I Have A Daughter Who Is Cultivating Immortality

C34 Intrigued

C34 Intrigued

5"Humph, you didn't tell me you were hurt. If the manager hadn't told me, I would have thought you were dead..."    


Zhang Weiwei rolled her eyes at Zhou Yang and walked in. When she came in and saw the messy living room, she was speechless again.    


Zhou Yang didn't know how to clean the house properly. It was so messy that he didn't know how he lived in it.    


Zhou Yang looked at Zhang Weiwei awkwardly and quickly said, "Well, I am too busy and did not have time to clean..."    


Zhang Weiwei sighed and put the things in her hands to the side. Just as she was about to clean up the house for Zhou Yang, she suddenly remembered his injuries. She quickly asked, "By the way, where are your injuries? Let me see if it's serious. If it's not possible, I'll take you to the hospital."    


Zhou Yang nodded like a wooden man. He took off his shirt in front of Zhang Weiwei and turned around to let her see.    


"It's already bruised. You were too careless..."    


Zhang Weiwei looked at him with heartache. Her slender fingers gently caressed his back, making Zhou Yang feel a little itchy.    


But Zhou Yang's back looked so thick, and he actually had abdominal muscles...    


Thinking of this, Zhang Weiwei felt her face heat up.    


"It's fine. It's all minor injuries. There's no need to go to the hospital. It will be healed in a few days."    


Zhou Yang heard that Zhang Weiwei did not speak for a long time. He turned around and saw that she was in a daze. He said speechlessly, "Senior sister, can I put my clothes on?"    


"Oh, quickly put them on..."    


Zhang Weiwei came back to her senses and her small face turned red. She hurriedly lowered her head. Zhou Yang saw her like this and could not help but smile. It made Zhang Weiwei feel hot on her cheeks.    


"You go and take a shower first. I... I will help you clean the house and then cook for you..."    


Zhang Weiwei said and quickly pushed Zhou Yang into the bathroom. Only then did she heave a sigh of relief.    


She did not know why, but she did not want to take care of Zhou Yang, but she still came.    


Zhou Yang was happy in his heart. After he took a shower, Zhang Weiwei had already tidied up the living room. A wave of fragrance came from the kitchen and followed the fragrance.    


"It's so good to have a woman at home. I didn't think that a single dog like Zhou Yang's house would also have a taste of home..."    


Zhang Weiwei, who was wearing an apron, was busy in the kitchen when she suddenly felt movement behind her. She turned around and saw that Zhou Yang had come out of nowhere. He stood at the door staring at her, lost in thought. His face once again flushed red.    


"Don't look at me. Help me see if the porridge is ready." Zhang Weiwei rolled her eyes at Zhou Yang and said casually, "You are injured, so you should drink some porridge. It is good for your health..."    


Zhou Yang felt warm in his heart. He quickly walked over and helped to load the plate and so on.    


"Senior sister's craftsmanship is really good. I don't know who is so lucky to marry a beauty like senior sister..."    


Zhang Weiwei's craftsmanship was really not bad. The table full of dishes made Zhou Yang couldn't help but sigh.    


"You brat only know how to glib your tongue. Quickly taste how my dishes are made..."    


Zhang Weiwei stuck out her tongue. She was naturally very happy when she received Zhou Yang's praise.    


"That... Zhou Yang, are you the only one in the family?"    


Zhang Weiwei had been very strange ever since she came in. She had heard from that girl that Zhou Yang already had a daughter. It seemed that she was not fake.    


This was also Zhang Weiwei's little idea. Other than taking care of Zhou Yang, she wanted to see if Zhou Yang really had a daughter.    


Zhou Yang realized that Zhang Weiwei's cooking was much better than his. He wished he could stuff his head into the rice bowl. Hearing Zhang Weiwei's words, he did not even raise his head and said without thinking. "Yeah, I'm the only one. Who else could it be?"    


