Best Soldier Son-in-law

C1068 Purification

C1068 Purification

1Famous Family Villa, Ye Family.    


"Wife, since the contract has been finalized, why don't we go out and have some fun together tomorrow?" Lin Nan suggested to Ye Qingcheng.    


Ye Qingcheng flipped through the financial magazine and replied, "Recently, there are a lot of matters in the company. We still need to get in touch with the Rose family. I'm afraid there is not much time."    


"During work, you also need to relax and relax. It's not good for your body if you keep being tense."    


Lin Nan advised, "Why don't we go and burn incense and make a wish together?"    


"Burn incense?"    


Ye Qingcheng looked up curiously and asked, "When did you believe this?"    


"Isn't this asking for a clear conscience? Ask Buddha to bless your career, bless Keer to become the Silver Screen King, and bless your parents' health!"    


Lin Nan said it in a serious manner.    


"It's rare for you to have such a thought."    


Ye Qingcheng smiled and said, "Alright, then I'll go with you."    


"Then it's settled. We'll go to Xiyue Temple tomorrow!" Lin Nan said excitedly.    


Ye Qingcheng was confused, "Why do you want to go to Xiyue Temple?"    


"What happened to Xiyue Temple?" Lin Nan was very puzzled.    


"There are a lot of people in Xiyue Temple. Can't we just go to a small temple?" Ye Qingcheng asked.    


"This just proves that Xiyue Temple is effective. Let's go and burn incense and pray. We must go to the most spiritual temple." Lin Nan Yi said seriously.    


"Okay! Then let's go to Xiyue Temple."    


Ye Qingcheng nodded and got up to stretch, revealing her snow-white waist.    


"Good night wife!"    


Lin Nan watched Ye Qingcheng return to the house and let out a long sigh of relief. He said, "It's fortunate that I'm not overly suspicious. I don't know how Master Xuan is going to suppress the soul tomorrow. I hope everything goes smoothly."    




The next day, Lin Nan brought Ye Qingcheng to Xiyue Temple early in the morning.    


The temple in the morning was very lively. Many people were burning incense and praying there.    


Lin Nan bought two bundles of sandalwood incense and passed one to Ye Qingcheng. He said, "Wife, let's go and burn incense."    




Ye Qingcheng lit the sandalwood incense in the stove and then stood in front of the incense burner, raising her hands to pray.    


After doing all this, Ye Qingcheng went to burn incense for the God of Wealth, praying that the cooperation with the Rose Family would go smoothly.    


Lin Nan took the opportunity to slip into the hall.    


The Great Master of the profound way was still sitting on the hassock, facing the Buddha statue and chanting scriptures.    


"Great Master." Lin Nan called out.    


Great Master Xuan muttered, "Master Lin, I can already feel an evil source entering the temple. This is an extremely ominous sign. I need to bring it into the meditation room and edify it."    


Lin Nan nodded.    


Great Master was indeed a great master. Ye Qingcheng had already sensed it before she even came.    


However, he still had his reasons. "Will the process of edifying be very painful? Will there be any reaction?"    


"No, the Zen Heart is a pure land of Buddhism. No matter how evil the soul is, it will not dare to behave atrociously there."    


Great Master Xuan said patiently," Master Lin only needs to bring the soul into the Zen Heart Room. Outside, I can recite the scriptures and edify it. The soul resides in the depths of the human body, so the main body won't feel anything."    


"Alright, I'll bring her into the meditation room right away."    


Lin Nan had just finished speaking when he saw Ye Qingcheng walk in.    


"Lin Nan, the incense is done burning. Can we go back now?" Ye Qingcheng asked.    


"Wife, I just talked to the abbot of the temple. I heard that there is a meditation room here that can relax the mind and communicate with Buddha. Why don't we go in and take a look? " Lin Nan said carefully.    


Ye Qingcheng shook her head. "No need. I think I should go back to the company. There are a lot of things I need to take care of."    


