to an End

C152 Good Things Always Come to an End

"Shu Li is not their biological daughter?" Li Xi asked tentatively.    


"Shu Li is my daughter because she was too young at that time. She also did not know who the father of the child was, so she was always under Big Brother's name." Shu Ya Wen almost collapsed and her face was full of tears. She did not think that there would really be retribution in this world. She was already very miserable, so why did she not let her child go?    


"If that is the case, you can help Shu Li investigate the matter. We only need to prove that you are Shu Li's biological mother. I will do this matter." Li Xi straightforwardly took a strand of Shu Ya Wen's hair.    


"Why are you helping us?" Shu Ya Wen did not quite understand.    


"Let the heavens recover." Li Xi sighed and stood up, "No one can escape the punishment that they deserve. You are like this, the dark hand behind you is also like this."    


Li Xi got up after she finished speaking. Now, as long as He Qiang found Shu Li's location, he could quickly verify her identity. Then, they would have the identity to question. She did not believe that this matter would be so simple.    


After walking out of the detention center, her mood became clear. The feeling in the iron door was still full of pressure. Freedom was really a very good thing.    


When her mood became good, Li Xi missed Pei Jun Ting. She scooped out her phone and directly called the man.    


"I finally remembered me." The man complained over the phone. The sexy acoustic line was obviously flirting with her.    


"I didn't think of you. I've been thinking about you." Li Xi did not plan to be reserved at all.    


"Is it really good for you to seduce me like this?" Pei Jun Ting was bitter.    


"Hubby, I really miss you." Li Xi said in a naughty tone.    


"Little demoness." Pei Jun Ting's voice became hoarse.    


Hehe -    


Li Xi laughed heartlessly when she heard the man's hoarse voice.    


Thump, thump, thump -    


There was a knock on the door in the room. Li Xi also restrained her playful heart, "Alright, you go ahead with your work. I still have to rush back to the production crew today. If there is any news, we will contact later."    


"Okay, take care of yourself." Pei Jun Ting instructed again and then hung up the phone with the woman.    


It was the butler who walked in. Pei Jian Guo and the lawyer were waiting in the study. Pei Jun Ting knew it was about the shares.    


In the past two days, Pei Jian Guo had basically helped Boss settle the police investigation. However, Little Black had given Pei Jun Ting another feedback. Now, he was basically certain that his brother was a thief who wanted to catch the thief. However, he was still not sure which song this father was singing.    


It seemed like something wasn't right with Second Brother's movements during the past two days. Pei Jun Ting was using the same method to deal with all kinds of changes. He was just observing everyone's behavior. - - -    


When Li Xi rushed back to A City, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. Lunch was used on the plane. When she left the airport, she saw Liu Zhu. She had made an appointment in advance. However, she did not expect Ye Lan Qin to be standing beside her. She immediately became excited.    


"Hi!" Li Xi stood in front of Ye Lan Qin as if she had seen a friend she had not seen for a long time. "I want a hug."    


Uh -    


That was too straightforward, wasn't it?    


Ye Lan Qin froze.    


"That..." Liu Zhu stood in front of Ye Lan Qin and blocked him. "He is my boyfriend now!"    


Quack! Quack! Quack!    


A row of crows flew over Li Xi's head. When did these two become a pair?    


"The two of you are together?" Li Xi still felt a little surprised.    


"This matter has not been discussed in the end." Ye Lan Qin also felt that it was a little too soon.    


"You took away my first kiss. You must take responsibility until the end." Liu Zhu spoke with a tone that was completely without discussion.    


Embarrassed -    


Li Xi glanced at her brother with sweat dripping down her face. This time, she had met with a tough opponent.    


However, this Liu Zhu looked pretty good. She was experienced and upright, simple and principled. She was also suitable for her age. It would be good if she could lower her brother.    


"You better not regret it." Ye Lan Qin fiddled with his hair in frustration.    


"I never regret doing things." Liu Zhu proudly raised her chin.    


"Can we find a place to sit first?" Li Xi looked at the two of them with sweat dripping down her forehead. It seemed like they still had to work hard.    


"Okay." Liu Zhu was still straightforward, so Ye Lan Qin could only follow. -    


In the coffee shop, Li Xi roughly told him what she knew about the situation and Liu Zhu did not hide what she knew. The key now was how to get Zhuang Xiao Mei's fingerprints.    


"This matter should be simple. I can ask her out to drink coffee. There will always be her fingerprints on the cup. This way, you should be able to get her fingerprints through special techniques." Li Xi still had a lot of trust in the police uncle's professional skills.    


"The coffee cup definitely won't work, because the fingerprints on the cup handle are not complete." Liu Zhu was still more professional.    


"Before we serve the coffee, we can ask the waiter to serve the water first. That should not be a problem." Ye Lan Qin also thought about it.    


"This is okay." Liu Zhu nodded approvingly. "I will also investigate Shu Li's situation. If there is any news, we will check it out. This matter cannot be delayed for too long."    


"Okay." Li Xi took out a sealed bag from her bag, "This is Shu Ya Wen's hair. If there is any news, it is convenient to compare it." Li Xi already had a kind of trust in Liu Zhu.    


"Leave it to me." Liu Zhu also took the responsibility to put away the bag. She planned to take responsibility for this matter till the end.    


"Okay. Next, let's talk about your matter." Li Xi changed the topic like that. "I am very good friends with Lan Qin's sister. Before she died, she also called me to ask my brother to help me. So I still need to care about you guys. "    


"Ye Lan Ge called you before she died?" Liu Zhu immediately caught on to this bright point.    


"Is there a problem?" Li Xi did not quite understand the woman's reaction.    


"Did she say anything to you?" Liu Zhu was a professional habit.    


Li Xi suddenly felt a little emotional. She leaned back in the chair and was silent for a while before she looked up at the man and woman in front of her. "I always thought Lan Qin would ask me this question first, but I did not expect him to not ask."    


"I will go to the bathroom first." Ye Lan Qin got up with complex emotions. He still could not find the emotions that he could face when his parents and sister suddenly passed away.    


"I heard the servants talking about me last time. I always felt that there was something suspicious about it. It might be a occupational disease, so I wanted to ask when I heard you say it today." Liu Zhu did not care too much about the man's reaction and just gave a simple explanation to Li Xi.    


" I can only say that it was not an accident, but I do not have any evidence yet. It is not that easy to find out the truth about this matter but I will not give up." Li Xi expressed her attitude very clearly. "But I don't want Lan Qin to be involved in this matter. He is Ye Family's only bloodline. I want to protect Lan Ge well. "    


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