Billionaire CEO Won't Leave

C60 He Wanted to Help His Mother Take Back What She Had Lost

C60 He Wanted to Help His Mother Take Back What She Had Lost

Jenny clenched her fists. Her sharp nails dug deep into the tender flesh in her palm, but she did not feel any pain at all.    


Why did Kang Mobei's son also support Bai Nianxi?    


The French representative finally showed a trace of dissatisfaction on his face. Jenny was the person they took a fancy to. How could she be replaced so easily? He was just about to express his opinion when Kang Mobei opened his mouth to speak.    


Kang Mobei's face darkened. He made a seemingly fair decision. "Let them compete. Half a month was the deadline. They each handed in a piece of work to participate in the evaluation. The winner will obtain the rights to design the cover of this new product. "    


He didn't leave any room for the French representative to refute.    


After the meeting ended, Kang Mobei directly brought Luoluo into the meeting room.    


Bai Nianxi was still in a daze. She could not come back to her senses. The development of the matter just now had already far exceeded her expectations.    


Why did Luoluo suddenly rush over? Why did he let her be in charge of the cover design? Why did Kang Mobei agree to it? Could it be that she really wanted to compete with Jenny?    


Bai Nianxi stood in front of the washing table in the bathroom. She looked at the mirror and fell into deep thought.    


"A pheasant is a pheasant. Do you think a pheasant can become a phoenix just by standing on a tall branch?" Jenny appeared at the door and her face was full of disdain.    


Bai Nianxi recovered her senses and looked at the door, "What did you say?"    


Jenny lightly laughed. "I said you are a pheasant. "    


She came to find trouble with her again?    


"I am a pheasant. Then what about someone like you who plagiarizes a pheasant's work and becomes famous because of it?" Bai Nianxi asked back. Her words were full of sarcasm.    


Jenny did not answer Bai Nianxi's question and only snorted, "Do you think that you really have the qualifications to compete with me? Don't you know your ability? Why do you want to humiliate yourself and delude yourself to obtain those things that do not belong to you?"    


" So you're here to persuade me to give up on competing with you and give you the cover design rights? " Bai Nianxi looked at Jenny and narrowed her eyes.    


She had heard about the creativity of this new product during the meeting. This was a topic that she was very interested in. If she could get the design rights for the cover this time, it would be a very good thing for her.    


Although she didn't know why she got the opportunity to participate in the competition. But since the opportunity had come, she had to grab it.    


Bai Nianxi shook her head, "Impossible. "    


"Instead of putting your mind on me, why don't you think about how to design a competition piece?"    


"You. . . " Seeing Bai Nianxi's stubborn expression, Jenny was instantly furious. What kind of ability did she have to dare to speak to her like this?    


Jenny sneered and said, "Anyway, the final result is the same. Why do you work for nothing? Miss Bai, do you like to waste your time?"    


Bai Nianxi was silent. She thought of the painting that originally belonged to her, but in the end, it fell into someone else's hands. She had spent a few months and put in so much effort. In the end, all of this was futile.    


Her words carried a biting chill. " What? Miss Jenny, could it be that you still want to steal my paintings?"    


Jenny could not hold it in anymore. She raised her hand and wanted to give Bai Nianxi a slap. Bai Nianxi was just about to reach out her hand to stop Jenny's hand. Suddenly the bathroom door was pushed open and Gao Wanqing stood at the door.    


The hand that Jenny used to hit Bai Nianxi was held by Bai Nianxi and it stopped in the air. They were evenly matched and were in a deadlock.    


Gao Wanqing looked at them. Her eyes were as cold as usual. Then, as if nothing had happened, she walked straight into the bathroom.    


However, Jenny suddenly became somewhat embarrassed. She retracted her hand and did not argue with Bai Nianxi anymore. After she finished speaking, she hurriedly left.    


"Bai Nianxi, we will wait and see. "    


After Jenny left, Bai Nianxi lightly exhaled. She looked at the place where Gao Wanqing just walked in and said, "Thank you. "    


Gao Wanqing did not reply and Bai Nianxi walked out.    


"This is the information on the new product. Take a look. Then you will design a competition product for me based on this information. " Jenny threw a thick stack of information to Wu Ling who was lying on the hospital bed.    


Ever since the last incident, Wu Ling's broken leg was injured again. Her leg was cast twice again. So she was still lying in the hospital bed.    


Wu Ling did not dare to disobey Jenny's orders. She picked up the information and flipped through it, "What is this?"    


"Why are you asking so many questions? Just do as I say!" Jenny was very impatient.    


"When do you want it?"    


Jenny frowned, "I will give you two weeks. "    


"Two weeks!" Wu Ling almost shouted and then she realized that she had lost her composure and used her hands to cover her mouth.    


She needed a lot of time to read so much information. She also needed to design the cover according to the product concept. After she finished drawing the first draft, she still had to color it. How could two weeks be enough?    


"Do you think I gave you too much time?"    


Wu Ling shrunk her shoulders and shook her head. How could she dare to refute Jenny? If she was not careful, Jenny would punch and kick her.    


In other people's eyes, she was currently the most famous female painter's assistant. In fact, she was only the one who drew for Jenny. When Jenny was angry, she was even treated as a punching bag.    


Jenny snorted and her face was gloomy. She bent down and said to Wu Ling, "This painting is very important. I want you to use your best skills. If your painting is not good, you can just wait for death. "    


Wu Ling quickly nodded her head. She hurriedly flipped open the information and looked at it carefully.    


How could she not understand Jenny? If she did not draw it well, her outcome would really be very miserable!    


"Luoluo, can you tell me why you did this today?" Bai Nianxi half-squatted in front of the sofa and asked Luoluo, who was sitting on the sofa.    


Luoluo's two little fingers twisted his clothes. He first looked at Kang Mobei, who was beside him, and then he lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I just want you to draw. You can also draw very well. Isn't it? "    


Bai Nianxi sighed. Luoluo did not seem to have said anything.    


She could only look at Kang Mobei beside her. "What about you?"    


"What happened to me?"    


"You know what I'm talking about. " Bai Nianxi frowned.    


At that time, Luoluo suddenly ran in. If Kang Mobei really wanted to stop Luoluo, he would not give him the chance to mess around. However, he left Luoluo there, and even allowed him to say those words.    


Did he acquiesce to Luoluo's actions?    


Kang Mobei raised the corner of his lips, but did not say anything.    


Actually, at that time, he did not really agree with the French representative's suggestion to use Jenny. So he asked her, wanting to hear her opinion.    


He did not expect Luoluo to rush in at that time, and Luoluo even brought up a proposal that made him quite satisfied. So he agreed to it.    


Luoluo sat on the sofa and his fingers kept moving. He did this for his mommy.    


When Secretary Hsing sent him to class today, he saw a proposal about the development of new products in his daddy's car. The proposal mentioned the cover design.    


He asked Secretary Hsing again. When he found out that today's meeting was to confirm the cover designer, he rushed to the company. He recommended his mommy to design the cover!    


Originally, that very famous painting was drawn by his mommy. It was not drawn by that auntie called Jenny at all. He felt that his mommy was so pitiful. The painting she drew had been stolen. Of course, he wanted to find an opportunity for his mommy to prove her ability.    


He wanted to help his mommy take back everything she had lost!    


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