"Don't. It will get better very soon. Let me have a comfortable mood. Wouldn't it be twice the result with half the effort when I work?"    


After Lin Nan said that, he pulled Ye Qingcheng towards the Zen Heart Room.    


Ye Qingcheng was powerless to resist and was forcefully dragged into the Zen Heart Room at the back of the hall.    


The Zen Heart Room was very large. The floor was filled with hassocks and there were 24 golden Buddha statues around it. It looked very sacred.    


But Ye Qingcheng did not know!    


As soon as she entered, each Buddha statue emitted a faint golden light from the top of their heads.    


"Wife, sit for a while."    


Lin Nan placed Ye Qingcheng on the hassock.    


"Lin Nan, you seem a little strange today." Ye Qingcheng frowned and said.    


"How could it be? What's wrong with me?" Lin Nan chuckled.    


Ye Qingcheng was indifferent. He said calmly, "Lin Nan, tell me the truth. The real purpose of bringing me here is not to burn incense and pray, right?"    


"Don't think too much. I'm not looking at how hard your work has been lately. I brought you here to relax and relax. " Lin Nan explained weakly.    


"Then why did you insist on bringing me to the Zen Heart Room? Look over there!"    


Ye Qingcheng pointed at the red cylinder with a few words carved on it.    


"Heart is clean, soul is clean."    




Lin Nan suddenly calmed down and looked at Ye Qingcheng quietly.    


"You are worried that there is something dirty in my body, so you want to ask the master to help me purify it. Am I right?" Ye Qingcheng said seriously.    


Lin Nan hesitated for a moment, but still said, "I can't hide anything from you. Because I was a little worried about what happened before. So... "    


"I understand."    


Ye Qingcheng smiled. "You're thinking about me too. Then there's no need to be deliberate. Master, please cast the spell for me."    


Lin Nan nodded.    


At the same time, he understood one thing - Ye Qingcheng actually knew everything.    


The reason why she chose to forget previously was actually because she was afraid that he would be worried.    


With such an understanding and understanding wife who knew how to take care of others, what more could a husband ask for?    


"You just have to sit here peacefully. I'll go and invite the master over."    


Lin Nan ran out like a wisp of smoke.    


In the silent meditation room, Ye Qingcheng suddenly felt a little nervous.    


She sat on the hassock, put her palms together and began to pray.    


The moment Lin Nan left the meditation room, he saw Great Master Xuan standing outside the door, followed by a few eminent monks.    


"Great Master, can we begin now?" Lin Nan asked carefully.    


Great Master Xuan pointed at the top of the meditation room and said, "Master Lin, look."    


Lin Nan looked up and saw a golden light seeping out from the gap of the roof.    


"What is this?" Lin Nan asked.    


"The Zen Heart Room is the absolute clean land of Buddhism, it can't contain a trace of filthy air. As soon as Benefactor Ye entered the room, the Buddha light began to flicker, indicating that there is a very evil soul inside Benefactor Ye's body. " The Great Master of the profound way explained.    


" Then Great Master, please help edify it as soon as possible. It's best if this thing completely disappears. If it succeeds, I will definitely donate incense money to repair this temple. " Lin Nan cupped his fists at Great Master Xuan.    


"Master Lin, don't worry. Exorcism and avoiding evil is the principle of Buddhism. We will do our best!"    


Great Master Xuan Dao held a prayer bead in his hand and said in a deep voice, "Jie Kong, jie Wen, jie Yi and Jiya, begin the soul-suppressing ceremony immediately!"    




The four eminent monks behind suddenly spread out and arrived at the four directions of the meditation room!    


Master of the profound way counted the prayer beads and muttered something under his breath!    




His right hand drew a line in front of him, and a golden light was forced out of his fingertip. It was then injected into the meditation room!    




The four eminent monks also shouted and did the same thing.    


The meditation room was covered by a layer of golden light.    


Edifying, officially began!    


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