Best Soldier Son-in-law

C449 Is It That Magical?

C449 Is It That Magical?

"In this place, there's no need to be so formal, just be casual"    


Lin Nan smiled and ordered a cup of coffee for Yun Miao.    


They sat face to face and talked slowly.    


"Why did Gong Ming send you here?" Lin Nan asked without thinking.    


"Chief Lord probably thinks that only Master Lin and I have more contact in Orchid Society." Yun Miao said with a smile.    


"It seems that Mr. Gong knows what I am thinking. After all, seeing a beautiful woman is a delightful thing." Lin Nan teased.    


Yun Miao smiled bashfully, like a flower that was wet by the rain that was about to bloom.    


"Chief Lord asked me to come this time to take over the Heaven Returning Pill business. I wonder what orders Master Lin has for me?" Yun Miao went straight to the point and asked.    


"The Heaven Returning Pill has officially entered the market, but it is still in the testing stage. As for the specifics, it should be known in three days." Lin Nan tapped the table with his finger.    


"Really? I'll familiarize myself with the environment in the next three days. This is my first time coming to Jianghuai. " Yun Miao said with a smile.    


"I can see that you are very busy in Jinling. After this matter is settled, I will let Gong Ming give you a vacation." Lin Nan said with some heartache.    


Yun Miao couldn't help but laugh, feeling touched in his heart.    


"Master Lin, you misunderstood Chief Lord. He never restricted our rest. We were all willing to work!"    


"Oh? Then you guys are really going all out, just like those companies in 1996. "    


Lin Nan teased, then said, "I've arranged the best hotel in Jianghuai for you. You can stay for now. I'll contact you if there's anything! "    


"Thank you, Master Lin." Yun Miao said politely.    


"By the way, let me give you a way to contact me. If you want to know about the Heaven Returning Pill, you can look for them."    


Lin Nan gave Ping Yizhen's number to Yun Miao.    


"Alright, thank you, Master Lin." Yun Miao accepted it gladly.    


"Then I will go home first. I will leave the rest to you." Lin Nan stood up.    


"Goodbye, Master Lin."    


Yun Miao and Lin Nan parted ways at the entrance of the coffee shop and headed towards their respective residences.    




Lin Nan did not go anywhere for the next three days. He just spent his time at home and rested well.    


The rhythm of life seemed to have slowed down all of a sudden.    


Ye Fengchun was in a semi-retired state, so the most he did was smoke, read newspapers, and watch TV.    


These days, he didn't have any worries at all.    


Yuen Shuhan was probably tired of trying to please him, so she began to pass the task of cooking to Uncle Zhu again.    


She was at home chanting scriptures and worshipping Buddha, then practicing yoga when she had nothing to do. She went out to shop, buy, and buy. She was living a very uncomfortable life.    


Ye Qingcheng, this workaholic, still went out early and returned late as usual.    


She had a strong career heart. She had no choice but to come back to sleep and stay in the company every day.    


As for Ye Keer...    


"Should I go to Yanjing to train or not? Do you want to go?"    


Ye Keer paced back and forth in the living room, feeling very conflicted.    


These were the words she had been muttering the most these few days.    


Yuen Shuhan said impatiently, "Why is it so hard for you to make a decision? Don't wander around under people's noses all day long. If you want to go, go!"    


"Mom chased me away again!" Ye Keer felt wronged.    


Ye Fengchun sat on the sofa and said, "Don't go if you are so conflicted. You won't feel at ease even if you go."    


"But if I don't go, what if I regret it in the future?" Ye Keer pouted.    


"The world is safe and perfect. I will not let you down, tathagata." Lin Nan looked desperate.    


"But if I go, I'm not used to it! And I don't know if training is tiring or not. If it's too tiring, I won't be able to take it!" Ye Keer spread out her hands, looking helpless.    




The family stared at Ye Keer.    


If this continued, everyone would be mentally weak!    


Ye Keer's body trembled and she was so scared that she immediately shut her mouth.    


Enraging public anger was not a wise choice.    


