Supreme Master In City

C606 Southern Chu

C606 Southern Chu

Whether it was Chen Bai, Jiang Xu, or the rest of the Lord, they were all shocked.    


Although they were all Lord of Huaxia, the difference in strength between them was like heaven and earth. Even if the other nine Lord joined forces, they might not be a match for Loong Wei alone.    


Unexpectedly, Loong Wei had already reached a level that made it difficult for everyone to see his back.    


"Who else?" Loong Wei looked around the crowd and finally laid his eyes on Jiang Xu.    


Jiang Xu felt a chill in his heart, and his body stiffened. He didn't dare to say anything.    


"Hmm?" Loong Wei's blade-like gaze pierced into Jiang Xu's body, making no one dare to look at him directly.    


Jiang Xu mustered his courage and cupped his fists at Loong Wei, saying respectfully: "The mightiness of the Azure Dragon is truly amazing. It was me who acted recklessly just now. I hope Mr Loong won't take offense."    


"From today onwards, all the forces of the southeast are willing to listen to Mr Loong's orders!"    


Chen Bai walked to Loong Wei with difficulty and bowed deeply. "Thank you for showing mercy. From now on, I am willing to follow your lead!"    


When the others saw Chen Bai and Jiang Xu, they all bowed their heads. They all bowed their heads. "We are willing to follow Mr Loong's orders. We will never betray each other!"    


Loong Wei only nodded when he saw that they were completely subdued. "I hope you will remember today's vow."    


After saying that, he ordered Dong Fei to bring eight sets of atlas and handed them to Lei Xianming, Jin Tai, Chen Bai, and Jiang Xu respectively. He instructed, "These battle formations were prepared by me in advance. Once you are familiar with controlling them, their power will definitely not be inferior to the Azure Dragon!"    


These battle formations were extracted from the Immortal Military Strategy, and after being optimized by Loong Wei, their power was even greater than before.    


Chen Bai and the others were shocked when they heard this. They didn't expect Loong Wei to really give them the battle formation atlas.    


This was a great favor!    


"Plop!" Chen Bai, who had lost an arm, immediately knelt on the ground and said with a guilty face, "Mr Loong, I was narrow-minded before. I judged a gentleman's heart with a petty heart."    


"I know I was wrong."    


When Chen Bai first heard Loong Wei wanted to teach them military formations, he did not think it was a big deal. He even felt that Loong Wei was humiliating him.    


Even if there really was such a battle formation, why would Loong Wei give it to them for free?    


Chen Bai knew better than anyone that you were stronger than me.    


But now, it seemed like Loong Wei had really placed the interests of the country in a supreme position.    


On the contrary, they had been plotting against each other. Now that they thought about it, it was really embarrassing.    


Loong Wei's expression was calm like water. After a long time, he sighed. "Forget it. Since you and I are comrades, we should work together in the future and protect the peace of China."    


"Yes!" Many Lord shouted at the same time.    


Loong Wei gave the prescription that he had written earlier to everyone and instructed, "This prescription can assist in cultivation and increase the tolerance of the body. During the process of soldiers cultivating, they must take it every day."    


"Our time is very tight. You must train soldiers day and night. Only then can you train enough elite soldiers and generals before a strong enemy breaks through the border!"    


"If anyone dares to neglect, I will not let them off lightly!"    


Loong Wei's words were filled with extreme coldness, and it made everyone's heart tremble when they heard it.    


To China, time was life.    


It wasn't just the lives of the Huaxia Army's warriors, it was also the lives of billions of civilians. Therefore, no mistakes were allowed.    


"I will follow Mr Loong's orders!" Everyone replied with a solemn expression.    


They could hear the killing intent in Loong Wei's tone. If they dared to disobey him, Loong Wei would never show any mercy.    


"There's no time to lose. All of you, leave immediately." Loong Wei waved his hand and ordered them to leave.    


"Yes!" Lei Xianming, Chen Bai and the others did not dare to delay and left the base in a hurry.    


After everyone left, Jin Tai asked Loong Wei, "Mr Loong, Chu Zhao..."    


"En, I will personally make a trip to Southern Land to see what he wants to do." Loong Wei said.    


Southern Land was located in Jiangnan, huaxia. It was the richest and most prosperous place among the four major territories.    


The Southern Land had always been at odds with the other nine major territories. This time, the public disobedience of the recruitment order was a centralized performance.    


Jin Tai nodded. With Loong Wei's current strength, even if he went to the Southern Land alone, it wouldn't be a big deal.    


"Jin Tai, how is Niu Lu?" Loong Wei walked side by side with Jin Tai and turned around to ask.    


Jin Tai's face darkened. "It's still the same, it's not getting any better."    


"By the way, you have made some progress in the cloning of the Tyrant Bull in the laboratory. Although the cloning technology is not common, there are still ready-made materials for reference. It won't take long for Niu Ba to be reborn."    


Loong Wei nodded. The progress was indeed very fast. It seemed that creating a human was much easier than creating a divine beast.    


However, although the clone Niu Ba looked exactly the same as the previous Niu Ba, he still had his own form. He didn't have Niu Ba's feelings and memories.    


Loong Wei shook his head helplessly. He made some arrangements for the things in the base before he got up and headed to Southern Land.    


He took the high-speed rail from Dun Prefecture to the capital of Southern Land, southeast City. Loong Wei headed south all the way.    


As the richest region in Huaxia, Southern Land had always been a blessed land with many talented people. Chu Zhao was one of the best.    


"Chu Family is located in the center of South-South City. I wonder if Chu Zhao is at home." After walking out of the train station, Loong Wei muttered to himself. Then, he thought of something and said, "Let's go to Chu Family first."    


As the biggest family in the Southern Land, the Chu Family had always been famous. Even Loong Wei, a man from the Western Realm, knew about the reputation of the Chu Family.    


The Chu Family was an ancient family with a long history, even longer than the Shenyinn Aristocratic Family.    


According to legend, the ancestor of Chu Family, chu Buyi, was a great general of the Song Dynasty's Emperor. He once led an army to pacify the Southern Tang and made great military achievements.    


Later on, the Emperor bestowed Chu Buyi with the title of Marquis of Pingnan. It was only then that the Chu Family moved their family here and took root until now.    


Loong Wei waved his hand to stop a car. After getting into the car, he said to the driver, "Let's go to the Chu Family."    


"Chu Family?" The driver looked at Loong Wei with a strange expression. "A week ago, the whole family of the Chu Family went on a trip. They haven't returned yet."    


"There are only a few servants and security guards left in Chu Family to guard the house. Are you sure you want to go?"    


"Travel?" Loong Wei frowned slightly and immediately understood.    


The excuse of traveling was too stiff. How could he hide it from Loong Wei?    


The Chu Family was the biggest family in Southern Land. Be it the business world or the political and military world, there was a large number of interpersonal contacts every day. How could their whole family go out at the same time?    


Chu Zhao probably knew that Loong Wei was still alive and was afraid that he would come and seek revenge. That was why he arranged for his family to go out and take refuge.    


The driver turned the steering wheel and said with an envious face, "Yes, the Chu Family has a big family business. A few hundred people going out to travel together, I'm afraid the cost of the plane tickets alone is over a million!"    


"The life of rich people is really hard to imagine!"    


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