Evil CEO's Favorites

C142 Chapter 142

C142 Chapter 142

"It will be held as scheduled." He answered her in this way, but his face was frighteningly dark.    


— —    


Xia Huanhuan calculated that she had been locked in this apartment for 8 days and couldn't contact the outside world. Ziyan hadn't been here since that time. As the 10 day period approached, she became more and more anxious.    


What should he do? If on the tenth day, Ye Nanqing didn't see the news of the delayed marriage, he could publish those photos...    


But now, she didn't even have someone to discuss it with. Even if she wanted to beat up Ziyan and figure out what the photos were, she wouldn't have that chance!    


After locking herself in her bedroom, Xia Huanhuan tried the password on the internet again and again. The only contact she had with the outside world was the internet.    


However, she couldn't log in now that Ziyan had changed his password.    


Different English letters, different numbers, there were so many combination codes. She had already tried out each other's birthdays, anniversaries, home numbers, cell phone numbers, and so on, but it still didn't work.    


Xia Huanhuan closed her eyes and buried her head in the pillow on the bed. He felt as if his brain was about to explode.    


If it was Ziyan, what password would he think of? Generally speaking, passwords are the easiest number to remember, or the most commonly used number, or... Impressive numbers...    


And now, what that would leave a deep impression on Ziyan was …    


Xia Huanhuan abruptly sat up from the bed and picked up her laptop. After hesitating for a moment, she typed in a string of numbers and pressed the "confirm" button.    


The internet was connecting!    


That password was the wedding date they had set! Xia Huanhuan stared blankly at the computer screen that displayed the icon at the bottom right of the screen that was already connected to the internet. He … What kind of mood did he have to set this number as a password?    


Xia Huanhuan's hands trembled as she logged into her QQ number. She logged on and left a message for Lu Xiaorong.    


After a short while, Lu Xiaorong replied, "It's Huanhuan herself?"    


"Yes." Xia Huanhuan replied.    


"Where are you now? I asked Jun Ziyan. He refused to tell me what exactly happened and why did your cell phone was turned off these few days? " Lu Xiaorong had too many questions to ask. If she didn't believe that Jun Ziyan was really in love with his friend, perhaps she would have gone to the police station to report the case. And that day when she saw Jun Ziyan, she went to ask Jun Zichen for a long time in hopes that he would help her find Xia Huanhuan's whereabouts.    


In the end, Jun Zichen replied to her, "Xiaorong, Ziyan's love for Xia Huanhuan is deeper than you can imagine. If there really is a chance, Xia Huanhuan, Ziyan will die. If you can see that he's at work normally, then it means that Xia Huanhuan is fine. "    


It was rare for Jun Zichen to say so many words in one go. Lu Xiaorong was so blocked that she had nothing to say, so she could only gloat and console herself. When the wedding day came, she would naturally see Xia Huanhuan.    


Unexpectedly, Xia Huanhuan was looking for her online. However, her good friend's reply made her even more confused.    


"Xiaorong, I don't know what exactly happened exactly, but I want you to do me a favor." Xia Huanhuan said.    


"Sure, what is it?" Lu Xiaorong agreed straightforwardly.    


"Buy me some sleeping pills that can dissolve in water, and then …" Xia Huanhuan quickly typed on the keyboard.    


The more Lu Xiaorong saw, the more shocked she became. "Huanhuan, are you really alright?"    


"Yeah, I'm fine." She just didn't know if this method would work. At least two days later, she had to think of a way to stop Ye Nanqing from posting the photos.    


After chatting with Lu Xiaorong, Xia Huanhuan logged off the internet and closed her notebook, as if nothing had happened.    


On the second day, a courier delivered a package to her. Xia Huanhuan said to Huang Huahua, "This should be something I got someone to buy for me on the internet. I originally wanted to give it to Ziyan as a small gift."    


As she spoke, Xia Huanhuan opened the package in front of Huang Huahua. Inside the box was a giant furry bear that looked very similar to the figurine bear in the living room. It looked like a different product from the same company.    


Huang Huahua didn't raise any suspicions as she nodded and said to Xia Huanhuan, "Miss Xia, in fact, once you and Third Master Jun get married, everything will be fine. Who's afraid of …"    


"Thank you, Huahua." Lili thanked him. Although Huang Huahua was the one who monitored her, in all fairness, Huang Huahua was only devoted to her duties and sometimes cared for her from the bottom of her heart.    


