Hot CEO with Adorable Baby



Ji An'an looked up at him, her big eyes shining in the light.    


Teng Yiyang's heart felt a little hot as she stared at him like that. He put his hand to his lips and coughed lightly.    


"I have to go out tomorrow. Stay at home with Shuibao. If you're bored, you can go to my house."    


Ji An'an didn't expect it to be this. She thought for a moment before asking, "When will you be back?"    


Teng Yiyang's finger paused slightly as he took a step forward. A smile flashed in his eyes, "Can I take it that you are unwilling for me to go out?"    


When he suddenly approached her, Ji An'an couldn't help but step back. Her cheeks were burning hot as she stubbornly said, "What nonsense are you spouting!? I was just asking for Shuibao. If he couldn't find you, he would be sad. "That's it, that's it."    


The person in front of him had his heart stabbed, but he didn't admit it.    


"What about you? If you can't see me, would you miss me?" Teng Yiyang continued to get closer to her.    


"I'm not a child. Alright, it's very late. I'll go upstairs first."    


There was something wrong with the atmosphere. Ji An'an didn't dare to look at him, so she lowered her head and prepared to leave.    


However, a hand stopped her the moment she turned around.    


"You haven't answered me yet. You can't leave." After eating his fill, he was full of energy. He wanted nothing more than to tease his wife, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to see her for a short period of time after he left.    


Ji An'an put her hands behind her back, and said in an unnatural voice, "Isn't that important?" Right now, the most important thing is that you need to rest early, right? "    


Teng Yiyang raised a finger and waved it in front of her, "No, you are the most important."    


"You …" Slippery.    


However, this scene made Ji An'an's heart race.    


When she had nowhere to run, Teng Yiyang reached out his hands and pulled her into his embrace, pressing her shoulders to make her stay still. Then he leaned his chin on her shoulder and whispered, "Let me hug you. I've been tired all day."    


As expected, the person in his embrace stopped struggling.    


Teng Yiyang felt that he got a new skill and it was terrible.    


"Eh, you don't even know how stupid the people below are. I have to do everything myself, so what's the use of asking them!"    


If Secretary Yang was present, she would probably cry out injustice. Boss, you can't discredit us just for the sake of picking up girls!    




Ji An'an did not know much about his company, so she was unable to comfort him. The popularity in front of her was so great that she was almost suffocated. She could only speak in a shriveled voice, "There are many capable people, so you have to take care of your rest."    


How could Teng Yiyang not hear her perfunctory reply? However, he was already very satisfied to be able to hold the beauty without her pushing him away.    


He buried himself in her shoulder sockets and said with grievance, "I'll probably need a week before I can come back after I leave this time. Are you really willing to part with me?"    


A week?    


So long!    


Ji An'an bit her lip. "Then finish your business early and come back early."    


Although he didn't hear the words he wanted to hear, Teng Yiyang was overjoyed with what she said.    


"Yeah, I'll try to get home early."    


The voice was by her ear, gentle and magnetic, comforting, as if it was tapping on the closed door of Ji An'an's heart one after another.    


Then, with a "boom", the door opened.    


His embrace was warm and fragrant with clear, cold grass. It was clean and comfortable.    


It made people nostalgic.    


"Wait for me at home." His laziness carried a bit of coaxing.    


Ji An'an felt as if she was being bewitched.    


After Teng Yiyang said this, he glanced at the clock on the wall. It was getting late. Just as he was about to let go of her, he suddenly felt her holding his clothes. He couldn't help but be shocked.    


Up till now, she had always been the one taking the initiative. She had always been the one cooperating. It was rare to see her take the initiative.    


Ji An'an hadn't expected herself to make a move, but she had already done so. It would be strange if she retracted her hand.    


Since he had already made his decision, he wouldn't allow himself to shrink back.    


"Yiyang, I have something to tell you."    


This sounded exactly the same as what he said before. Teng Yiyang's heart skipped a beat, even if it was her, she had to go on a business trip, right?    


His small body was so soft that he couldn't bear to let go, but he still let go of her. He held her shoulders with both hands and lowered his head to meet her eyes. His gaze was burning.    


Ji An'an had already mustered up her courage to tell him her decision, but when she saw the green in his eyes and the thought that he was going on a business trip tomorrow, she opened her mouth, afraid that it would affect his mood, but no words came out.    


Sensing her hesitation, Teng Yiyang raised his eyebrows, "What's wrong?"    


Ji An'an shook her head. "Forget it, I'll tell you when you get back."    


Teng Yiyang was puzzled. "Is there something you can't say now?"    


He suddenly became vigilant, "Could it be that you've reneged on the agreement?"    


This person was starting to get suspicious again, but this time, Ji An'an only felt it was funny. Maybe she was too concerned about him, so she was worried about him. This also applied to the current him.    


"No, you're thinking too much. I can guarantee that it will be a good thing for you."    


Teng Yiyang was relieved after hearing that. He couldn't help pinching her cheeks, "As long as you don't leave me, I'll promise you anything else."    


Perhaps it was because he had a clear mind, but hearing the sweet words that popped up from time to time, his heart was still filled with joy.    


She slapped his hand away and glared at him. "If you continue to dawdle, you won't be able to leave tomorrow."    


Teng Yiyang touched the back of his hand and smiled foolishly, "You have to listen to your wife's words, I'll go to sleep now."    


Ji An'an kicked at him in embarrassment.    


Teng Yiyang jumped away and winked at her, "Good night daughter-in-law."    


She was so embarrassed that she wanted to run after him. She had already disappeared up the stairs.    


Ji An'an held onto her chest, feeling her heart beating like a drum.    


Since he had already decided on it, there was no difference between a few days earlier and a few days later.    


When he comes back, she'll surprise him again.    


In life, however, there are many times when plans cannot keep up with change.    


Teng Yiyang left early in the morning.    


The breakfast he had bought was still on the table.    


Shuibao rubbed his eyes and went downstairs, "Mommy, I just had a dream, and Daddy said goodbye to me."    


"Baby, you're not dreaming. Your dad said goodbye to you just now and went out."    


Shuibao suddenly became clear-headed and ran towards her, "Where did Daddy go?"    


Seeing the nervousness on her son's face, Ji An'an's heart tightened. "Don't worry, your dad just went on a business trip and will be back in a few days."    


After Shuibao confirmed repeatedly, he patted his chest and let out a sigh of relief. "I scared the baby to death. I thought Daddy didn't want me anymore."    


Ji An'an's heart skipped a beat. She crouched down and hugged her son. "Don't be afraid. Mom and Dad will never leave you."    


Shuibao nodded, but he didn't forget to point at the dog on the side, "And the waiter, we'll be together forever!"    


Ji An'an laughed. "Yes, our family."    


In a commercial building in A City.    


A tall and straight figure was playing golf.    


Behind him, a secretary like person reported respectfully, "Boss, we found out that the biggest competition company this time is Teng's."    


"Oh? That's really annoying. " The voice didn't sound distressed at all.    


"Boss, we have a plan, I don't know if it's feasible or not."    


"Tell me about it."    


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