The Rise of Rich Family's Daughter

C228 Launcher

C228 Launcher

"After the New Year, there have been a lot of things to do, Wang Yao said. Now that we have such a big case, even the New Year might not be able to lead a good life. " Liu Zhu placed her hand on Li Xi's shoulder, "The things that happened before the New Year will not be few. You don't have to worry about us anymore. I will bring Lan Qin home during the New Year. My parents love him. "    


"How is he getting used to it in the Ye Family?" Li Xi felt more at ease when she heard Liu Zhu say this.    


"Actually there are still a lot of things that Big Brother Pei is still in charge of. I really don't think that he is the kind of person who can strategize and win thousands of miles. You should also be mentally prepared. What he is most afraid of is disappointing you." Liu Zhu was rather straightforward.    


"Got it." Li Xi smiled faintly. Now that Pei Jun Ting was helping to control the situation, she was really not very worried.    


"You, on the other hand, are a good girl. You are tied to these criminal cases every day. Don't you feel uncomfortable?"    


"This is what my dad does. My mom is a forensic doctor. I've been able to hear them talk about investigating cases since I was a kid. I'm used to it. " Liu Zhu knew that Li Xi was also concerned about her. "The reason why I can persist is because I like it. If one day I don't like it anymore... I will definitely not force myself. "    


"Pay attention to protecting yourself and don't let us worry." Li Xi patted Liu Zhu's shoulder and there was still a kind of worry in her heart.    


The following dinner was relatively quiet. Li Meng's condition was not very good so she went back to her room first. Deng Rong was worried about her daughter's condition so she left with them. Li Xi and Pei Jun Ting sat with Li Hua for a while, but they still got up to say goodbye. Actually, they did not have too many heart-moving feelings. It seemed like there was no meaning in pretending.    


"I really did not expect Shu Li to end up like this in the end." Li Xi only let out such a sigh when she sat in the man's car.    


"It's hard for her to live like that. Maybe dying like this is a relief." Pei Jun Ting held Li Xi in his arms and comforted her.    


"But I still don't understand. Shu Li is already like that. Why must she die? She is really too abnormal! " Li Xi did not think it through.    


"You know Shu Li's personality too. Maybe she offended someone else." Pei Jun Ting did not really trust this matter. If he did not hear the news today, they would not have thought of Shu Li.    




Li Xi sighed and leaned into Pei Jun Ting's arms. Life was a kind of existence that could not be evaluated clearly. - -    


Ye Residence, Lu Yan now had a lot of time to accompany his son every day. The father and son relationship was much more harmonious than before. After dinner, the two of them would usually take a walk in the courtyard, but Lu Yan did not seem to have that intention today.    


He did not expect Shu Li to be blocked in the sanatorium, although he basically did not care about women after they were sent to the sanatorium. It only served as a payment, but he did not expect that something like this would happen to her. He felt inexplicably nervous.    


"Sir, a few days ago, Wang Ma said that she would go back to take care of her daughter-in-law. Today, one of them came to apply for an interview. Do you want to interview her?" The butler walked over with a plate of fruits in his hand.    


"What's so good about an interview with a washing worker? If you think it's useful, just leave it." Lu Yan waved his hand. He was too lazy to deal with these trivial matters.    


"Yes." The corners of the butler's lips curled up slightly.    


"Take filial piety out for a walk. I'm a little tired today." Lu Yan looked at his son who was bouncing up and down and felt a little upset, so he told the butler directly.    


"Yes." The butler replied and held Lu Zhuang Xiao's hand.    


Lu Zhuang Xiao did not feel awkward. He jumped and followed the housekeeper out. Auntie had taken leave of work these days. He was with the housekeeper most of the time.    


"What game are we playing today?" Lu Zhuang Xiao walked into the yard and shook off the housekeeper's hand. He jumped and jumped onto the flower bed.    


"Let's play Hidden Kitty in the backyard." The housekeeper said as he walked towards the backyard.    


"I'll go hide, you find it." As Lu Zhuang Xiao spoke, he ran towards the backyard. The boy seemed to have endless energy every day.    




The butler followed behind him with a smile. At a moderate pace, there would be some small games like this every day, just to coax the child to play.    


Ah - -    


Suddenly thinking of the child's scream in the courtyard, the housekeeper's heart tightened and he quickly ran over. Only then did he realize that filial piety had fallen to the ground together with Mei Xiao in his arms. It should be because the child ran too fast and did not pay attention to the person. Then, he knocked down the new washing worker.    


"Filial piety, are you alright?" The butler quickly helped Lu Zhuang Xiao up and checked him confidently.    


"Who are you?" Lu Zhuang Xiao's gaze had always been on the woman. He did not know why she was wearing a mask. He could not see her face at all.    




Mei Xiao was sitting on the ground and making gestures. He couldn't make any normal sound.    


"Little Young Master, this is our family's new laundromat. His name is Mei Xiao. He's a mute." The butler opened his mouth from the side, "I also pity her. The injury on her face is too scary, that's why she wears a mask."    


"Oh." Lu Zhuang Xiao responded softly, then looked at the woman and ran away.    


"Xiaomei, Sir agreed to let you stay. Do a good job. That's all I can do for you." The butler did not go to help the woman. After saying that, he followed behind Lu Zhuang Xiao. If this woman hadn't promised to give up her salary for the first three months, he wouldn't have wanted to stay. The salary for three months was also quite a few thousand. Who would refuse if they could make a fortune?    


The woman's eyes were red as she propped herself up. It seemed that her son had never thought of her as a mother. The man should be feeling sad for that slut right now. It's alright. His heart needed a little bit of pain before he could feel the pain. This big house was enough to bury everything.    


Zhuang Xiao Mei got two ID cards after returning to the country. One was called Lu Shi. The other was called Mei Xiao. The staff only left a photocopy of her identity. They would not check the real identity at all. It was a pity that Fang Zi Han had already left the Ye Group. She was lucky but it seemed that Li Xi did not have such luck.    


She did not plan to let anyone go!    


Looking at the familiar villa, Zhuang Xiao Mei put away her emotions and returned to her garden. The door to hell had already been opened. The ghost would rule all living things! - - -    


The atmosphere in the Criminal Police Brigade was a little dull. Now, it was basically certain that the cleaner Li Meng mentioned was the most suspicious, but this person had suddenly disappeared, and the photocopy of the ID card that was left behind was also fake.    


The most troublesome thing was that everyone only remembered that there was a terrifying scar on the cleaner's face. They had no recollection of anything else, not even a portrait. It was as if all the investigations had fallen into a deadlock.    


What kind of motive did the murderer have? What was the relationship between the two victims? Everyone had been analyzing it, but there were no obvious clues.    


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