Hot CEO with Adorable Baby



When Shuibao said those words, Bei Yiyuan instantly thought that he was hallucinating. He asked in a daze, "What did you say, kid?"    


Shuibao ignored the depressed look from before and went close to his ear shouting, "I'm asking you, I'm Daddy! I am Daddy! "    


Bei Yiyuan suddenly jumped up in fright. He reached out his hand to cover Shuibao's mouth and bitterly laughed, "Little ancestor, I heard it. Don't be so loud, it's not good for your mommy to hear it!"    


Shuibao pulled his hand away and said snappily, "I was just afraid that Mommy would hear it, so I waited for her to fall asleep to find you. Do you know what happened to me, Daddy?"    


Bei Yiyuan replied with an "Eh" and a troubled expression on his face, "Shuibao, why do you suddenly want to ask about Daddy?"    


Shuibao rolled his eyes, "It's not like Great Sage Qi Tian jumped out from a rock. Naturally, there's a mother and a son, Daddy. Let me ask what happened?"    


Previously, he didn't dare to ask Mommy because he remembered that whenever Daddy was mentioned, Mommy would feel very sad. In order to not let Mommy feel sad, he tactfully stopped talking about Daddy.    


Bei Yiyuan now understood that after meeting that guy called Bai Jiangliu today, he didn't mention that scum to An An in the restaurant. Bei Yiyuan understood that after meeting that guy called Bai Jiangliu today, he didn't mention that scum to An An in the restaurant.    


Thinking about this, Bei Yiyuan touched Shuibao's head and said seriously, "Shuibao, just treat it as you jumping out from a stone. Only Mommy, Eldest Uncle and Second Uncle, you should forget about Daddy!"    


"Will he hurt Mommy?" Shuibao suddenly asked.    


Bei Yiyuan stared blankly for a moment, thinking back to the first time he saw An An Xin four years ago. She looked haggard, so skinny that it hurt his heart, and he still remembered seeing her picture a long time ago. She looked young and lively, as if she had jumped out from a photo, although he didn't know what had happened to her, at that time, he even had the heart to kill Teng Yiyang.    


He took a deep breath and calmed himself down, then said to Shuibao, "No matter what, don't mention him in front of your mommy. Uncle and I will love you."    


Although Mommy didn't tell him about Daddy, and even Eldest and Second Uncle didn't mention it, maybe he was a bad guy, but he still wanted to see him. However, he didn't dare to let his stupid Second Uncle know about this idea, otherwise, he would definitely do everything he could to stop him.    


Teng Yiyang, he remembered that his stupid second uncle mentioned this name in the cafeteria.    


Bei Yiyuan thought Shuibao was listening and thought that he would have to go online to play games later. He immediately urged him to go to bed.    


Shuibao glanced at him, "You will have dark circles under your eyes and become old. Second Uncle Panda, good night!"    


Bei Yiyuan looked at the closed door and bared his teeth. When the nanny comes tomorrow, he wouldn't have to be bullied all day by this little ghost!    


However, thinking about how a person of his age would always be rendered speechless by a little kid, how useless.    


He pulled out his hair and revealed a green glow to the game interface.    


The next day, the new nanny came to report that Ji An'an had always been at ease with the way her elder brother chose people, so after giving her some instructions, she let go to busy herself.    


Today was Saturday. Two days ago, Chengyin Animation Company called her and said that after the contract was finalized, they had set up a group to deal with her cartoon. On Monday, they would hold a meeting as a formal starting point for the gathering.    


As the author, she needed to give a detailed explanation of her work, so she shut herself in the study and started from the beginning to organize her drawings. Shuibao and Bei Yiyuan knew that she was busy with important work and did not disturb her.    


Ji An'an didn't care about anything once she started working. When she stretched and put down her pen, she found that it was almost night. She rubbed her sore arms and was about to leave to see what Shuibao and the others were doing.    


At this moment, the phone's ringtone sounded out.    


Luo Xuexin.    


Seeing the name on the screen, Ji An'an smiled.    


Luo Xuexin was a good friend of hers from the comics world. Her name was Xuhua Wuxin, and she was about the same age as her, but what was different was that Xuexin was not a full-time painter and was now a translator in a Chinese-foreign joint venture. Although she already had a certain reputation in the comics world, painting was just a hobby for someone like her.    


If she remembered correctly, Xuexin had told her before that she would be coming to A City for a business trip this week.    


Ji An'an had just picked up the phone and was about to ask if she was here when she heard the ear-piercing clamor from the other side, as well as a voice filled with vigor, "An An, come and save the emperor!"    


"Xuexin, where are you?"    


"I've been on the plane for the entire day and haven't rested, but the goddamned collaborators want to go out and play. That inhumane boss of mine doesn't care for the fairer sex, so he threw me over to the collaborators and accompanied them everywhere. Right now I'm in the bar and I've already drunk quite a few cups of mixed wine. Come over quickly. If you don't come pick me up today, I'll probably die here!" "    


Although Luo Xuexin's voice sounded normal, it was obvious that she was confused. Ji An'an asked several times before hearing the address from the wailing background music.    


Ji An'an gripped her cellphone tightly and said, "Hold on for a while, I'll be there shortly!"    


After hanging up, she immediately walked out of the room and quickly said to the kids, who were sitting in the living room, "I need to go out. I won't be having dinner with you guys."    


Bei Yiyuan looked at the sky, took the car keys and walked towards her, "It's getting late, I'm worried about you going out alone. I'll take you there!"    


Ji An'an thought that it was indeed not a good time to take a taxi at this time of the day.    


"Mommy, come back early!" Shuibao waved behind the two of them.    


Ji An'an smiled at him and nodded, then followed Bei Yiyuan out of the house.    


At the same time, a silver coloured Rolls Royce shuttled back and forth on the street like a ghost, and stopped in front of the Zuisheng entrance with a beautiful tail flick. The waiter who was standing at the entrance very attentively opened the car door, bowing respectfully towards the people inside.    


A bunch of keys came out, and the waiter caught them and stepped back.    


A man with features as deep as a knife walked out. He wore a custom-made suit, and his tie was torn apart by the owner to reveal his exquisite collarbone. His shiny leather shoes shone brightly in the night.    


"Young Master Teng, you came."    


Teng Yiyang raised his eyebrows and strode towards the door.    


After the waiter drove the sports car away, a sports car stopped at the same spot as before. Ji An'an pushed open the door and walked out.    


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