Best Soldier Son-in-law

C554 Immortal Farming Grass

C554 Immortal Farming Grass

The next morning.    


Lin Nan sat inside the tent with his eyes closed. Suddenly, he was woken up by the noise outside.    


He slowly walked out of the tent. The first thing that greeted him was a dazzling ray of sunlight!    


The golden sunlight shone on the mine, making it glow with a different light.    


Then, he saw Liang Fann and Tang Mo standing at the edge of the mine, and a large group of people was coming towards them.    


The leader was a short and fat middle-aged man. His hair was combed meticulously, and he had a smile on his face.    


When he saw Liang Fann and Tang Mo, he immediately bowed and said respectfully, "Special agents! Congratulations on completing the mission successfully! From now on, we will take over this mine."    


" Well, I'm relieved that you're here. Tang Mo and I can also return to report." Liang Fann stretched and smiled brightly.    


"By the way, did the higher-ups say how to deal with Wang Xiao?" Tang Mo asked from the side.    


"The higher-ups asked you to bring him to Yanjing. The carriage is ready. The higher-ups have their own plans on how to deal with him." The middle-aged man said with a smile.    


"Okay, no problem!"    


Liang Fann walked into the tent and dragged Wang Xiao out.    


Wang Xiao was handcuffed and dragged out like a chicken.    


His face was full of unwillingness and anger!    


Lin Nan walked over at this time and said with a smile, "This efficiency is really fast. Did you come here overnight?"    


The middle-aged man looked directly at Lin Nan and asked in bewilderment, "Why is there an outsider? Liang Fann, how can outsiders know about the mine?"    


As he spoke, his hand slowly reached to his waist and put on a defensive posture.    


"Yes, I am an outsider. I won't get involved in your business anymore, bye bye!"    


Lin Nan waved his hand and swaggered down the mountain.    


The middle-aged man's eyes turned cold. Just as he was about to make a move, he was stopped by Liang Fann.    


"Don't do it! I guarantee you that he will not leak the matter of the mine!" Liang Fann said seriously.    


"What can you promise me?" The man asked suspiciously.    


Liang Fann came up to him and lowered his voice. He said word by word, "I promise you my life!"    


"Okay! I believe you!"    


The middle-aged man smiled and put the dagger back into his waist.    


Then he turned to the others and said, "From now on, we will take over this mine. Everyone, dig out as many resources as possible and use them in China! "    




Sounds of replies could be heard without end.    


Liang Fann and Tang Mo did not need to stay here anymore, so they brought Wang Xiao down the mountain.    


"What did you tell him? Why did you suddenly compromise? Logically speaking, in the past, killing Lin Nan is the best choice. " Tang Mo asked doubtfully.    


"It's nothing."    


Liang Fann laughed foolishly and said, "Oh right, quickly catch up to Lin Nan. We haven't said goodbye to him yet! Let's meet at the foot of the mountain! "    




Tang Mo wanted to stop him, but Liang Fann had already run far away.    


She shook her head helplessly, but she heard Wang Xiao coldly say, "I will make a comeback. This is my territory!"    


"Oh? You can try if you have the ability."    


Tang Mo did not take it seriously at all.    


Perhaps this guy did not know that the most terrifying place in the world was in that prison.    


Not to mention a vulgar businessman like Wang Xiao, even some peerless experts wouldn't be able to take a step out of that place!    


Lin Nan had just reached the foot of the mountain when he heard Liang Fann shouting from behind, "Dragon King, dragon King!"    


Lin Nan's body stood up. He turned his head and said, "Don't call me Dragon King. Just call me Lin Nan."    


"Okay, brother Lin!" Liang Fann tried to get close to him.    


Lin Nan smiled. "What? Do you have anything else to say?"    


"I don't have anything special to say."    


Liang Fann scratched his head and said, "Don't worry. I will contact you immediately if there is any news."    


"That's enough. I'll wait for your good news!"    


Lin Nan patted Liang Fann's shoulder naturally.    


It was like he had returned to the battlefield in the past, when his brothers who fought side by side with him were on a mission.    


It was a form of trust!    


An unconditional trust!    






Lin Nan left Mount Copper and disappeared from the field.    


Liang Fann stared at the place where Lin Nan disappeared for a long time. His heart began to beat rapidly.    


A legendary figure like the Dragon King only knew the charm of his personality after he had truly come into contact with him.    


He was in a daze until Tang Mo called out to him from behind.    


"What are you looking at here? Did you catch up?" Tang Mo asked.    


"He left. Let's go too."    


Tang Mo nodded.    


She and Liang Fann stood still and saluted in the distance.    


This was the highest respect!    




Lin Nan returned to the temporary parking spot of the long distance vehicle in Copper Mountain Town.    


"Doo Doo Doo..."    


The bus that had returned to Jianghuai started honking, urging the passengers to hurry up.    


Lin Nan did not hesitate to get on the bus. He muttered to himself, "It's been a few days since I came out. It's time to go back."    


After three hours of driving, they finally returned to Jianghuai.    


After getting off the car, Lin Nan suddenly felt very depressed.    


"I've been out for so many days, but my wife didn't call me?"    


"I am so handsome, is she not afraid that I will be kidnapped?"    


"Wife, wife... You're good at everything. That's not good. Why do you have such a big heart? "    


Lin Nan thought as he reached out to stop a taxi.    


At that moment, the phone in his pocket rang.    


Speaking of Cao Cao?    


However, when he picked up the phone, he realized that the person calling was not Ye Qingcheng, but Ping Yizhen.    


He reached out his hand without hesitation and pressed the answer button.    




"Mr. Lin, can you come over?" Ping Yizhen asked in a low voice.    


"What's wrong?"    


"We received a package this morning. It was sent from Jin Xibei. We opened it and saw a herb!"    


"Okay, I'll be right there!"    


Lin Nan put down his phone and smiled. "Pei Qingyue's efficiency is quite fast!"    


After getting into the taxi, he rushed to Ping Yizhen's laboratory.    


Ping Yizhen and Fatty Wu were still staring at an exquisite wooden box in front of them in a daze.    


This wooden box was made of high-quality sandalwood. If one smelled it closely, they could even smell a faint scent of sandalwood.    


"What is this?" Fatty Wu looked like he had never seen the world.    


"It looks like a herb, but I am not sure." Ping Yizhen shook his head.    


"I have no choice but to wait for Mr. Lin to confirm." Fatty Wu said calmly.    


Very quickly, Lin Nan arrived here.    


As soon as he entered, he asked, "Where is the thing?"    


"Mr. Lin, you're here. Look!" Ping Yizhen pointed at the wooden box in front of him and said.    


Lin Nan picked up the wooden box and looked at it carefully. He then opened the lid.    


There was a green plant lying inside. There was also some soil on the roots. It must have been sent over as soon as it was picked.    


The plant was very clear in color. It was the kind of transparent green. There were twelve leaves in total, and there were twelve patterns evenly distributed on the leaves. There was not a single flaw.    


Lin Nan only took a glance and said, "This is a grade one spiritual herb, immortal Farming Grass."    


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