Mafia King's Adorkable Bride

C552 A Midnight Snack Is Worth a Thousand Gold Coins

C552 A Midnight Snack Is Worth a Thousand Gold Coins

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do for the rest of the night.    


"You guys take your time to play. I'll take my leave now." Ye Yi said with a smile.    


The people in the room sat on the sofa and did not know what to do. Although there was a TV in the room, they did not like to watch it.    


" Ahhhh! So boring!" Mo Qianqiu scratched his head and said.    


"Why don't we have some fun? It's only seven o'clock now. Waiting like this is really boring." Ruan Qingwei said.    


"Can't we just call for help?" Chiu Linrui said coldly from the side.    


"Since he locked us up here, he knew we wouldn't be able to get out." Han Yichen said in a deep voice.    


"Why don't we play cards? We have nothing to do anyway." Jin Xuan suggested.    


"That's good. It's better than sitting here. Young Master Nan said in a deep voice.    


"There are cards and wine in this room. The loser gets to drink. "Yeh Jiu said in a deep voice.    




" No problem."    


"Let's do it."    


"..." They said at the same time.    


Then, they started playing cards in the room. Those who lost not only had to drink, but also had to lose money. However, money was a piece of cake for them.    


On the other side.    


At this moment, the culprit who had locked Han Yichen and the others in the room was driving a sports car on the road.    


"Do you think it's not good for us to do this?" Ann Xiaonuan turned her head to look at Yeh Mingjue and asked.    


"What's bad about it?" Yeh Mingjue said as if it was a matter of course.    


"But they are guests after all." Ann Xiaonuan said.    


Ann Xiaonuan did not know why Yeh Mingjue did that. After all, they were good friends. It was not right to lock them up.    


"They are our guests' good friends after all. Are you not afraid that they will cut ties with you?" Ann Xiaonuan said with a smile.    


"If we don't lock them up, we won't be able to sleep tonight." Yeh Mingjue turned his head and smiled at Ann Xiaonuan. There was a different kind of emotion in his eyes.    


“ Oh!"    


While they were talking, Yeh Mingjue had already driven Ann Xiaonuan to a seaside villa. This villa was bought by Yeh Mingjue before, but he had not lived in it many times.    


He only came back occasionally. Yeh Mingjue opened the car door and walked out. Ann Xiaonuan had just gotten out of the car when she was stopped by Yeh Mingjue. Ann Xiaonuan looked up at Yeh Mingjue in confusion.    


"I will carry you in today." Yeh Mingjue said with a smile.    


After he finished speaking, Yeh Mingjue had already carried Ann Xiaonuan out of the car. Ann Xiaonuan wrapped her arms around his neck. At this time, Ann Xiaonuan saw that they had come to a villa near the sea.    


While Ann Xiaonuan was admiring the villa, Yeh Mingjue had already carried Ann Xiaonuan to the living room.    


"You rest here for a while. I will go up and wait for a while." Yeh Mingjue said softly.    


" Yes, yes!" Ann Xiaonuan nodded.    


Yeh Mingjue rubbed Ann Xiaonuan's hair and went upstairs. Ann Xiaonuan carefully looked at the house. The design here was similar to the one in Imperial Bay. It seemed that Yeh Mingjue really liked this style.    


Thinking about this, Ann Xiaonuan raised her hand and looked at the ring in her hand. Then, a sweet smile appeared on her face.    


Ann Xiaonuan sat in the living room and waited for Yeh Mingjue. Half an hour had passed, but she still did not see Yeh Mingjue go downstairs. Ann Xiaonuan looked up and looked upstairs. Without thinking, she lifted her skirt and went upstairs.    


She reached out and knocked on the bedroom door but there was no sound. Ann Xiaonuan could not help but worry.    


"Uncle, are you inside? I am going in!" Ann Xiaonuan said.    


However, she still did not answer her. Ann Xiaonuan became anxious and quickly opened it.    


The moment the door opened, a faint fragrance of flowers assailed her nose. Ann Xiaonuan was shocked to see Yeh Mingjue standing on the other side.    


Ann Xiaonuan looked at the scene in the bedroom in shock. She could not help but cover her mouth and look at Yeh Mingjue in disbelief.    


At this moment, the floor of the room was filled with red candles. The candles were placed in small glass cups and were surrounded by flower petals. It looked extremely beautiful.    


Not only that. Even the bed was covered with red rose petals. Ann Xiaonuan looked at this scene and looked at Yeh Mingjue. Yeh Mingjue looked at Ann Xiaonuan and smiled dotingly. He then stretched out his pretty hand.    


Ann Xiaonuan smiled when she saw this. Then, she lifted her skirt and walked over step by step. Her high heels stepped on the ground but did not make any sound. She stepped on the soft carpet and a delicate fragrance came from the tip of her nose.    


Ann Xiaonuan came in front of Yeh Mingjue and placed her small hand in his palm. His palm was very warm.    


Yeh Mingjue forcefully brought Ann Xiaonuan into his arms and looked at her affectionately, causing Ann Xiaonuan's face to turn red again.    


"Why did you take so long to come up? I have waited for you for a long time." Yeh Mingjue rested his chin on Ann Xiaonuan's shoulder and said.    


"I... I didn't know you prepared such a surprise for me. You just told me to wait downstairs. I waited for a long time and didn't see you come down. That's why I came up." Ann Xiaonuan said shyly.    


"Do you like it?" Yeh Mingjue asked in a hoarse voice.    


"Yes! I like it very much." Ann Xiaonuan nodded her head vigorously.    


"It's good that you like it. Now, let's get down to business." Yeh Mingjue whispered into Ann Xiaonuan's ear. Warm air sprayed onto Ann Xiaonuan's ears, causing her to tremble.    


"First... wait a moment." Ann Xiaonuan pushed Yeh Mingjue's chest.    


"What else can we wait for? Don't you know that a midnight snack is worth a thousand gold coins?" Yeh Mingjue gently bit Ann Xiaonuan's earlobe.    


"Just... just a few minutes." Ann Xiaonuan's face turned red.    


"Then hurry up." Yeh Mingjue put his hand on Ann Xiaonuan's waist.    


Ann Xiaonuan heard him and took out Yeh Mingjue's phone. She opened it and unlocked it. She then logged into Yeh Mingjue's Weibo and took a picture of the room.    


Yeh Mingjue immediately understood what she meant when he saw it. He turned around and went behind Ann Xiaonuan. He hugged her from behind and took the phone from her hand.    


"Hey! The phone." Ann Xiaonuan shouted.    


"Let's take a picture." Yeh Mingjue said with a smile.    


Ann Xiaonuan was shocked for a second and then smiled sweetly. After that, , Yeh Mingjue opened the filming location and Ann Xiaonuan smiled at him. That smile was so sweet, so beautiful, and so blissful. Yeh Mingjue kissed Ann Xiaonuan on the cheek. Ann Xiaonuan showed a shy expression. This appearance made people want to protect her.    


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