Irresistible Romance

C70 A Complete War Had Broken out

C70 A Complete War Had Broken out

Bai Luofan's eyes dimmed a little. In the past few years, he had never thought that he would end up like this with Yan Xi. She was always so docile and obedient. No matter what request he made, Yan Xi would never refuse. But now, Yan Xi had completely changed.    


Thinking about what Yan Xi said that day and the expression she had when she left, Bai Luofan felt very uneasy.    


He picked up the car key, "I will personally confirm it."    


He drove all the way to Sister Xia's house. After knocking on the door, he kept looking inside. "Where is Yan Xi? Ask her to come out!"    


Sister Xia rudely pushed him out and shut the door, "This is my house. Yan Xi is not here!"    


Impossible. She moved out of the apartment a long time ago and did not explain her new address to the company. Either she lived in Yan Family or she is here with you. " Bai Luofan still did not give up and shouted through the door, "Yan Xi, I know you are here. Come out, I have something to say!"    


He must confirm that Yan Xi did not know about the invitation and also make sure that she would not suddenly appear on the red carpet night.    


"Are you annoyed? Yan Xi has the right to privacy. Tomorrow night is the red carpet night. If you are not busy accompanying Chiang Yumeng and come to my house to make a ruckus, I will sue you for disturbing the people!" Sister Xia put her hands on her waist. If she really said Yan Xi's current address, she would probably scare Bai Luofan to death.    


"You!" Bai Luofan snorted, "The company has always been very fair to artistes. Although Yan Xi did not receive an invitation from the Film Festival, the company will not give up on her. They specially organized a fan meeting for her at the hot spring hotel in the south of the city. This is the address."    


"Fan meeting?" Sister Xia opened it and saw it. She was so angry that she gritted her teeth, "The company is really considerate. The time is exactly the same as the red carpet night."    


"I have already said what needs to be said. As Yan Xi's special assistant, I hope that you do not drag her down. Do as I say and treat everyone well." Bai Luofan left quickly after he finished speaking. He felt that Yan Xi must be living in Sister Xia's apartment. Even if he did not hear what she said, it was impossible for her not to go to the fan meeting. This way, she would definitely not appear at the red carpet night and the following award ceremony.    


Sister Xia immediately told Yan Xi about this matter, "What should we do? They are clearly going to send you away."    


"I will definitely go. Sister Xia, I need you to do something for me."    


"Tell me!"    


According to Bai Luofan's plan, Yan Xi did not have an invitation and had to take care of her fans. She could only choose to go to the fan meeting in the south of the city. On the night of the red carpet, they would announce to the outside world that Yan Xi had acted on her own and ignored the invitation of the Film Festival.    


At that time, everyone would see Chiang Yumeng's beauty.    


Thinking of Chiang Yumeng, Bai Luofan drove and dialed her number.    


"I didn't see you go to the company. What are you busy with?" He always felt that Chiang Yumeng's recent reaction was not right, especially after she received an invitation from the Film Festival.    


She did not seem to be as close to him as before.    


When she had seduced him behind Yan Xi's back, she had been running to his office every few days. But now...    


"I just felt a little uncomfortable, so I went home." She deliberately coughed twice and lowered her voice. "Luofan, when are you coming back to accompany me?"    


"You should rest more if you are not feeling well. I still have to go to the company. Tomorrow night is the red carpet night. There are still some things to prepare." Bai Luofan suppressed the thoughts in his heart. Now was the critical period of Chiang Yumeng's career development. In addition, she was pregnant. It was his wild thoughts.    


"Alright then. I'll wait for you at home." Chiang Yumeng gently replied and hung up the phone.    


Just as she hung up the phone, she was pulled into someone's arms. It was Assistant Director, Du Jingsheng.    


He kept stroking Chiang Yumeng and hooked her chin proudly. "I didn't expect that your acting skills were average, but your deceptive skills were very good. That stupid kid also believed it."    


Chiang Yumeng smiled awkwardly and pushed his hand away. "I had no choice. You haven't helped me get the KB Brokerage Agency contract yet. I'm still an artiste of Huihuang. Of course I can't go against him."    


"Don't worry. As long as you satisfy me properly, the day before the award ceremony will be the day you sign the contract with the KB!" As he spoke, he threw himself at Chiang Yumeng with an evil smile.    


The two of them fell on the bed behind them. Chiang Yumeng's face did not have any dissatisfaction, only greed and desire.    


As long as she could win, she could do whatever she wanted.    


Two hours later, she sent Du Jingsheng away and immediately dialed her assistant's number.    


"Help me contact a safe hospital. After the award ceremony, I will go for surgery and get rid of the child."    


She had to do this to ensure her future.    


After movie queen won the award, she would become an artiste of the KB Brokerage Agency. That was the best time for her to shake off Bai Luofan.    


"Are we really going to get rid of him? Yumeng, are you sure you've thought it through? If Director Bai knew..." The assistant did not understand what Chiang Yumeng was doing. Perhaps fame and fortune were too attractive to her.    


According to her current position, taking movie queen and giving birth to Bai Luofan's child was a bright path, but she had to choose a dangerous shortcut. Do as I say! " Chiang Yumeng could not wait to see Yan Xi fail.    


So what if she took Bai Luofan from Yan Xi? He was just a chess piece on her way to success.    


"By the way, does Yan Xi have a trip tomorrow night?" She continued to ask.    


"Director Bai arranged a fan meeting for her. She can't attend the red carpet night in the south of the city." The assistant had already inquired about Yan Xi's whereabouts.    


"Got it. Do what I arranged for you."    


The assistant could only sigh helplessly when she heard the phone was disconnected. She did not know if Chiang Yumeng would be able to get what she wanted in the end. After all, if the matter was exposed, Bai Luofan would not let her go.    


On the other side, Yan Xi arranged for Sister Xia to release a notice in the Fans Group saying that Yan Xi would give everyone a big surprise when the fans meet. At this time, only the organizers and a few people knew that Yan Xi was invited by the Film Festival. The fans did not know that she was one of the guests invited to the award ceremony.    


The next morning, Yan Xi and Sister Xia went to the company to look at the clothes. After all, Bai Luofan had arranged a fan meeting for her. She still had to put on a show.    


As soon as they entered the company, they saw four young girls wearing masks. Although their faces could not be seen, they gave off a very beautiful and energetic feeling.    


They followed the company's veteran manager, Qin Tian. It was as if this was the first time they came to the company. They looked very nervous, but they all had one thing in common that was somewhat similar to Yan Xi.    


Yan Xi took off her sunglasses and stopped walking.    


Sister Xia walked over, "Qin Tian, they are new, right? A group of women?"    


Qin Tian rubbed his hands and did not dare to offend Yan Xi, nor did he dare to disobey Bai Luofan's orders. He could only stutter, "En, newbies."    


After they walked over, Sister Xia and Yan Xi exchanged a look.    


"Looks like Bai Luofan really wants to find someone to take advantage of your reputation." Sister Xia spat. It was not rare for people to behave like them in the industry. It was just that she did not expect this kind of thing to happen to Yan Xi.    


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