But after three minutes, Ye Keer began to struggle again, "Are you going or not?"    




Lin Nan could not see, so he went to the yard to get some fresh air!    




The next day.    


Lin Nan had been waiting for Yun Miao in the main hall of Wanhao Hotel.    


Yun Miao came down on time to meet him and said with a smile: "Master Lin, you woke up really early."    


"It's time to take you to check the results." Lin Nan smiled.    


The two of them hailed a car and headed towards the medicine market.    


However, just as they arrived at the medicine market, they discovered that the entrance was filled with people. There were more people than before!    


"Master Lin, why are there so many patients here? Are they all here to collect medicine? "    


Yun Miao could not understand.    


This number of people was even greater than the number of people in the Jinling medicine market.    


Lin Nan seemed to have predicted something.    


He walked in and found that these people were actually lining up!    


Yun Miao also noticed that these people ignored the surrounding TCM restaurants. It seemed that they were all here for the same TCM clinic.    


Lin Nan took a few more steps forward and found Duan You.    


At the end of the long line was Huichun Hall!    


"Looks like the reaction of the market has far exceeded my imagination!" Lin Nan said with a smile.    


Before he walked to the door, he saw Ping Yizhen and Fatty Wu coming out.    


"Mr. Lin!"    


When they saw Lin Nan, they immediately greeted him.    


"You are here to deliver the goods?" Lin Nan asked.    


Ping Yizhen was delighted. "That's right, Mr. Lin. The sale of the Heaven Returning Pill has exceeded our expectations! In just these three days, we have already made more than a dozen trips!"    


"How much did you sell it for?" Lin Nan was very curious.    


Fatty Wu flipped through the account book and replied, "I sold close to a thousand ordinary Heaven Returning Pill, and I sold more than twenty powerful Heaven Returning Pill!"    


"That's right."    


The corner of Lin Nan's mouth curved into a smile.    


In these three days, he had already earned a few million?    


At this rate, their inventory would not even last a year!    


Lin Nan glanced at Yun Miao, who was beside him, and introduced him." Oh right, let me introduce you all. This is from Jinling..."    


"Miss Yun Miao! We know!"    


Ping Yizhen and Fatty Wu said at the same time.    


Lin Nan was shocked. "Have you seen him?"    


"Not only have you seen her, miss Yun Miao has been with us for the past three days." Ping Yizhen said with a smile.    


"That's right. Miss Yun Miao asked us a lot about the Heaven Returning Pill." Fatty Wu also said.    


Lin Nan couldn't help but laugh.    


Yun Miao said he wanted to familiarize himself with Jianghuai, but in fact, he had been with Ping Yizhen and Fatty Wu for the past three days.    


"Aren't you being too professional?" Lin Nan teased.    


"Chief Lord handed over the management of the Heaven Returning Pill to me. I will not let him down. It's always good to know more about it. " Yun Miao said it very easily.    


"Well done."    


After saying that, Lin Nan walked into Huichun Hall.    


Mr. Gu and Koo Yunliu were very busy. When they saw Lin Nan, they did not have time to greet him. They could only shout through the air. "Mr. Lin, you are too busy now. I will treat you later!"    


"No need. I am just looking around. You do what you need to do." Lin Nan nodded.    


He stood quietly at the side and observed the people queuing like a little transparent.    


These people were clearly here for the Heaven Returning Pill.    


However, Mr. Gu also had a lot of professional ethics. As for those who did not need the Heaven Returning Pill, he did not sell them at all. He only prescribed some medicinal formulas for the symptoms.    


With this, on average, only one out of a dozen people would be able to buy it!    


Even so, they still lined up enthusiastically.    


Lin Nan was really curious. He pulled a person beside him and asked, "Brother, what are you buying?"    


"Of course I'm buying divine medicine and Heaven Returning Pill. You don't even know this?" That person looked at Lin Nan as if he was looking at a fool.    


"I don't know! Is this medicine as magical as you say?"    


Lin Nan pretended to be curious.    


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