Supreme Master In City

C715 Her Experience in Making Money

C715 Her Experience in Making Money

When Hee Zhen saw that the scene had finally calmed down, she finally spoke out loud.    


"Thank you fellow villagers for coming to my son's full month banquet, as well as our accommodations."    


"The achievements that I, Hee Zhen, have achieved today cannot be without the support of many villagers."    


"First of all, I have to thank the village chief..."    


Hee Zhen spoke for a long time. She was thanking everyone for their help. From the Village Chief to the villagers, she thanked them all.    


The only person she did not mention was the person she should thank the most, Loong Wanjie.    


Hee Zhen's 15 year old parents died in a car accident, and it was all thanks to the neighbors that she was able to survive.    


Later on, Hee Zhen went all out to study, and finally got into a good university.    


In the first year of school, the villagers gave Hee Zhen tuition fees. Later, the school knew Hee Zhen's difficulties and decided to waive her tuition for the next three years.    


However, although the tuition fees were waived, the living expenses were not small.    


Helpless, Hee Zhen could only work and study.    


This way, her studies would inevitably be greatly affected. She would fail her specialized courses repeatedly, and only after the fifth year did she manage to stutter and graduate.    


Such a resume made Hee Zhen run into many obstacles in the workplace. She could not find a job at all.    


When she was at her most difficult time, Loong Wanjie hired her to give her a chance to work.    


Furthermore, he also focused on nurturing her. In just two short years, he let her come into contact with the core finances of the company.    


Loong Wanjie was even at ease to let her take care of the charity fund on his behalf.    


Unfortunately, good times did not last long.    


Hee Zhen's grateful words were still endless.    


"I still have to thank Aunt Wu. After my parents' accident, I did not eat for three days. Aunt Wu brought me a bowl of steaming hot porridge..."    


When everyone saw Hee Zhen's beautiful performance, they couldn't help but wipe away their tears.    


There were some things that even the people involved couldn't remember. But Hee Zhen remembered it clearly. This child really had a conscience.    


"Pa, pa, pa..."    


Just as the villagers were moved by Hee Zhen's words to the point of being unable to extricate themselves, a burst of clapping suddenly sounded out.    


Everyone turned around to look at the source of the sound.    


Loong Wei suddenly stood up and looked at Hee Zhen who was on the stage with a smile that was not a smile. "What a grateful woman. Let me ask you, where did the Fugui that you are wearing come from?"    


"You dare swear to the heavens that you did not repay kindness with ingratitude?"    


A stone raised thousands of waves. At this moment, these two words were simply like a thunderclap exploding in everyone's ears.    


"Who's this kid? What does he mean by this?"    


"He wouldn't be here to wreck the scene, right?"    


"No matter who he is, if he wants to make things difficult for Hee Zhen, it means that he wants to make things difficult for me!"    


Discussions broke out everywhere, but their attitudes were very clear. They were all protecting Hee Zhen, and they were all against the outside world.    


Hee Zhen listened to the discussions of the crowd and felt a lot more at ease in her heart.    


"Who are you? We didn't invite you to the banquet at all."    


"You and I don't know each other. What right do you have to criticize me?!"    


Loong Wei sneered. His tone was bone-chilling. "My surname is Long!"    


After saying that, Loong Wei picked up a peanut on the plate and flicked his finger.    


"Swoosh!" The peanut instantly hit Hee Zhen's chest and her whole body was instantly sent flying.    


"Cough, cough, cough, cough..." Hee Zhen spat out a large mouthful of blood.    


"Zhen Zhen!" Luckily, Suen Jun was quick to react and grabbed Hee Zhen's hand, which was why he did not let her fall to the bottom of the high platform.    


"I, I am fine..." Hee Zhen covered her swollen chest, looking weak and pitiful.    


Suen Jun felt his heart ache. He looked at Loong Wei with eyes full of anger. "Bastard, you are courting death!"    


Loong Wei weighed the few peanuts in his hand. He smiled and said, "Miss Hee is so weak. I really pity her when I see her."    


Suen Jun was furious and did not have the time to investigate how Loong Wei sent Hee Zhen flying with peanuts.    


"You dog. How dare you come here and behave atrociously. I think you are tired of living!"    


"My fellow villagers, can you just watch as Zhenzhen is bullied by outsiders?!"    


"Everyone, come with me and beat these two bastards out!"    


After saying that, Suen Jun jumped off the platform and rushed towards Loong Wei with a few young and strong villagers.    


However, before they could get close, Dong Fei took a step forward, and his momentum soared.    


The group of people who rushed over couldn't help but stop and look at each other.    


Suen Jun gritted his teeth and encouraged them, "Don't be afraid. These two brats just look fierce. They don't have any real abilities. There are so many of us here. One kick from each of us is enough to knock him down. Go!"    


"Whoever can take down these two people, I will reward them with 100,000 yuan!"    


When they heard what Suen Jun said, many young and robust men rubbed their fists and rushed forward.    


Hee Zhen, who was on the stage, secretly sneered.    


She even thought of her as a poor student who could be bullied by everyone? Did he think that just because he was a person, he could touch her head?    


Daring to provoke her, you are courting death!    


But a second later, Hee Zhen's smile froze on her face. Her beautiful eyes were wide open, filled with shock.    


A dozen strong men with sticks in their hands actually could not beat Loong Wei's unarmed subordinates.    


That man's movements were as fast as the wind. In the blink of an eye, he flattened this group of people. Almost every second.    


Suen Jun, who was at the back of the group, didn't wait for Dong Fei to attack. He turned around and ran away in fear.    


Looking at the young men lying on the ground, everyone was so scared that their faces turned pale.    


A moment later, the whole scene was filled with anger.    


"Who are you? Why did you come to our He family to cause trouble!"    


"Zhenzhen, don't be afraid. Your family's matter is the entire village's matter. We will never let outsiders bully you!"    


The villagers criticized Loong Wei while fawning over Hee Zhen. They did not delay either.    


"Interesting." When Loong Wei saw this, he immediately let out a cold laugh.    


"Bang!" The village chief slammed the table and stood up. He roared at Loong Wei, "Did you see that Hee Zhen got rich, so you came here to extort money? Let me tell you, as long as I'm still here, you can forget about touching a single hair on Hee Zhen's head!"    


Loong Wei did not even raise his eyelids. There was a smile on his face that was neither deep nor shallow as he looked at Hee Zhen playfully. "I heard that Miss Hee is young and promising. After graduating two years ago, she became a rich person in a region. I specially came to ask for advice on how to make a fortune."    


"Everyone, aren't you curious about Miss Hee's path to getting rich?"    


When the villagers heard this, they were also puzzled. That's right. Although Hee Zhen was admitted to a famous university, she did not have anything. She started from scratch.    


How could she have such a rich family property in just two years?    


Hee Zhen's soft spot was hit by Loong Wei's words. A trace of panic flashed across her eyes, but she quickly hid it.    


"What a joke. Why should I tell you my way of earning money? Do I know you well?"    


The smile on Loong Wei's lips became deeper. He forced himself to ask, "Do you not want to say it, or do you not dare to say it?"    


Hee Zhen's heart beat rapidly. The panic on her face became more and more obvious. It could not be hidden anymore.    


She glared at Loong Wei angrily and did not think of how to refute him for a long time.    


Seeing this, many villagers started to discuss in low voices.    


"Hee Zhen's money, don't tell me it came from the wrong way?"    


"Although she works in a big city, how could she earn so much money in just two short years?"    


"I think this woman is most likely a mistress for someone else. She has been kept by the big boss!"    


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