As she carried the furry bear into the bedroom, Xia Huanhuan pulled on the furry bear's clothes …    


The zipper of her small clothes showed the cotton wool inside. Xia Huanhuan's hand searched through the cotton wool for a while before finding a small bottle with some white pills inside.    


Xia Huanhuan knew that it was a pill that Xiaorong had prepared for her.    


Tonight was the tenth day. No matter what, she had to leave this place tonight to find Ye Nanqing and prevent the photos from being sent out.    


As for how to stop it, he could only do so step by step.    


At 8 o'clock at night, Xia Huanhuan stealthily heated two cups of milk and passed one to Huang Huahua. Because in the past few days, she often made one for Huang Huahua when she drank, so Huang Huahua didn't suspect anything.    


After finishing her milk, Xia Huanhuan went back to her bedroom. When she came out in half an hour, she found Huang Huahua half lying on the sofa asleep.    


"I'm sorry, Huahua." Xia Huanhuan muttered, "But …" Anyway, I have to go out tonight. "    


Huang Huahua was still asleep, unable to give any answer.    


Xia Huanhuan quickly opened the door of the apartment and ran all the way to the outside of the district. Sure enough, she saw Lu Xiaorong waiting for her nearby.    


"Oh my god!" "You finally came out. I was so anxious waiting for you to come out!" Lu Xiaorong stepped forward to welcome him.    


"Xiaorong, lend me your phone." Xia Huanhuan said anxiously.    


Lu Xiaorong handed her cellphone to Xia Huanhuan, who quickly dialed a series of numbers.    


If it was Jun Ziyan, he would know that the person who called Xia Huanhuan was Ye Nanqing when he saw the number.    


"You haven't sent it out yet right …" Yes... "Alright, where are you? I'll be right over." She ended the call quickly and said to Lili, "Sofia, I need to go somewhere. Can you lend me some money for a taxi first? I forgot to take out my wallet. "    


"Of course, but where are you going now?" Lu Xiaorong took out her wallet and handed the five bills inside to Xia Huanhuan. "Is that enough?"    


"Enough." She nodded, "Xiaorong, it's hard for me to understand right now. If there's a chance next time, when I've thought of what to say, I'll tell you." Xia Huanhuan raised her hand to stop a taxi and got into it.    


As the taxi drove away, Lu Xiaorong was still standing there in a daze, unable to come to her senses. She could tell that her good friend seemed to have something very urgent to do, but what was it that made him so anxious? Can't Jun Ziyan help?    


Lu Xiaorong was in the middle of thinking when a silver Maybach passed in front of her eyes. That car … And license plates... She had seen them before!    


If she remembered correctly, it was Jun Ziyan's car!    


Jun Ziyan is in the car now?! Lu Xiaorong stared blankly at the taxi behind Maybach. When she could no longer see the two cars, she lowered her head and looked at the phone in her hand. In the phone, she could still see the number her friend had just dialed.    


What was going on? Whose phone number was this?!    


Lu Xiaorong's mind was full of questions, but every one of them had answers!    


When the taxi arrived at the white villa, Xia Huanhuan paid the fare and got off hurriedly, unaware that another car was following behind her.    


Jun Ziyan sat in the car with the lights off and the moonlight outside the car window. He looked at the familiar figure as he ran towards the mansion and watched her press the password to enter.    


This was the place that had once hurt him so much. That day, she lied to him and came to this villa with Ye Nanqing. As for him, he was sitting in the car, quietly watching her holding the umbrella for Ye Nanqing, watching the two of them hugging each other in the rain …    


That day, she let him understand what it meant to be so painful that one would never forget it, and it was also at that time that he realized that his feelings for her had long since been filled with love.    


He loved her so deeply, so painfully, but he still wanted to hold on to her tightly.    


But now … Did she come here to see Ye Nanqing?    


He had escaped from his place and come to this place in a sorry and eager manner. Was it just to see that man? The man she had loved!    


Jun Ziyan pursed his lips tightly, his fingers that were holding the steering wheel were constantly closing, the bones in his fingers were making gurgling sounds, and veins were popping out on the back of his hand and on the back of his hand.    


She would not know that these days he would be downstairs in the apartment, looking at her floor every night, imagining what she would do and what she would say at this moment.    


He had no idea how many times he had read Huang Huahua's daily report, including everything she ate, how she felt, and what she had done.    


He wanted to see her, wanted to hug her tightly, wanted her to be like before, to smile at him, caress his bangs, and take the initiative to kiss him … However, her words "I don't want to" were like a spell that filled his mind, making him feel extreme pain.    


The pain made him wonder if his big brother was in pain like this when he couldn't find the Predestine.    


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