Evil CEO's Favorites

C103 Chapter 103

C103 Chapter 103

Mei Xinyi's chest heaved violently as she panted. He had already noticed it, so she had always been acting like a clown in front of him? Then why didn't you say so? "Why are you still watching my show like this?"    


"What about you? Didn't you watch a good show for three years?" he asked.    


She was speechless.    


As for him, his right hand suddenly grabbed her cheeks and pressed her beautiful face against the car door. "Mei Xinyi, I won't say it. I just want to know why you know those words and how you came to paint that painting."    


"Then why don't you continue pretending that you don't know, why did you say it out loud?!"    


"There is no longer any need to hide it anymore!"    


When he found out that Xia Huanhuan was going to get married, he suddenly realized that all of it was no longer important. "No matter what mistake he made in the past, no matter how much affection she still had for him, he would go and tell her that she was the person he was looking for, the person he had always been yearning for, the person he had never forgotten!    


Since he had made a mistake, he would go and find her again!    


Lili suddenly laughed, "Haha, is there a need to hide it? Xia Huanhuan's getting married? What do you want to do, get Xia Huanhuan back? "    


After a series of questions, Ye Nanqing remained silent.    


Mei Xinyi suddenly broke away from Ye Nanqing's grasp and said with a twisted expression, "Didn't you get along well with Xia Huanhuan all those years ago? You broke up with Xia Huanhuan yourself. No one forced you. At that time, I didn't say that I was the person you were looking for. I merely brought you to the sandpit, said a few words, painted a picture, and it was you yourself who determined that I was the person you were looking for.    


Ye Nanqing's expression turned even colder. Mei Xinyi, however, didn't think that it was enough and continued, "Don't you want to know the truth? "Alright, I'll tell you the truth. The words from back then, as well as that painting, were all told to me by Jun Ziyan. Master, you have become familiar with it and need to use it slowly!"    


"Jun Ziyan?" Ye Nanqing narrowed his eyes.    


"Did you not think that the person who destroyed your relationship was actually him?!" Mei Xinyi acted like she was venting, as she said in a rush, "Originally, you were the one who got Xia Huanhuan, but you pushed her away. In the end, it was you who pushed her against Jun Ziyan, causing you to lose Xia Huanhuan, not just anyone, but yourself, Ye Nanqing!"    


"Shut up!" Ye Nanqing roared fiercely. At this moment, his handsome face was filled with hatred. The gentle and refined expression he had in the past had completely disappeared at this moment!    


Mei Xinyi abruptly stopped talking. Her face had suddenly turned pale. She forgot, the person she was venting out earlier was not her boyfriend, but the Sihai Group's CEO!    


Since he could use any means to deal with other people, he naturally could also use any means to deal with her! And what did she just say to him?    


Suddenly, Mei Xinyi couldn't remember. All of her attention was in Ye Nanqing's eyes. The hatred in his eyes was so strong that it made her entire body tremble and even her blood freeze.    


"I... "I …" Her voice trembled, but she was unable to say anything.    


Ye Nanqing didn't even look at Mei Xinyi as he opened the car door and drove away from the parking lot …    


Mei Xinyi, on the other hand, couldn't see Ye Nanqing's car anymore. Her legs went soft and she fell to the ground. She said it, she actually told him everything!    


Not only would Ye Nanqing know, Xia Huanhuan would probably know soon, and Jun Ziyan would also know then!    


At that time, what would she do?!    


Mei Xinyi bit her lips tightly, her eyes filled with fear. Suddenly, a trace of schadenfreude flashed through her eyes. Now, Xia Huanhuan wouldn't marry Jun Ziyan that easily, right?    


If Ye Nanqing really told Xia Huanhuan that it was because of Jun Ziyan that they broke up that year, then … Could Xia Huanhuan still calmly end this marriage?    


"Xia Huanhuan, if I can't get happiness, you can't get happiness either!" Mei Xinyi said bitterly. That woman who came from the same family as her, who was clearly inferior to her in many other ways, how could she have joined a wealthy family and lived a happy life from then on?    


Yet she had to endure Ye Nanqing's hatred?    


Not fair, not fair!    


— —    


When Xia Huanhuan found Lu Xiaorong's text message, it was already evening. The decorating workers of the day shift had already finished their work while the night shift was still waiting in the middle of the night shift.    


Xia Huanhuan was the only one left in the villa.    


Lu Xiaorong's text message wasn't long. It merely asked Xia Huanhuan if she knew Ye Nanqing. Furthermore, it described Ye Nanqing's strange behavior when he married Xia Huanhuan.    


