Best Soldier Son-in-law

C491 Little Overlord

C491 Little Overlord

The next morning, Lin Nan slowly woke up.    


After he woke up, he stretched and looked up to see that Chung Xinyue had already woken up. The blanket was neatly folded.    


When he came to the courtyard, Lin Nan looked at the green hills in the distance and breathed in a breath mixed with the sweet smell of soil. He felt extremely comfortable.    


"Morning, Brother Nan. After washing up, we can have breakfast." Chung Xinyue greeted him.    


Lin Nan nodded and went to the well to get some water to wash up.    


After washing up, Chung Xinyue's breakfast was ready.    


Breakfast was very simple: plain rice porridge, pickled vegetables and steamed buns.    


"This breakfast is not bad." Lin Nan gave him a thumbs up.    


Chung Xinyue felt happy after being praised by Lin Nan. She lowered her head shyly.    


"Hey... Xinyue, something is wrong with you today." Lin Nan said.    


"What is wrong?" Chung Xinyue panicked.    


"You seem to be in good spirits today. How should I describe it? ... It's just that your complexion is very good. It's a little different from before." Lin Nan said.    


"Oh! It's probably... probably because I returned home." Chung Xinyue randomly found a reason.    


She would not say that it was because she had a strange feeling for Lin Nan.    


This layer of window paper, she absolutely could not break it.    


After breakfast, Lin Nan threw the bowl away and said to Chung Xinyue, "Wash the bowl later. We still have important things to do."    


"What is it?" Chung Xinyue asked curiously.    


"Follow me and you will know."    


Lin Nan held her hand and smiled as he walked out of the courtyard.    


"Brother Nan, you actually held my hand..."    


Chung Xinyue's deer ran around randomly. She felt so happy that she almost fainted.    




Fong Yuqin and her family were also eating breakfast.    


Chung Wei had completely woken up from the alcohol. After finishing the porridge, he threw the bowl heavily on the table and said, "Damn it! Where did that son of a b * tch with the surname Lin go?"    


Chung Qianqian heard it and immediately frowned, "What are you shouting for? Is it not embarrassing enough? "    


"I am shouting? But you... why don't you go to work? You want to stay at home and freeload? " Chung Wei said snappily.    


"I will rest this weekend." Chung Qianqian said calmly.    


"What an eyesore!" Chung Wei said with contempt.    


Chung Qianqian's hand holding the chopsticks was trembling, wishing she could give this brat a slap.    


She really had no way of dealing with Chung Wei!    


Fong Yuqin said as she cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, "You can also go and work overtime when you rest. With the little money you earn, do you still expect you to paste it at home?"    


"Is our family very short of money?" Chung Qianqian asked.    


"Why not? Your brother hasn't married yet. There will be plenty of places for him to spend money. As the elder sister, you should at least subsidize a little, right? " Fong Yuqin said as if it was a matter of course.    


When she heard that it was for Chung Wei to use, Chung Qianqian was unhappy. "You guys have spent all your money on him. Why are you still asking me for money?"    


"What are you talking about? Do you think it's that easy to be a sister?" Fong Yuqin's expression became cold.    


Chung Wei, who was at the side, used a toothpick to pick his teeth and cast a sidelong glance at Chung Qianqian, revealing a proud expression.    


"The money I earn can be used to support your retirement. But to give it to this good-for-nothing fellow to use, that absolutely won't do." Chung Qianqian shook her head and said angrily.    


"Speaking of which, you should find a mother-in-law. I need to collect more money for the betrothal gifts!" Fong Yuqin muttered.    


Chung Qianqian only felt stuffy in her chest!    


Being born in this house, her only use to the family was probably to earn the betrothal gifts as a tool person.    


Chung Faangyong, on the other hand, doted on his daughter quite a lot.    


He said, "When Qian gets married in the future, we should at least prepare some dowry."    


"Then ask for more betrothal gifts and take back the dowry money." Fong Yuqin laughed loudly.    


She leisurely carried the bowl and chopsticks to the kitchen.    




Chung Qianqian looked at Chung Faangyong, feeling wronged.    


Chung Faangyong smiled at her, indicating that he should not take it to heart.    


At this moment, Chung Wei, who had finished eating, stretched out his hand. "Dad, give me five hundred yuan!"    


Chung Faangyong immediately frowned. "What do you want money for?"    


"If you don't want it, then forget it. I'm going to ask Mom!"    


Chung Wei kicked the stool away and went to the kitchen to ask for money.    


"Dad, we can't let Chung Wei continue like this." Chung Qianqian whispered from the side.    


"I know, but what can we do? It's all your mother's fault!"    


Chung Faangyong felt depressed and took out a cigarette to smoke.    


Not long after, Chung Wei took out five hundred yuan and waved it proudly at Chung Qianqian.    


Chung Qianqian rolled her eyes in a depressed manner.    


"Don't go out and play. Come back early." Fong Yuqin reminded.    


"Got it. You are so long-winded."    


Chung Wei put the five hundred yuan in his pocket and walked out the door.    


However, as soon as he reached the door, he was blocked by a figure.    


Lin Nan stood at the door and said with a smile, "Yo! Young Master Cheng, you're awake from the alcohol. "    


Chung Wei got angry when he saw him. He blocked the door and stared at him. "Lin, why are you here again?"    


"I'm not here to look for you. Make way."    


Lin Nan waved his hand gently.    


Chung Wei's body seemed weightless as he stumbled and fell far away.    


"You dare to fucking push me?"    


Chung Wei was furious. He picked up a stool and was about to smash it on Lin Nan's head.    


This action shocked Chung Xinyue, who was following behind him.    




Chung Faangyong shouted loudly!    


Although he was still unconvinced, Chung Wei still obediently put down the stool in the end.    


Chung Qianqian got up and greeted, "Have you guys eaten breakfast?"    


"Yes. But... I am not here to be a guest today! "    


Lin Nan looked directly at Fong Yuqin. "I am here to settle accounts."    


Fong Yuqin already knew the approximate situation yesterday, so she had long prepared for it.    


She said arrogantly, "What are you doing? Coming to my house early in the morning to cause trouble?"    


"You sold the house without Xinyue's permission. What do you mean?" Lin Nan went straight to the point.    


Fong Yuqin had already guessed it and snorted, "Aren't you filthy rich? You have already refunded the money. Why are you still looking for me?"    


"Looks like you are not prepared to pay the 150,000 yuan." Lin Nan sneered.    


"Nonsense. You are the one who refunded the money. It's not like I refunded it! Why should I give it to you? " Fong Yuqin said as if it was a matter of course.    


" You sold someone's ancestral home behind their back, and you still dare to act so righteously. I really admire you. " Lin Nan said with a smile that wasn't a smile.    


"So what?" Fong Yuqin looked like she was going to bite him.    


"150,000, please take it out. Not a single cent less!" Lin Nan said sternly.    


"Impossible!" Fong Yuqin simply refused.    


Although Chung Wei did not know what happened, he instinctively looked towards his mother.    


He said fiercely: "Lin, who do you think you are? How dare you come to our house and ask for money?"    


"Do you have the right to speak here? Shut up!" Lin Nan curled his lips and said.    


"F * ck! I think you deserve a beating!"    


Chung Wei's temper flared up again!    


For an uncultured fellow like him, there was only one way to resolve a matter, and that was violence!    


This was also the reason why no one in the village dared to provoke him.    


He was simply a little tyrant who ran amok!    


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