Supreme Master In City

C649 China's Hero

C649 China's Hero

"Not good!" Without any hesitation, tai Gan Gang retreated.    


In the blink of an eye, he was two thousand meters away from Loong Wei. However, that intense aura of death was still lingering in Tai Gangang's heart, as if it had locked onto him.    


Although he could no longer see Loong Wei's figure, the feeling of his soul being separated from his body was still lingering in his mind.    


It was as if no matter where he ran to, he would die for sure!    


"It's not that easy to kill me!" After all, tai Gan Gang was Great Rakasha Emperor. He had a tough heart and would not wait for death.    


Three thousand meters, five thousand meters, ten thousand meters...    


When they were close to the barren land, he subconsciously looked in the direction of Loong Wei and grinned hideously. "Loong Wei, he said. Let's see how you kill me this time!"    


However, the instant his voice rang out, the pupils of his eyes contracted rapidly, and his hair stood on end. He was so frightened that his soul almost left his body.    




The air was instantly torn apart, and an arrow that carried a supreme might shot out from within space, and it pierced towards Tai Gan Gang's heart with a speed that was as swift as lightning.    


"Furnace Cauldron, condense!" Tai Gan Gang shouted. A faint green halo suddenly appeared on his body. Then, that halo condensed into a bronze cauldron that was ten meters tall, and completely wrapped Tai Gan Gang up.    


"Clang!" The sharp arrow pierced the bronze cauldron, and it instantly produced a metallic sound.    


"Crack! Crack! Crack!" After blocking for half a second, the heavy and solid bronze cauldron was filled with cracks.    


"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the bronze cauldron instantly shattered into powder.    


"Don't even think about it!" Tai Gan Gang let out a sorrowful roar, completely in despair.    


He never expected that he would actually lose his life during this Imperial Expedition, and that he would be able to survive even if he was lucky!    


Seeing that the ray of light was about to pierce through Tai Gan Gang's heart, but the instant the sharp edge pierced through his skin, that Light Arrow actually vanished into thin air.    


"Hiss!" Forcibly enduring the intense pain in his chest, tai Gangang surveyed his surroundings. Only then did he confirm that the Light Arrow had indeed disappeared.    


"Cough, cough, cough. Puff!" Although the Light Arrow wasn't able to pierce through his heart, the tremendous power still severely injured his internal organs.    


His face was pale, and his breathing was weak. The bronze pendant on his neck flashed twice, and with a bang, it shattered into pieces.    


The bronze pendant in the shape of a cauldron was the national treasure of Luosha Country. It was a magical weapon that had been passed down for thousands of years.    


It had been baptized for thousands of years, but it was still immortal and indestructible. But now, it was shattered by Loong Wei's arrow.    


Could it be that this was a sign that the empire was going to be destroyed?    


"I don't believe in the Heaven's Will!" Tai Gan Gang struggled to stand up. He mustered his last bit of strength and fled frantically.    


Outside of Nan'an City, the shadow of the Soldier Immortal in the sky disappeared and the General Appocation Stage returned to its original state.    


Loong Wei let out a sigh of pity. Just now, he could have killed Tai Jiangang with a single arrow, but the seal that he forcefully opened was no longer able to hold on, and it instantly closed.    


The might of the Weapon Immortal was instantly suppressed by the Heaven and Earth Seal, and the Light Arrow instantly disappeared.    


Only then did Tai Gan Gang regain his life.    


However, after this battle, tai Gan Gang probably would not dare to use his troops against China for another 50 years.    


Loong Wei used his own strength to forcefully shoulder the 50 years of China's prosperity!    


South Peace City.    


Many of the civilians were paying close attention to the progress of the war. Although many of them had fled in panic, most of them stayed behind to defend.    


It was hard to leave their homeland.    


"What was that loud noise just now? Could it be that our Huaxia army was defeated?" Someone asked worriedly.    


"It's most likely like that. I heard that the Lieh Country has sent a vanguard of gods. Each god has the strength of a million soldiers. I think the hunters will attack soon!"    


"It's over. The Southern Land is about to fall..."    


Everyone was in grief and no longer held any hope.    


Now that the Northeast Realm had fallen, the Eastern Realm had been conquered by the Rakasha Navy, and the Southern Land was going to be conquered by the Lieh Country, huaxia was going to die!    


Many of the elders sighed and said, "The heavens have no eyes. There was actually a Loong Wei who wreaked havoc in our country. The whole of our country is being toyed with by this bastard!"    


"Loong Wei is a traitor, a thief who steals the country!"    


Just as everyone was cursing Loong Wei, someone pointed to the distance and shouted, "Loong Wei is here!"    


Everyone hurriedly looked in the direction that the person was pointing at, and saw Loong Wei carrying a yellow mud platform as he slowly walked over.    


"Loong Wei, you still dare to come in? Aren't you afraid that we will beat you to death?!"    


"You traitor, you don't deserve to enter the South Peace City. Get out of here!"    


"We want to take revenge for the sacrifice of the Huaxia soldiers. We want Loong Wei to be executed on the spot!"    


The furious South Peace civilians surrounded Loong Wei, wanting to burn his bones and scatter his ashes.    


Loong Wei looked at them indifferently, then sighed. "Lieh Country has withdrawn their troops. Wu Hai is chasing after them with his men. I have something to take care of. Move aside."    


The army of Lieh Country had been forced back. There was no longer any danger in Southern Land. Loong Wei needed to go to Eastern Realm to deal with the three million Rakasha Navy.    


Back then, Loong Wei had already destroyed the ten fleets of Luosha Country. He didn't expect that these barbarians would rebuild the navy and make a comeback, and even kill so many soldiers of Huaxia.    


This hatred, this hatred... It was an irreconcilable hatred!    


When they heard Loong Wei say this, the surrounding civilians were slightly stunned, not knowing what to do.    


An old man in a Tang suit coldly snorted in the crowd. "Loong Wei, do you think you can fool us by fabricating a few flowery words?"    


"I have long seen that you have surrendered to Luosha Country. In the face of the invasion of the Rakshasa army, not only did you not resist, you even talked and laughed with Tai Gan Gang. You even dare to quibble!"    


The others also agreed: "That's right. More than 900,000 soldiers of China were not a match for Lieh Country. You can turn the tide of the battle by yourself?"    


"Do you think we are all three-year-old kids who are so easy to deceive?"    


Loong Wei shook his head. He was too lazy to explain to these people.    


Just as he wanted to force his way through, he heard someone in the crowd exclaim. "Isn't that Wu Hai? And Jiang Xu. They're fine!"    


Everyone looked into the distance and saw Wu Hai and Jiang Xu walking over with a large group of soldiers.    


The civilians were overjoyed, and many of them were so excited that they cried, "The heavens protect us, and the soldiers are safe!"    


The Lieh Country had invaded China, and it was these people who fought with their lives on the line. More than half of the 900,000 soldiers had died.    


They were all the pillars of the country, the warriors of their country!    


However, Wu Hai and Jiang Xu did not care about the people who were full of enthusiasm. They strode to Loong Wei and respectfully gave a deep bow. "Thank you for Mr Loong's kindness. We represent Southern Land, all the soldiers and civilians in the southeast region to thank you. You are our saviour!"    


"Hero of Huaxia!"    


After saying that, the soldiers stood solemnly. "Salute!"    


The South Peace civilians looked at each other in dismay. No one knew what was going on.    


Didn't they say that Loong Wei was a traitor of China? Why did he become a hero again?    


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