Best Soldier Son-in-law

C766 He Coughed out Blood

C766 He Coughed out Blood

"Just now, a servant brought out a pot of nutritious soup. The ingredients in that pot are all precious tonics."    


Lin Nan smiled and analyzed. "I think other than the patient, no one else should be able to take it. After all, it's not good for ordinary people to eat too much."    




Huo Wenqing could not help but laugh and said, "Master Lin is indeed a master! He was able to see so many details with just a pot of nutritious soup!"    


"That's right. The Heaven Returning Pill that Master Lin refined can also be called a divine medicine. It definitely has a great understanding of medicinal herbs." Huo Qiling also echoed.    


Lin Nan still cared about who was sick. Was there a need to make up for it like this?    


Thus, he asked, "I wonder if the patient is..."    


"That's right. The person who is sick is my Madam."    


Huo Wenqing sighed and said, "Madam has been feeling unwell for more than two years. She has been seen by many famous doctors and was at a loss for what to do. However, I have given her some tonics recently. The effect is not bad. "    


"Mother's complexion seems to be quite good recently." Huo Qiling was also very happy.    


"I see..."    


Lin Nan rubbed his chin and said in puzzlement: "In this world, What illness can't be found?"    


"Oh? What Master Lin means is that it can cure Madam's illness?" Huo Wenqing raised his eyebrows and said happily.    


"Sorry, I was just saying." Lin Nan quickly waved his hand.    


He did not want to be involved in this kind of thing!    


Madam drank a lot of nutritious soup every day. If her brain was not good, she would interfere!    


"You don't know anything, yet you are still pretending to be mysterious. Do you think that you will be able to treat the illness just because of some stupid pill?"    


Huo Wenhai snorted and said, "Even such a powerful doctor can't diagnose the cause of the disease. How can it be your turn to speak nonsense in this faction?"    




Huo Qiling's tone was discontented. Clearly, she thought that Huo Wenhai's words were a little overboard!    


Lin Nan smiled and did not say anything.    


Huo Wenhai's crazy sense of existence would only make him jump even more if she ignored him.    


"By the way, our residence invites a few famous doctors to come for consultation every month to see if Madam's condition has changed. This afternoon is their time to come. "    


Huo Wenhai seemed to have thought of something and looked at Lin Nan. "If Master Lin doesn't mind, you can stay and take a look."    


"Then I'll gladly accept it."    


Anyway, there was nothing going on in the afternoon, so Lin Nan agreed casually.    




After the meal, Lin Nan strolled around the Huo family.    


The scenery of the Huo family was really not bad. Behind the lobby was a huge backyard.    


There were pavilions and pavilions inside, as well as a rather large pond that was filled with lotus flowers.    


Unfortunately, in the early autumn, most of the lotus flowers withered. Only a few of them were still stubbornly blooming with their final brilliance.    


Lin Nan stood at the entrance of the backyard and looked towards the center of the pool. He discovered an elegant little pavilion with the words' Lotus Flower Pavilion 'written on it.    


In the Lotus Pavilion, a graceful figure was sitting and admiring the flowers. Several maids were standing around, busy with their work.    


"This person is quite interesting. Even after thanking the lotus, he is still here to admire the flowers?"    


With curiosity in his heart, lin Nan walked towards the lotus pavilion.    


But just as he arrived at the side of the pavilion, a female servant walked over and said, "Madam is currently admiring the flowers. Please do not disturb her."    


"She is Madam?"    


Lin Nan looked over in surprise.    


Seeing Lin Nan's indifference, the maid said again, "Sir, please leave quickly. Madam has the habit of admiring flowers after lunch every day to avoid ruining her mood."    




Lin Nan did not say much and prepared to leave.    


However, just as he turned his head, he heard a soft voice say, "Let him in."    


The maid could only call out to Lin. Nan said: "Sir, please wait!"    


Lin Nan smiled and said: "It's fine, I haven't left yet."    


After saying that, he bypassed the female servant and went into the lotus pavilion.    


The woman in the pavilion looked to be in her fifties. When she was young, she should have been a great beauty, and her skin was well maintained.    


She was also dressed appropriately and looked dignified and generous.    


However... her appearance was a little haggard, and her eyes were rather dim.    




Lin Nan politely bowed.    


"You must be Master Lin?" Madam Wang Lin smiled politely.    


"Madam knows me?" Lin Nan was a little surprised.    


"I don't know, but the Huo family has a guest today. The servants spread the word by word. I can see that you have an extraordinary bearing despite your young age. You must be Master Lin." Wang Lin said in a reserved and profound manner.    


"Hahahaha, I don't deserve to be called a master. It's just everyone's praise." Lin Nan laughed.    


"Master Lin, there's no need to be modest. Please take a seat." Wang Lin stretched out her hand and gestured.    


As soon as Lin Nan sat down, the maid served him tea.    


"Madam, do you have the habit of admiring flowers every day?" Lin Nan took a sip of tea and asked.    


"Yes, it has been more than two years. It was like this every day during the flowering period, from beginning to end. It's just that... this year's lotus is about to thank you again. " Wang Lin looked at the lotus in the pond and murmured in a low voice.    


In her eyes, there was clearly an endless yearning.    


Lin Nan pondered for a while and asked, "I heard from Master Huo that Madam is sick?"    


After saying that, Lin Nan felt a little regretful.    


Because, for people who were sick, this was a little rude.    


Initially, he thought that Wang Lin would keep her mouth shut, but who knew that Wang Lin would actually smile calmly.    


"Yeah, once a person is sick, they will look down on everything."    


Wang Lin slowly said, "Just like the lotus in this pond. I watch them bloom and then watch them wither. Life is also like this. The day I come to this world is destined to leave. It's just that... there is a difference between this reincarnation and later."    


" I didn't expect Madam to be able to see such an understanding from admiring flowers. I really admire you! " Lin Nan praised her from the bottom of his heart.    


"Master Lin must be joking. What I saw was only the tip of the iceberg."    


Wang Lin suddenly became melancholic, "So, I was prepared to die at any time."    


"Why is that? Didn't Madam's condition improve a little? And judging from your complexion, you really don't look like you're suffering from a serious illness. " Lin Nan asked in puzzlement.    


"Who can say for sure?"    


Wang Lin smiled bitterly. "I relied on expensive medicinal herbs to live my days. I didn't know that at the same time that I kept my life, I wasted so many precious things in this world. Every time I think about it, I feel very guilty. "    


Lin Nan quickly comforted her. Madam, you don't have to think like that. Everything in the world has their own value.    


Just like the medicinal herbs Madam ate, they were worth the price to keep Madam alive.    


If it isn't used, then it would just be a waste of heaven's gifts."    


Wang Lin also looked at Lin Nan in surprise and said," Master Lin. I didn't expect you to be able to see through it so clearly even though you are still young."    


"Just like Madam, sometimes you also like to understand the philosophy of life." Lin Nan pretended to be real.    


"Really? But usually, the so-called getting better was just a facade. Just like my condition... It seems to be gradually improving, but in fact, only I know how it has actually progressed... "    


At this point, wang Lin suddenly coughed violently.    


"Cough, cough, cough..."    




Lin Nan stood up and was a little worried.    


"I'm sorry to have startled Master Lin."    


Wang Lin took the handkerchief away from her mouth. There was a pool of red on it.    


It looked extremely piercing and eye-catching!    


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