Evil CEO's Favorites

C202 Chapter 202

C202 Chapter 202

"In the future, I will be filial to them and let them have a good life together with you." He promised that it would be easy for him to protect two people's lives, but he knew that it was extremely important to her.    


Lu Xiaorong felt a warm feeling in her heart. Not only was he accepting her, he was also accepting her uncle and the others. "I had originally thought that uncle and the others taking me in as their daughter was the greatest fortune of my life. But now, my greatest fortune has appeared."    


After pausing for a moment, she said seriously, "Zichen, I'm really lucky to be able to meet you, fall in love with you, and even more so be loved by you."    


A dim light flashed in his black eyes. Lucky? Who was the lucky one? Was it her? Or maybe … It was actually him?! If she hadn't met him, she might have found someone else she loved and lived a normal, warm life. However, if he hadn't met her, there might have been only one possibility for his fate.    


"Xiaorong, I'm actually the lucky one." He pressed her head against his chest as he spoke with a hint of hoarseness in his voice. He told her what the Predestine was, but despicably he did not explain to her what the Blood Curse of the Jun Family were.    


Why not, and what was he afraid of? Did he think she didn't love him enough? Or was she afraid that she would leave him once she found out the truth about Jun Family and Blood Curse? Even he was unable to fully analyze this state of mind.    


She, on the other hand, didn't catch the hidden meaning in his words, and only slightly struggled, "Stop hugging, just wait until the concert is over. It's too eye-catching for us to hug like this, other people might think we're doing." After all, the seat they were sitting in was the absolute center.    


However, Jun Zichen acted as if he didn't hear anything. He hugged for a long time before letting go.    


Lu Xiaorong's face turned slightly red. She adjusted her breathing and was just about to say something when the lights in the surroundings dimmed — the concert was about to begin!    


His hand brushed her cheek. "Okay, let's watch the concert." Calm and collected, completely different from her reaction.    


She suddenly forgot what she wanted to say, so with a "Oh," she turned around and obediently looked at the stage, waiting for the concert to begin. However, her cheeks were slightly hot, and her hand was once again held by his, never letting go.    


In the entertainment circle, Shao Leming could be considered a famous singer. Although he was not at the level of a top celebrity or celebrity, but he was still well-known, especially after his recent participation in a series of music variety shows, his popularity had increased by quite a lot.    


The concert was full. While Shao Leming was singing, the audience's voices kept getting louder and louder. Some people were even screaming and waving their glowing rods in excitement.    


However, Lu Xiaorong sat quietly on her chair and focused on the stage, as if she didn't want to miss a single performance on the stage. This was a bit out of Jun Zichen's expectation. He originally thought that even if she didn't get those fluorescent sticks or something, at least she would be excited to watch this concert.    


But now … His gaze fell on her profile, and by the light of the stage lamp he could see her face clearly, her silence, more eager for something than attention. Even after he had looked at her for so long, she had not noticed.    


What was she expecting? Jun Zichen followed Lu Xiaorong's gaze and looked towards the stage. Shao Leming was singing and dancing on the stage, continuously pulling the atmosphere of the stage.    


When the song ended, Shao Leming stood on the stage and said to the audience, "Next, please welcome my concert guest — — Hua Yuze …"    


Following Shao Leming's call for action, the lift platform in the middle of the stage slowly moved. A young man wearing a silver white uniform walked down from the lift platform. The moment the young man stepped onto the stage, Jun Zichen could clearly feel that her hand suddenly tightened when she held his hand. Her fingers gripped his hand tightly, as if she was holding back something. Her eyes were staring unblinkingly at the stage, and the tension in her eyes was becoming more and more obvious.    


Jun Zichen's eyes narrowed. What did this man called Hua Yuze have to do with her? Why did she have to use this kind of expression to look at that man? This kind of gaze would make him jealous.    


On stage, Shao Leming chatted with Hua Yuze for a while before he said to the audience, "Next, let Yuze present his new song for everyone. I hope that everyone can support him as much as I can!"    


The audience gave another round of enthusiastic applause. Shao Leming left the stage first, leaving only Hua Yuze alone on the stage. The lights slowly turned bright yellow. As the music played, Hua Yuze began to sing on the stage.    


