The Rise of Rich Family's Daughter

C418 Little Princess

C418 Little Princess

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning. Relax, or I'll get nervous." Li Xi took a deep breath to adjust her feelings.    


"Alright, let's meet up in the hospital." Pei Jun Ting started the car as he spoke. He often heard that there were children in the car, on the plane, and on the train. He did not want his first baby to be so awkward.    


Life was like this. There were often times when plans could not catch up to changes. Li Xi and Pei Jun Ting had imagined many times about giving birth, but they had never thought that it would be like today. Some high-end private hospital, some special care one on one, and some exclusive birth consultants. At this moment, they really did not need to use them.    


But fortunately, everything was safe and sound, and it was not as dangerous and cruel as she had imagined. After experiencing Jesse's threat, Li Xi felt that she had become much braver all of a sudden.    


Being brave did not mean that she would not feel pain. Li Xi held her husband's hand tightly. The broken hair in front of her forehead was all wet, but she still needed to wait. That kind of suffering was not something that people who had never experienced before could easily imagine.    


"If you can't help it, just call it out. This can relieve some pain." Pei Jun Ting was really anxious at the side.    


"Hubby, you forgot what the doctor told you not to shout. Otherwise, it will consume your energy." Li Xi smiled at her husband, not wanting to scare him.    


"If you can't take it, we can have a C-section. At most, we can stay in the hospital for a few more days." Pei Jun Ting suddenly realized that he was in a mess.    


"A C-section is not good for the child. I still want to give the child a try." Li Xi held Pei Jun Ting's hand tightly and started contracting again.    


"Then what can I do?" Pei Jun Ting was very nervous. The veins on the back of his hand were popping out.    


"Tell me something that can attract my attention. It might be able to distract me." Li Xi sat on the west side of her back with her mouth wide open. That kind of swelling pain still made her cry out twice.    


"Do you know who is currently managing the island base?" Pei Jun Ting did indeed have a topic that could attract Li Xi's attention.    


"Who?" Li Xi frowned and was indeed attracted.    


"Before father-in-law passed away, he asked dad to arrange a person. According to dad, this person should be called Li Mai. He didn't want to make us feel uncomfortable, so he didn't tell us."    


"Li Mai?" Li Xi's mind spun. "Could it be?"    


"Yes, sir." Pei Jun Ting knew what the woman was asking. "He is Li Feng. I have already asked someone to do a DNA comparison."    


Hu -    


Li Xi exhaled deeply. She really did not expect that her father's attitude would not change in the end.    


"The people we hid on the island were sold to Zhan Mu Si by him. He was also the one who caused Li Li Ya's death. I think he must have a bigger scheme." Pei Jun Ting realized that this topic could attract the attention of women, so he did not plan to stop.    


"How do you know all this?" Li Xi's curiosity was not the least bit.    


Pei Jun Ting said, "Hei Xiao has been hiding by Li Mai's side. He still needs to be trusted."    


"Isn't that very dangerous?" Li Xi could not stay calm anymore.    


"No one knows that he is Hei Xiao. He has already changed his appearance." Pei Jun Ting still trusted Hei Xiao.    


"That's good." Li Xi nodded and relaxed a little.    


"Then why did something happen to you in Binhai City?" Just thinking about it made her feel that her husband was magical.    


"Don't you think you are too abnormal?" Pei Jun Ting gently touched the woman's forehead and wiped the sweat off her forehead. He then moved his hand to the top of her hair. "We have been together for so long. What habits? What style of doing things? There are still some concepts. When you receive an advertisement call, you always hang up immediately. You never give others time to talk. You chatted with the other party quite a bit that day. "    


Hehe - -    


Li Xi laughed twice. It turned out that her husband had such strong observational skills.    


"You can rest assured. Dad and He Qiang are fine. The temperature on the child's side has also been controlled. Now, we are just waiting for you to recover." Pei Jun Ting gently kissed Li Xi's forehead. He really hoped that all the pain could be carried by him.    


"Do you feel well?" The doctor walked into the waiting room. "I will be nervous about the uterus. Don't be nervous."    


"Okay." Li Xi nodded and raised her leg.    


"Not bad. You can enter the delivery room in another hour. Good luck!" The doctor took off his disposable gloves and threw them in the trash can. "You are Mr. Pei Jun Ting, right? Grandma has a criminal police officer looking for you."    


"Go and see how the situation is over there." Li Xi let go of the man's hand. "There are doctors and nurses here. Just stay with me when we are giving birth."    


"Nothing is more important than you. Let them wait. Everything will have to wait until our Zong Yi comes out." Pei Jun Ting still had his own principles.    


About half an hour later, Pei Jun Ting waited for Li Xi to enter the delivery room. At that moment, he finally understood what it meant to have a slim chance of survival. Every time he used his strength, there would be a miserable scream. The veins on Li Xi's collarbone were clearly visible. Sweat flowed down her cheeks, neck, and arms. Drops of sweat rolled down, and tears appeared in her eyes. Pei Jun Ting held his wife's hand tightly and kissed her. His heart really hurt.    


Croak, croak, croak.    


He didn't know how long he had been fighting and how much strength the catastrophe had given him. A loud and clear cry finally brought joy to the delivery room. Li Xi immediately had tears streaming down her face. It was not easy for a child to come to this world!    


"It is a beautiful princess. Come and kiss mother." The doctor carried the child to Li Xi's eyes and looked at her.    


"Thank you." Li Xi could not control her emotions. Pei Jun Ting held the woman tightly in his arms. They did not say anything, but they knew that their hearts were moved and excited at this moment.    


"Seven pounds, nine pounds, 52 centimeters." The doctor had finished cleaning and measuring the child. The little fellow was carried into his father's arms just like that. All of them felt different.    


They finally had their little life - little princess Pei Zongyi, welcome to your parents' side. Father and mother will love you, love you, and print you. We will become your foundation. You will be the new generation who will step on your parents' shoulders to climb to the top, and you will have a wider career. A brand new way of thinking, and a beautiful future!    


Li Xi and Pei Jun Ting's hearts were filled with blessings and expectations. A new life was a new hope. Many feelings would unknowingly surge out.    


Pei Jun Ting hugged his daughter and couldn't help but kiss her forehead. The pink baby was really too cute. How was he going to raise such a small baby? It was really too cute. Was this his lover from his previous life? Then he had to protect her well in this life. No one could easily cheat her treasure away. He would not give anyone a chance.    


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