Best Soldier Son-in-law

C613 The Path of Revenge

C613 The Path of Revenge

A few bloody words written in bold and vigorous!    


It was as if all the hatred was contained within, even penetrating the wall.    


Jin Lou's eyes were scarlet red as he smashed his fist against the wall.    




This wall had actually been punched through by his fist.    


Jin Lou shouted angrily, "Lin Nan! What kind of hero was playing dirty behind his back? Come out if you have the guts. Fight me one-on-one!"    


His voice was filled with endless anger.    


His expression was also incomparably malevolent.    


His voice continuously reverberated in the room, but no one answered!    


Lin Nan disappeared without a trace, just as strange as when he appeared.    


Liang Siyu calmly reached out to stop Jin Lou, who was about to go crazy.    


"Enough! If you lose your mind now, you will really fall into his trap! What we need to do now is to quickly move to another place. "    


" Why? " Jin Lou did not understand.    


"If he doesn't leave now, I'm afraid he will become the target of his hunt."    


Liang Siyu gritted her teeth and said, "This place has been exposed."    


Jin Lou finally calmed down, and the red color in his eyes returned to normal.    


"You are right!" Jin Lou nodded and said.    


In terms of calmness, Liang Siyu was much better than him.    


"Now, I will go and find a house. As for you, you will stay behind to deal with the corpse." Liang Siyu quickly said.    


"If he acts in the limelight, will he suddenly launch a sneak attack?" Jin Lou frowned.    


"He won't!" Liang Siyu decisively shook her head.    


"Why are you so sure?" Jin Lou asked.    


"Because... he won't end the game so soon."    


Liang Siyu said with certainty, "If he really wants to do that, why didn't he wait for us here?"    


Jin Lou lowered his head and thought about it.    


That was indeed the case.    


"Alright, let's split up." Jin Lou nodded and said.    


Liang Siyu immediately left to find a new place to stay.    


Jin Lou stayed behind to deal with the corpses of Calvin and Wang Shuo.    


In order to deal with these two corpses, Jin Lou used several buckets of disinfectant and a few tons of water.    


Fortunately, no one lived around the mansion they lived in.    


Otherwise... that soaring smell of blood would definitely be discovered.    


Finally, in the evening, Liang Siyu came back.    


"Did you find the house?"    


Jin Lou sat on the packed box and smoked. His voice was dull.    


"I found it! That place is relatively hidden. He definitely won't be able to find it." Liang Siyu nodded and said.    


"Okay! Then let's go now." Jin Lou nodded and said.    


The two of them carried the luggage, got into a taxi, and rushed to the new residence.    


This residence was at the border of the north side of the city.    


The residence was quite old. Although it had a courtyard, it looked very simple and crude. It had broken walls and broken tiles. It was even worse than the houses in the village in the city.    


Other than being well-hidden, it did not have any other advantages.    


Jin Lou carefully observed his surroundings. There was a huge difference in his heart.    


"We were forced to hide in such a damn place for a guy who disappeared for a few years. This is too shameful." Jin Lou said with a gloomy expression.    


"Let's not talk about face at this time. It's already good enough to have a hidden place to stay."    


Liang Siyu snorted and said, "What we should think about now is what we should do next."    


Jin Lou was silent.    


He thought about going back to report like this, but it was obviously not the best plan.    


First of all, Lin Nan was very cunning. When they returned to report, he would most likely run away.    


Secondly, they had been attacked by Lin Nan along the way, and they were afraid that it would be a disaster for them!    


Liang Siyu seemed to have seen through Jin Lou's thoughts.    


So she poured herself a cup of water, took a light sip, and said, "Jin Lou, let me ask you a question. You must answer this question truthfully."    


Although he did not know why Liang Siyu asked that, Jin Lou still nodded and said, "Go ahead."    


"If you were to fight him one-on-one, how confident would you be?" Liang Siyu hit the nail on the head and asked.    


Jin Lou really wanted to blurt out, what kind of confidence do I have?    


She was a Dragon King... That kind of terrifying means, how could he compare?    


However, he still calmly replied, "In a head-on confrontation, I am definitely inferior to him! But I also have a follow-up move. Even if I can't kill him, I can still injure both sides! "    


Liang Siyu did not continue to ask but said," Then it means that you are not confident? "    




It was a little awkward.    


Jin Lou didn't say anything, obviously admitting it.    


Liang Siyu smiled and said, "That's right. At this time, you need to be calm. Since we have already reached this step, we have to choose the safest way. So... I am prepared to request reinforcements from my superior! "    


" Requesting reinforcements? Almost everyone in the team is currently on a mission outside. Who will come and assist us?" Jin Lou asked curiously.    


"Compared to any mission, killing him is more important. If you can't say anything, let me do it. " Liang Siyu said lightly.    


Jin Lou looked at Liang Siyu with a strange look in his eyes.    


Although this woman's strength was ordinary, she could advance very quickly in the team.    


This was enough to show that she had some outstanding qualities.    


After Liang Siyu finished smoking a cigarette, she picked up the phone and dialed a mysterious number.    


After a while, she said, "I need backup. It is urgent and cannot be delayed."    


"Reason." It was just a short word.    


"The Dragon King is not dead." Liang Siyu did not say much.    


The other side clearly paused for a moment and said: "I understand. Don't act rashly for the time being and wait for reinforcements. Do not hesitate to eliminate the roots at all costs! "    


After Liang Siyu hung up the phone, she threw the phone on the table.    


"What do you mean?" Jin Lou asked in a low voice.    


"This time, we have no reason to fail." Liang Siyu said with disappointment.    


Jin Lou took a deep breath and clenched his fists.    


"It's time to make a decision!"    




At night.    


Lin Nan quietly sat on a hill.    


He held a bottle of Erguotou, and in front of him were wooden planks.    


If one looked closely, the wooden planks were all carved with words.    


Hu, Stone, ying...    


Without exception, all of them were the names of the Dragon Hidden Team members!    


Lin Nan said to himself, "My good brothers, speaking of which... I have not personally paid my respects to you!    


Now, those enemies have been found.    


I will definitely kill them all and avenge you!    


Rest in peace in the underworld.    


If there is a next life, we will be brothers again!"    


After saying that, Lin Nan sprinkled the wine on the ground.    


Very quickly, the wine seeped into the ground and disappeared.    


Lin Nan raised his head and looked at the night sky.    


His eyes were already filled with tears.    


All the people of Dragon Hidden Team were not only life-and-death friends, but also good brothers for the rest of their lives!    


Currently, only Lin Nan was still alive.    


One could imagine the emptiness and heaviness in his heart...    


And what Lin Nan could do was to avenge them!    


Gathering a ball of fire, scattering the stars!    


"I would like to invite the souls of my brothers to turn into a bright lamp, illuminating my path of revenge!"    


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