This was a song with a fast tempo. The whole song gave people a lively and happy feeling, but when Jun Zichen shifted his gaze from the stage to Lu Xiaorong's face, he was completely stunned.    


She … Crying!    


Her eyelashes were wet and trembling as she blinked. Tears as big as beans continuously rolled out of her eyes, falling fast and ferociously. However, she seemed completely oblivious to it as she continued to wholeheartedly watch the performance onstage.    


The corners of her lips were even slightly raised, as if she were happy about something, but there were so many tears that they almost soaked her face.    


Suddenly, Jun Zichen understood something. The reason why she came to watch this concert was not because of Shao Leming, but rather, it was because of Hua Yuze!    


She came only to see Hua Yuze. She came only to listen to this song!    


He suddenly found it difficult to breathe. It was as if there was a pair of hands squeezing his neck, causing him to be unable to breathe. A wave of pain came from his heart. Every time his heart beat, it would bring about a wave of pain. Then, the pain would flow along his blood and spread to his four limbs …    


This wasn't the pain of a full moon, but why did it make him feel that it was even more unbearable than the pain of a full moon?    


So painful! The pain was terrible!    


His fingers gripped her hand tightly, and his breathing began to quicken.    


When the pain came, Lu Xiaorong seemed to wake up. She turned her head and looked at Jun Zichen in surprise. Her face was full of tears. There were a lot of tears on her eyelashes. As her eyelashes trembled, they rolled down.    


"What's the matter with you?" she asked over her shoulder, her voice nasal from the weeping.    


"Why are you crying?" He lifted his hand and caressed her cheek. Her tears filled the space where his fingers touched. The more he touched, the more pain he would feel.    


Lu Xiaorong instinctively touched her face and realized that she was crying. "I was just listening to this song and I suddenly felt it." she replied. On stage, Hua Yuze was singing to a high pitch, causing her response to be almost drowned out by the song.    


Feel it? He stared at her, then leaned over and put his lips to her ear, making his voice clearer. "Then why laugh?"    


"Smile?" She was stunned.    


"Don't you know?" He touched her lips with his fingers, lightly rubbing them together. "Just now, your eyes were crying, but your lips were smiling." What kind of feelings did she have for that man to make her laugh and cry like that?    


Onstage, Hua Yuze finished his song and said to the audience, "Thank you for everyone's support. It's my pleasure to be here as a guest today …" Hua Yuze said something and was about to leave the stage. Lu Xiaorong instinctively wanted to turn around and look at the stage.    


However, just as she turned her head a little, his hand suddenly clasped the back of her head, forcing her face towards him. "Don't look at that man anymore. I don't care what relationship you have with him, I don't want to look at him again!"    


Lu Xiaorong was lost in thought. She only felt that the fingers on the back of her head were so strong. But now, his face, in the dim light, was covered with shadows. He looked so serious.    


"I …" For a moment, her mind was blank, and she didn't know what to say. "Between him and me …"    


Hua Yuze walked off the stage and the lights on the stage instantly turned black.    


In front of Lu Xiaorong's eyes, everything suddenly sank into darkness. There was something warm pressing on her lips, and that was — his lips.    


Startled, she raised both her hands, but in the next moment, her hands were cut back to her back, forcing her chest to rise up even more, sticking close to his chest. And his lips moved and sucked at her lips, swallowing all her sounds.    


Lu Xiaorong was stupefied as she accepted the kiss in a daze. Everything around her was pitch black. She couldn't see his face clearly, nor could she make any sounds. All she could feel was each other's breathing, his lips, his tongue, his hands …    


His body seemed to have lost all its strength as all he could hear were the whispers of the spectators beside him.    


His kiss was so urgent and so hot, yet his hand held her wrist so tightly that it hurt more and more … Having his hands cut back like this made him feel even more powerless.    


Just as her brow furrowed from the pain in her shoulder, the stage lights came on again. Huanhuan's beautiful voice rang out. His lips moved away from her as he released her wrist and put his arm around her shoulders, pressing her into his embrace. "Don't cry for other men, and don't smile for other men. Xiaorong, like I said, I'm not a generous person." Especially for her!    


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