The Rise of Rich Family's Daughter

C316 The Haze will Disappear Right

C316 The Haze will Disappear Right

"You don't have to be too pessimistic. You can apply for extradition in this situation. Cooperate well with the lawyer and the doctor. Maybe the situation is not as bad as you think. But I think you should really think about your life. If everything really enters the countdown... Do you still want to continue this meaningless struggle? " Li Meng reached out and closed the drawer, "Lin Mi Mi is the best example. Do you also have to walk till you can't turn back?"    


"I am not willing. I am really not willing!" Pei Jun Hao clenched his fist. "I originally had a very happy family. I had the love of my parents. Everyone looked up to her, but all of this was destroyed because of that woman's interference. I want to live in the same room as the bastard left by that woman to share everything. Do you think I can accept this? "    


"Just like me, I think that all the imperfections in my life are because of Li Xi and her mother. But we have never doubted our father. Could it be that Pei Jun Ting and Li Xi are not innocent? The pain they bear should be much greater than ours. " Li Meng sighed lightly, "Unfortunately, I did not wake up much earlier than you, Junhao. We are husband and wife, no matter what the reason is. At this moment, I hope that you can work hard to stand under the sun for your child. "    


"I'm sorry." For the first time, Pei Jun Hao felt a sense of remorse.    


"Then cooperate well with the doctor. I will come to see you next time." Li Meng covered Pei Jun Hao with the blanket and got up. "Next time, I will bring a photo and video of my son. Rest well."    


"Wife." Pei Jun Hao called Li Meng with mixed feelings, "Thank you. It was I who let you and my son down."    


"Then from now on, be a good example for your son. Let him know that the truly powerful person can pull himself out of the wrong quagmire." Li Meng looked back at the man and walked out of the ward with light steps. The criminal police had been standing by the side expressionlessly.    


When Li Meng came out of the ward, she gave Li Xi a call. Knowing that she had already returned to the hotel, she felt at ease. Looking at her watch, she still went to the detention center first. She still owed Lin Mi Mi an attitude.    


"What, when you can recover, you can't wait to see me make a fool of myself?" Lin Mi Mi did not have a good attitude towards Li Meng and could only blame the heavens for not having eyes.    


"Sorry." This was the first sentence Li Meng said to Lin Mi Mi and then she got up and bowed deeply to Lin Mi Mi.    


"What do you mean?" Lin Mi Mi was stunned. An enemy like this made her unable to resist.    


"It was me who ruined your marriage life. I'm sorry." Li Meng bowed again as she spoke. This tragedy belonged to everyone, but she had indeed made the wrong start.    


"Li Meng, what kind of drama are you playing in front of me again?" Lin Mi Mi sneered and looked at the sky, "Do you think I will forgive you with tears and tears just because of you? No, I will curse you for the rest of your life. Even if I die, I will not let that bastard of yours go. He will never be able to get happiness in his life. "    


"I just want to apologize to you. If you're wrong, you're wrong. No matter how many reasons I find, I can't hide my mistake. My life will continue. So I have to take it out and be honest. I don't ask for forgiveness, nor do I want any blessings. As a mother, I won't be afraid of other people's curses. I will only teach my son how to live under the sun by himself."    


Li Meng did not have any intention of sitting down. She just did not want to owe Lin Mi Mi an apology. "Children are innocent. No matter how they came, the hope of life cannot be resisted. Take care."    


After Li Meng finished speaking, she turned around. The ending between her and Lin Mi Mi could be drawn.    


"Li Meng!" Lin Mi Mi suddenly called out to the woman.    


"Huh?" Li Meng turned around, not sure if Lin Mi Mi had anything else to do.    


"Help me find my daughter. There is a small pink birthmark under her neck." Lin Mi Mi felt that she must have gone crazy. She suddenly had a strong concern.    


"I have heard from the police before that there seems to be no clues." Li Meng was in a bit of a dilemma. She was not sure if she could really find it.    


"I may not have much time left. If you can meet her one day in the future... Please help me take care of her." Lin Mi Mi did not understand why her heart ached, but there was indeed a wetness at the corner of her eyes. She had been unable to do anything to Li because that little guy was too similar to her daughter. The palm-sized little guy was still alive. At that time, she felt that it was very inconceivable.    


"I promise you." Li Meng made a serious promise.    


"Then I should not have any regrets." Lin Mi Mi wiped the corners of her eyes and got up. The two women turned around and walked in different directions. Their lives would never coincide again.    


After coming out of the detention center, Li Meng stood under the sun for a long time before getting into the car. The free air, the gentle spring breeze, the red sun that was shining through the gaps of her fingers, what was more precious than these? Why should she complain and not find out why she would go to such lengths instead of taking a step back? He had been too stupid in the past!    


Because she had agreed to have hot pot with Li Xi at noon, Li Meng went straight to the old hotpot restaurant and really looked forward to having a good meal.    


When Li Xi returned to the hotel, she directly slept until noon. If not for Li Meng's call, she would have slept all the way until the afternoon. After tidying herself up, Li Xi put on her hat and walked out of the hotel. The strand of hair on the back of her head had not fully grown yet.    


"I might not be able to accompany you for lunch today." Just as he got into the car, he received a call from Pei Jun Ting. "Big Brother's lawyer asked me out. I'm afraid we have to go to the hospital together."    


"It's okay. I have already decided to go with Li Meng to eat hotpot." Li Xi looked heartless.    


"It is better not to eat hotpot. It is too stimulating to the stomach." Pei Jun Ting became serious all of a sudden.    


"I asked that sister. She said it's good as long as she likes it. Nothing is necessary. It won't be a problem even if it happens once." Li Xi brought out her authority.    


"Really?" Pei Jun Ting looked suspicious.    


"Pei Jun Ting, you seriously doubt my personality. Do I have to be an expert just for a meal?" Li Xi became tsundere.    


"Send me the address. I will come and pick you up later." Pei Jun Ting was terrified. The most important thing was for his wife to be happy.    


"Got it." Li Xi curled up the corners of her mouth proudly. She felt that after the night last night, the man seemed to be even more real.    


"Pay attention to your own safety." Pei Jun Ting was still a little nervous about the woman.    


"Don't worry, I have a driver by my side." Li Xi felt warm in her heart. She felt relieved when she heard the man's voice. The haze would disappear eventually.    


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