The Rise of Rich Family's Daughter

C221 Who Are You Doubting?

C221 Who Are You Doubting?



Pei Jun Ting snorted coldly. "Just hand her over to the doctor. She can act however she wants. I'm not interested in being an audience."    


"Yes." The secretary did not want to be a light bulb. She responded and prepared to leave.    


"Wait a minute." Li Xi called the secretary, "Can you please call Jin Yu's attending physician over? Thank you."    


"Yes." The secretary looked at the big boss and saw that he did not have any intention to oppose, so he nodded and walked out.    


"How did you find me?" Li Xi's mind gradually became clear before she began to think.    


"It's a secret." Pei Jun Ting gave the woman a mysterious smile. He did not want to tell the woman that he had a tracker in his new phone. She would not be able to escape his sight in this lifetime.    


Cheh -    


Li Xi proudly rolled her eyes at the man and did not take it to heart.    


Zhou Zhuo Yun brought the young lady to CEO's office today. When he knew everything, Pei Jun Ting really wanted to strangle Jin Yu. He wanted to pull her up to the roof and stand where Jin Feng jumped. He really wanted to know how dark this girl's heart was.    


Along the way, the car drove very fast, but he did not expect it to be empty. Mother Wu said they were at the dessert shop together, but he did not see them when he went over.    


After a round of tossing and turning, his emotions had actually calmed down a lot, but he still felt a little uneasy. He then started to search the location of the women on the phone, and then locked onto their location.    


Bai Song Han called him and also told him about the call he made to Li Xi. He also knew that Li Xi was worried that he would hurt Jin Yu, but he did not think that Jin Yu would be so crazy. When he saw Jin Yu riding on Li Xi's body and ruthlessly pinching the woman's neck, he was really angry. Jin Yu was completely lifted up and thrown out by Pei Jun Ting. His head smashed on Jin Feng's tombstone. He did not know if this was the lesson his father wanted to teach him.    


Pei Jun Ting carried Li Xi and ran towards his car. He did not have the intention to care about Jin Yu. If Bai Song Han did not arrive later, Jin Yu would probably still be in the graveyard chatting with her father.    


The doctor was not very confident about Jin Yu's current condition. All her vital signs had returned to normal. He felt that the amnesia might be temporary. Now he could only observe her.    


"Doctor, do you think there is such a possibility because of extreme emotional fluctuations? Or was it a brain collision that caused the patient to subconsciously forget? "Li Xi was not very sure either. She just felt that she had seen a similar situation in a movie before.    


"What do you mean by subconsciously forgetting?" Pei Jun Ting had never heard of such a saying.    


"Jin Yu is not a bad person. She is a simple and pure person. She did not like this kind of herself, but she could not control her madness. When she is on the verge of collapse, she chose to destroy everything including herself. In her subconscious mind, she hoped that this kind of herself had already been destroyed. That's why many of the saved files in her mind have been emptied at that moment." Li Xi explained according to her own understanding. Actually, she was not very sure either.    


"The situation you mentioned does have similar clinical examples, but this has already exceeded the scope of our research. I suggest that you can consult an expert in psychology." The old doctor gave his own suggestions.    


"Thank you." Li Xi asked her secretary to send the doctor out.    


"This is also good. It can also be considered a form of relief." Pei Jun Ting held the woman's hand again in his palm. The wrinkles between his brows relaxed a lot.    


"Don't let Mother Wu come over. Let Mother Wu accompany Jin Yu around. Since you have forgotten everything, then go and have a new memory." Li Xi also let out a breath of relief, "Maybe Jin Tun really cares about his daughter. I think we can arrange for her to go abroad to study. But the phone and contact details must be changed. I don't want her to be used again. "    


"Why do you say so?" Pei Jun Ting heard the problem.    


"Jin Yu has always been in school. Jin Tun's discipline of her is still considered orthodox. She has never had a boyfriend before, so how could she have any responsible thoughts and considerations? After all, she has never trained in society. It is easy for her to look at things from a one-sided perspective when thinking of problems. If someone hits her in the soft spot, she'll naturally be dragged into the water." Li Xi gave a simple explanation of her opinion.    


" Who are you suspecting? "Pei Jun Ting knew that Li Xi definitely had some sort of identity.    


"It's nothing. I think it's better to be careful. This chance to be reborn is the love of God. We should help her cherish it. I know you've always treated her as your younger sister. " Li Xi did not try to stir up trouble. She did not want to randomly speak about things that she did not have confidence and evidence.    


"Xi'er, I've wronged you this time." Pei Jun Ting gently pressed his hand against Li Xi's head.    


"I know that you are the one who is under the greatest pressure. Sorry, I am still willful sometimes." Li Xi thought about what happened today and felt a little scared. Luckily, he was there.    


"Xixi, are you alright?" Chai Shi Yu rushed in with thick clothes. When she saw this scene, her face turned red. "I didn't see anything. You guys continue, continue..."    


"Alright, come in." Li Xi's face also turned slightly red. Pei Jun Ting calmly returned to his cool.    


"I was really scared to death by you!" Chai Shi Yu did not hesitate anymore and walked to the bedside in a few steps. "I scolded Bai Song Han on the phone. What can a man not do? And I have to push the responsibility to you."    


"Don't accuse alopecia unjustly. It was me who didn't handle it well." Li Xi held Shiyu's hand." Didn't uncle and aunt come today? Why did you come over? "    


"You have such a big problem. If I didn't come to see you, would I not be worried?" Chai Shi Yu sat down next to Li Xi. "I have already settled down my parents. That apartment is quite suitable for them. It is an old neighborhood. There are more people of the same age. They like it very much."    


"Junting, uncle and auntie are here. Let's treat them to a meal." Li Xi was a little envious of this kind of poetry. Children who had parents who loved them would always be happy.    


"No need. If you are okay, you will go back with me in a while. My parents' culinary skills are much better than mine. You know this. They've arranged all the recipes along the way. You just have to eat with your mouth and stomach. " Chai Shi Yu did not dare to trouble Pei Shao to go to visit her parents. With such a serious face, her parents would definitely not be able to take it.    


"Haiying Continent is only upstairs and downstairs. We can have a gathering at any time." Pei Jun Ting still slightly raised the corner of his lips. When there was a woman around, the cold feeling always felt like internal injuries.    


"Let's go and see Jin Yu together. Since she is awake, we have to go and take a look." Li Xi put the matter of eating and dining aside.    


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