Xia Huanhuan thought about it and replied, "I know Ye Nanqing. He was my ex-boyfriend, but he broke up three years ago."    


After sending the message, Xia Huanhuan heard the door opening downstairs. She put away her phone and walked downstairs.    


"You guys came twenty minutes earlier today. How rare …" Her last words were completely hidden in her mouth.    


At the door, what stood was not the decorating worker she thought was, but Ye Nanqing!    


Xia Huanhuan's hand, which was still in her pocket, subconsciously tightened its grip on her phone. He was thinking about Xiaorong's text message in his mind. Had he rushed over from Sihai Group?    


I just came to check on the progress of the villa, or …    


"You're getting married?" Ye Nanqing stared at Xia Huanhuan and asked.    


Xia Huanhuan pursed her lips, turned around and walked back to the stairs on the second floor. Ye Nanqing was now brimming with an aura of danger that Xia Huanhuan had never seen before.    


Ye Nanqing ran a few steps and stopped at the stairs on the second floor where Xia Huanhuan was. "Let me ask you again, are you getting married?"    


Her arm hurt from his pulling, she frowned and stared back at him, "Director Ye, this is my private matter, I don't need to report it to you!"    


"A private matter?" He suddenly scoffed, "Xia Huanhuan, you actually say that this is your private matter? How can you say that? " Then what about him? What did he count for?    


She took a deep breath. It seemed that he wouldn't give up until he got an answer. "You and I broke up three years ago, so it has nothing to do with you anymore. I am in a relationship with you as a superior and a subordinate. You can ask me about my work, but you have no right to ask about my personal matters!    


He pursed his lips, his gaze unreadable.    


After pausing for a moment, she continued, "I'm getting married to Jun Ziyan, so please stop pulling and hauling me, Director Ye." She twisted her arm to free herself from his grip.    


Ye Nanqing pushed Xia Huanhuan to the side of the wall, staring at her with his dark eyes! She was going to be married, and she did admit it!    


If it was someone else, perhaps he could deceive himself. However, when these words came out from her mouth, he finally understood how painful this feeling was!    


"Do you know that I …" He growled at her, pain written all over his handsome face.    


Xia Huanhuan only felt a wave of pain on her back as she was pressed against the wall by Ye Nanqing's hand. The expression on his face somehow made her feel uneasy.    


"Let go!" She struggled to say, and tried her best, "Ye Nanqing, I'm not yours, so you have no right to treat me like this! I don't think we have anything to say! "    


Xia Huanhuan pushed her opponent away with all her might, picked up her bag that she had left on the second floor near the stairs and rushed down.    


However, before she could run out of the door, Ye Nanqing, who chased after her, grabbed the bag in her hands. In an instant, all the things in the bag were scattered all over the floor.    


Xia Huanhuan was dumbfounded. She crouched down and picked up the thing on the ground. However, the moment her hand touched the purse, Ye Nanqing's hand suddenly pressed down on the back of her hand.    


Before she could react, he had already removed the wallet from her hand. It was folded, and since it fell to the ground, it was open. Ye Nanqing held his wallet and stared at the photo that Xia Huanhuan put in the transparent layer of his wallet.    


It was a photo of a wedding. The man and woman in the photo were smiling at each other. It was as if, at that moment, there was only one another in their eyes!    


"Do you want to know what's in my wallet?" Ye Nanqing's cold voice suddenly sounded in the room.    


"Sorry, I don't want to. Please give me back my wallet." Xia Huanhuan replied.    


"Is that so? But I really want to show you. " Ye Nanqing didn't return the wallet to Xia Huanhuan. Instead, he took out his wallet, took out a photo from his wallet and showed it to Xia Huanhuan.    


Xia Huanhuan looked at the photo in astonishment. It was a picture of her when she was six years old. Naturally, she could recognize her own face, but the problem was … Why did Ye Nanqing have this photo?    


"Isn't it strange that I have pictures of you when you were a child?" Ye Nanqing asked.    


Xia Huanhuan hurriedly put everything else into her bag, then said to Ye Nanqing, "I don't want to know why. Since it's my photo, then please give it back to me."    


"You don't know, you don't know anything. Are you planning to marry Jun Ziyan like this?" If what Mei Xinyi said was true, then it was Jun Ziyan who had deliberately misled him into recognizing the wrong person!    


"Why can't I just marry Jun Ziyan like this?" Xia Huanhuan retorted angrily.    


Her words seemed to have provoked him in an instant. "Fine, if you ask me why, I'll tell you!" He took her by the arm and led her out of the house.    


"Ye Nanqing, let go!" "Let go!" Xia Huanhuan shouted and struggled desperately, but to no avail.    


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