The Rise of Rich Family's Daughter

C308 Don't Even Think about It

C308 Don't Even Think about It

Shareholder's Congress went very well. Pei Jun Ting became the new chairman of the Pei Corporation. He Qiang also took on the role of CEO in the Pei Group. Once the announcement was made, the share price of the Pei Group began to rise. It seemed like everything was heading towards a good direction.    


"What are you doing?" Pei Jun Ting got up in the morning and saw the little girl busy in the kitchen. He was really curious. Shouldn't she be sleeping in during the weekend?    


"We are about to leave. We have to go and see father-in-law and mother-in-law." Li Xi carefully wrapped the prepared desserts in her pocket. "Today is the weekend. Do you have time?"    


"Actually, I seldom go to see them." Pei Jun Ting's face darkened slightly. He did not expect that a woman would have such an arrangement. He felt warm in his heart, but he seemed to have recalled many things in the past.    


"It's fine if you did not have a wife in the past, but now you have a family. If you don't trust them, they will poke my spine. Don't you know that it's hard to solve the problem of being a daughter-in-law since ancient times? " Li Xi gently wrapped her arms around the man's neck, "Besides, we now have our own baby. Of course we have to tell them. We are the role model of the baby. You don't want to be alienated by the child in the future, right? "    


"If Mom is still alive, she will definitely like you." Pei Jun Ting gently wrapped his arms around the woman's waist. Listening to her speak like this, it was as if all the emotions in the past had settled down into familial love.    


"Let's eat breakfast first. I've already prepared everything." Li Xi tiptoed and lightly kissed the man's lips. She liked these kind of sweet days when the two of them were together.    


"When did you get up?" Pei Jun Ting frowned and looked at the porridge that was prepared by the side. He did not know why the little woman, who usually did not sleep, suddenly became diligent.    


"It is not very early. It was all done by that sister. She went out to buy things, so I played the role of a housewife." Li Xi made a face at the man, but Pei Jun Ting still held the woman's lips and rubbed them for a while. Being a father was really ascetic. He did not know when Xiao Dou Ya would be able to survive the first three months.    


"Do you need my help?" Li Xi glanced at Pei Zi Yun.    


"I'm going to wash up." Pei Zi Yun was a little embarrassed.    


"Okay." Li Xi smiled nervously as she watched the man return to the bedroom in a weird shape. Fortunately, the sister was not there. Otherwise, it would really be embarrassing.    


Buzz, buzz, buzz -    


As soon as breakfast ended, Pei Jun Ting's phone rang. It seemed to be Lan Yu's assistant's phone. After Hei Xiao left, he left Lan Yu behind. Now, he had become Pei Jun Ting's right-hand man.    


"Hello." Pei Jun Ting wiped the corner of his mouth and picked up the phone.    


... ""    


Li Xi did not care about the phone. She saw the sister tidy up the dining table. She put all the prepared snacks into the basket. She had actually helped the father-in-law and mother-in-law choose the cemetery these two days. It was better to bury them in the cemetery. This kind of environment was better.    


"What is it?" Li Xi carried the basket back and felt that the man's expression was much more serious.    


"Pei Jun Hao wants to see me." Pei Jun Ting stretched out his hand and pulled the woman to his side. "He has already started to go on a hunger strike. The police said that the only requirement for his cooperation is to see me."    


"He doesn't have such deep feelings for you, right?" Li Xi frowned.    


"That's why I'm curious why he's so persistent." Pei Jun Ting looked at the basket in Li Xi's hand. "Let's go. Let's go to the temple first."    


"Does he know that he is at the end of his life, so he wants to see his family?" Li Xi was still on the previous channel.    


"It is not impossible. I heard that he saw Second Brother yesterday, but I don't know what exactly he talked about. Anyway, Second Brother was quite upset when he left." Pei Jun Ting picked up their coats from the clothes rack.    


"Junting, does he know he has been infected?" Li Xi suddenly had this thought in her heart.    


"Stop." Pei Jun Ting gently scratched Li Xi's nose. "I did not plan to see him, so this question is not worth discussing."    


"Alright." Li Xi nodded obediently, then stretched out her arm to let Pei Jun Ting help her put on her clothes.    


The weather in the three months of spring was really suitable for stepping on greenery. The quiet and serene atmosphere in the monastery made the chirping sound especially clear. It really felt like stepping into a paradise.    


He remembered that when he came here last year, he told her about his family for the first time. It was the first time he made her feel heartache. For the first time, she felt that perhaps they were not two unfamiliar worlds. Today, when he came here again, they had already become the only ones in each other's world. Li Xi hoped that she could do more for her lover.    


"You want to sign them to the cemetery?" Pei Jun Ting did not think that a woman would have such an arrangement. To be honest, his parents had always been a topic and thought that he did not like. In fact, he should have considered a piece of soil that belonged to them a long time ago. He did not know why he did not want to do that. He did not know if there was still a devil in his heart that punished him.    


"The space here is too small. There isn't even a place to place some offerings. In the future, when the child grows up, we will always bring him to visit our grandparents. This place is full of legacy photos. The child will be afraid. " Li Xi did not try to reason with him. She just acted like a little girl and acted like a spoiled child.    


"Then let's choose another cemetery another day." Pei Jun Ting looked around and found it uncomfortable.    


"I have already chosen one." Li Xi smiled and held the man's arm.    


"You have chosen?" Pei Jun Ting could not help frowning. He felt like he had been tricked.    


"You have been busy with Shareholder's Congress's business these few days. Liu Man and I will go to the cemetery in the suburbs when we have time. It was good for the baby to have more outdoor activities in the spring. Then they saw a better place. And then..." Li Xi winked at the man with a cunning face. " You know, sometimes women have a little impulse to swipe their cards. So I helped them choose a place. You don't have any opinions, do you? "    


Ah - -    


Pei Jun Ting still couldn't help but laugh. This woman's act of pretending to be stupid was becoming more and more professional. She was not going to go out and film anymore. She had done a lot of drills at home. It was obvious that she was paying attention to the right thing, and it seemed like she was doing something unintentional.    


When had she ever been so impulsive in spending money?    


It seemed that his family had always been impulsive and willful!    


"You laughed?" Li Xi's face was full of lackeys. "Then I won't be angry. You're not allowed to settle scores after the autumn festival!"    


"Xi-er." Pei Jun Ting gently held the little woman's hand. "Thank you!"    


"Why are we thanking each other? Aren't you afraid that Mom and Dad will laugh at you?" Li Xi smiled and curled her lips. "If you have no objections, we will go and settle the paperwork first. Come back and help Mom and Dad move when we are sober. "    


"You can arrange these things." Pei Jun Ting kissed the woman's forehead gently. He wanted his parents to know that he had really found happiness.    


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