Best Soldier Son-in-law

C850 Last Answer

C850 Last Answer

The other contestants also looked confused.    


As the referee, elder Xu did not announce the answer. What was he trying to keep them in suspense?    


"Before announcing the prescription, I would like to know everyone's judgment on the illness. If you can't even tell the illness, how can you treat it?"    


Xu Ping paused. His eagle-like gaze swept across all the contestants before finally landing on Wei Chengming.    


"Wei Chengming, you tell me about it."    


Wei Chengming was suddenly called out, but he did not panic at all.    


He bowed politely and said, "The patient is in a bad condition, but the middle-aged man has symptoms of premature aging. This is a typical example of a lack of Qi."    


Xu Ping nodded in satisfaction and said, "Well said, no deviation."    


The contestants below the stage did not have much of a reaction, because this illness could almost be seen!    


But the key was not to diagnose, but to diagnose the illness.    


Since there was a lack of Qi, the prescription would definitely need to replenish Qi, and then it would return to the point.    


Qi replenishment was a very profound knowledge in TCM. It was also known as beneficial Qi. It was mostly caused by eating disorders, aging and aging, and chronic illnesses.    


Of course, there were also many ways of Qi replenishment. This had to be determined based on the patient's specific situation!    


Xu Ping flipped through the answer of the person at the top, which was Qian Yue.    


Qian Yue suddenly became nervous.    


"Qian Yue, after pondering for half a day, you managed to get ginseng, western ginseng, and crown prince ginseng?" Xu Ping raised his head and looked straight at Qian Yue.    


"Yes, yes, these three herbs have a great effect on replenishing Qi." Qian Yue said in a low voice.    


However, xu Ping shook his head.    


Li Feng did not understand and asked, "Since it's Qi replenishment, the herbs that Qian Yue wrote are correct. Why did Elder Xu shake his head?"    


"This is to make up for the patient's death!" Lin Nan suddenly replied.    


"What do you mean?" Li Feng still didn't understand.    


"There are many kinds of symptoms of Qi deficiency. First of all, you have to determine where the patient's deficiency is. He needs to replenish his lungs, heal his Qi, Heart Qi or kidney Qi! I don't even know how to prescribe a prescription for this? " Lin Nan gave a concise and concise explanation.    


Only now did Li Feng understand. He suddenly realized. "That's right, ginseng is suitable for mending one's heart, western ginseng is suitable for mending one's lungs, and crown prince ginseng is more inclined towards kidney. When these three herbs are mixed together, it is indeed not suitable. "    


"Yes, although it can be used to replenish Qi, the prescriptions need to be precise and not complete. It is the medicine that has three parts of poison. This is not a good thing. "    


Therefore, Lin Nan also felt that Qian Yue's answer was not the perfect answer.    


As expected, xu Ping Sheng also said, "The answer you give is wide and overflowing. It's not what I want. So... you should wait and see what other people's answers are like. "    




Qian Yue retreated to the back.    


The contestants also started discussing.    


"Is it that strict?"    


"It's not that strict. It's a comparison of five people's answers. Let's see who has the most perfect answer!"    


"Yeah, qian Yue's answer is obviously not strict. Let's look at the other people!"    


Xu Ping was currently looking at Zhao Rubing's answer.    


After reading it, he showed the answer to the two judges beside him.    


"Zhao Rubing, the herbs you wrote are too broad. Although they can be used to replenish Qi, they are not good enough."    


After Zhuo Baixian read it, he said seriously, "Just like how I needed an apple, you gave me an orange and a banana. Grapes. Although they are all fruits, they are not what I want. "    


"Elder Zhuo is right!" Zhao Rubing lowered his head and said shyly.    


"The true solution to the problem is not to take all kinds of medicine. This is also a taboo in medicine. Elder Zhuo had already explained it very clearly just now. So you can only wait and see the answers of the other contestants."    


Mei Sanluo also calmly said.    


Actually, they couldn't say that their answers were wrong.    


After all, according to their prescription, it could indeed cure the patient, but it did not reach the seriousness and perfection in the judge's heart!    


After Zhao Rubing heard it, he could only retreat to the side.    


A faint smile appeared on Lu Zhenzi's face, as if he was full of confidence!    




Xu Pingsheng looked at Wei Chengming's answer again, and a smile unconsciously appeared on his face.    


This smile could explain everything. Xu Ping Sheng saw the answer he wanted.    


"Take a ginseng, 20 grams of astragalus, 10 grams of cucumber, 8 grams of licorice, soak it in warm water for 30 minutes, and torture it with a big fire for an hour to make a nourishing soup. Take a bowl of it sooner or later. With one week as the treatment process, the three treatments will be fully healed. "    


Xu Ping read Wei Chengming's answer once.    


Lin Nan praised, "This Wei Chengming has some things. He really knows how to use medicine. This is a more reliable treatment plan. The most rare thing is that he even wrote down the dosage and the method to make it."    


"Then can he advance?" Li Feng was a little envious.    


"Who knows? Maybe there are still two people whose answers have not been announced yet!"    


Lin Nan said with a profound look in his eyes. "If they are all right, he is slightly slower than them."    


"That's a pity!"    


Li Feng clicked his tongue and said, "Those two belong to the Bodhi and Longevity Sect. I don't think they will make a mistake."    




Lin Nan didn't express any opinion. He just looked at the stage.    


Currently, wei Chengming was in an awkward situation.    


He could only hope. He could only hope that the two people behind him would answer incorrectly. Only then would he be able to advance.    


Xu Pingsheng said: "I am very satisfied with the answer. It is a good plan, and it is very standard. Wei Chengming, you wait for orders "    




Wei Chengming retreated to the side.    


Actually, his heart was already at ease. After all, his answer was not bad. He did not study medicine for nothing.    


Even if he lost, he would still admit it!    


Because the two people behind him were very skillful in medicine!    


It was the most tense moment!    


Xu Ping held Yu Canghai's answer in his hands and looked at it.    


He only glanced at it lightly. Then he smiled and said: "The Longevity Sect is indeed worthy of being called the Longevity Sect, even their medicine is so ingenious!"    


Zhuo Baixian and Mei San got curious and went over.    


Upon seeing this, they couldn't help but nod their heads.    


Yu Canghai was calm and composed, his face full of pride.    


As long as his answer was correct, he would be able to lock onto a spot to advance!    


"Grabbing licorice roots, white skills and ginseng, grinding and mixing them together, three times a day, and a week to fully recover."    


Xu Ping nodded and said, "It's extremely simple, but it can also be used to treat the problem. I won't hide it from everyone here. ... This is one of the standard answers in my heart. It's even better than Mr. Wei's answer just now. "    


The audience immediately let out sighs!    


Yu Canghai also found it hard to conceal the complacent expression on his face.    


This way, even if Lu Zhenzi's answer was even better than his, he would definitely have advanced!    


Xu Ping looked at Wei Chengming and said, "Mr. Wei, elder Yu's answer is better than yours. I wonder if you are convinced?"    


Wei Chengming cupped his fists and said, "I'm sincerely convinced!"    


"Alright, let's see the final answer!"    


Xu Pingsheng placed the densely written white paper in his hand.    


Everyone was confused. What did Lu Zhenzi mean by writing so many words?    


Yu Canghai's answer just now was so simple and clear, and he had received great praise from Xu Ping Sheng.    


Hence, from this, it could be seen that having too many words was not a good thing!    


However, after Zhuo Baixian and Mei San took a look at his answer, both of them revealed shocked expressions!    


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