Zhang Weiwei was slightly surprised. Could it be that Zhou Yang didn't have a daughter?    


But she could not continue to ask. She could only continue to eat with an uncertain or sad mood.    


After eating, Zhou Yang volunteered to wash the dishes, indicating that after seeing Zhang Weiwei, his waist was no longer sore and his back no longer hurt. The injuries were no longer important. Zhang Weiwei could sit, but how could Zhang Weiwei sit still?    


While Zhou Yang was washing the dishes in the kitchen, Zhang Weiwei helped Zhou Yang clean the bedroom. Other than a few clothes with blood on them, it seemed that they did not find any clothes the child was wearing. She was relieved that she had not even seen a child's toy.    


"Zhou Yang, you were too careless. Let me help you wash your clothes..."    


Zhang Weiwei carried the clothes to the kitchen and said to Zhou Yang.    


Zhou Yang had just finished washing the dishes and said with some embarrassment, "Then I will have to trouble senior sister..."    


Zhang Weiwei was just about to leave when a loud noise came from outside the window. Zhou Yang immediately became alert and rushed to Zhang Weiwei's side without thinking. He hugged her and hid outside the kitchen.    


What was that sound just now?    


Could it be that someone from Black Tortoise Realm came to find trouble with him again?    


Zhou Yang was afraid of that Qingshan. After all, his realm was far from his. If the Green Cloud Sect sent another assassin like Qingshan, Zhou Yang would absolutely have no way to deal with him!    


After a while, when he realized that there was no movement, Zhou Yang stuck his head out and looked around. He let out a long breath. It turned out that he was too sensitive, as if nothing had happened.    


"Zhou Yang, can you let go of me?"    


Zhang Weiwei's face blushed. It was the first time she was hugged by a boy like this. Their faces were so close that she felt very embarrassed.    


What happened to Zhou Yang? It was just a loud sound.    


" Oh... Oh, that... someone has been looking for trouble with me these past two days. I thought it was an attack... "    


Zhou Yang reluctantly let go of Zhang Weiwei's slender waist. He scratched his head and asked without a word, "Senior sister, your body smells so good. What perfume is this?"    


"You hate it..."    


Zhang Weiwei bit her lips because Zhou Yang's words made her face even hotter. She quickly ran into the bathroom.    


Zhou Yang did not understand. Why did he hate her?    


Zhang Weiwei entered the bathroom and patted her rising and falling breasts. When she turned around and saw that Zhou Yang did not come over, she heaved a sigh of relief.    


What happened to me? My heart was beating so fast just now...    


"Zhang Weiwei, Zhang Weiwei, although Zhou Yang is your junior brother and is not sure if he has a daughter, you can't be so infatuated with him..."    


Zhang Weiwei muttered in her heart.    


Zhou Yang saw the clean house and felt that he needed to thank his senior sister. When she was drying her clothes, he said to Zhang Weiwei, "Senior sister, um, are you free tonight? Do you want me to accompany you out to have fun, go shopping, and so on..."    


Zhang Weiwei did not dare to look at Zhou Yang's eyes, afraid that she would expose something. After a long time, she nodded and said, "Sure, but are your injuries really alright?"    


Zhou Yang jumped on the spot. Suddenly, he felt a pain on his back. However, he still smiled and said, "You see, I am much better now. There is no problem for me to go shopping with you."    


"Alright then... I have to go to the shop in the afternoon. If you are hungry, there is still porridge in the kitchen. Oh right, will you come and pick me up tonight? "    


Zhang Weiwei dried her clothes and said to Zhou Yang with a smile.    


Zhou Yang was very happy in his heart and quickly agreed. The last time he had a date with Zhang Weiwei, he had failed. No matter what, he had to perform well this time. He could not let his senior sister down again.    


Zhang Weiwei instructed him and then went back to the store. Along the way, she had been thinking that she did not want to agree, but when the words were about to come out of her mouth, she agreed again.    


Could it be that she really fell in love with Zhou Yang?    


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