Best Soldier Son-in-law

C1203 The past of the Spirit Medicine Valley

C1203 The past of the Spirit Medicine Valley

There was a transparent flower in Lin Nan's palm. It was spiral-shaped, and its petals were sparkling.    


In his hand, it looked like it was carved out of a white crystal.    


"I didn't expect that such a beautiful flower could be grown at the bottom of the lake." Qin Feng exclaimed.    


"The Water Heart Flower is a top grade one spirit medicine, and the white Water Heart Flower is a top grade one spirit medicine!" Lin Nan nodded and said.    


"Then we can go back. Wait for Mr. Huang to tell us how to go to the Spirit Medicine Valley!"    


Qin Feng did not leave, but suddenly turned around and asked. "Wait! What was with the school of fish in the lake just now? They were so fierce?"    


"How can there be such fierce fish?"    


Lin Nan said as he looked around with a sharp gaze.    


He suspected that someone had done something to him after he went into the water!    


However, he couldn't find anyone suspicious.    


"Then it's strange. This fish seems to have gone crazy!" Qin Feng also began to think.    


But after thinking for a long time, he still had no answer.    


Lin Nan also didn't want to think too deeply about this question. Instead, he said faintly: "Forget it, let's go back and find old mister Huang first."    


At noon, white smoke rose from the chimney of the wooden house again.    


Preparing food at the appointed time had already become Huang Kui's lifestyle.    


Humans were iron and steel, and they would be starving if they did not eat for a meal.    


"Grandfather, what do we eat today?" Xiao Yu tilted her head and asked.    


"We're eating grilled fish today." Huang Kui doted.    


"Oh, I'll eat roast fish!"    


Xiao Yu skipped out of the house and suddenly saw Lin Nan and Qin Feng walking back.    


He immediately ran back into the house and said, "Grandpa, they're back!"    


Huang Kui sneered. "They are back so early? Looks like they gave up quite early."    


"No, grandpa. They seem to have something in their hands!" Xiao Yu said.    




Huang Kui immediately put down the spatula and said, "Even if they can really get the Waterheart Flower, it's impossible for them to get it so quickly!"    


With a completely disbelieving attitude, huang Kui walked out of the wooden house.    


However, when he saw Lin Nan and Qin Feng, he couldn't help but look at their hands.    


When he saw them, he was dumbfounded.    


"Old mister Huang, I have brought you the Water Heart Flower you wanted!"    


Lin Nan shook the Water Heart Flower in his hand and said with a smile.    


Huang Kui walked up and took the Water Heart Flower. He looked at it and said excitedly, "That's right, it's the Water Heart Flower! And it's a high-quality white flower!"    


"Since we've gotten it, shouldn't Old Man Huang keep his promise?" Lin Nan looked at Huang Kui with anticipation.    


Huang Kui took a deep breath and murmured to himself. "The fact that they could get the Water Heart Flower so quickly proves that these two are not ordinary people. Maybe... we can let them go to the Spirit Medicine Valley. "    


Thinking of this, huang Kui said, "The two of you, my food is also ready. Why don't we stay here and eat? I'll tell you in detail. "    


"Okay!" Lin Nan agreed immediately.    


Today, huang Kui was not so gullible. Apart from the fish accident, he also specially made a few household stir-fried dishes.    


After the fish cooking was carried to the table, xiao Yu also brought the chopsticks and chopsticks.    


This doll liked to be lively. It was exciting to have more people.    


After sitting down on the table, huang Kui called out, "Come and eat. When you go to the Spirit Medicine Valley, you might not be so comfortable."    


Lin Nan took a bite of the fish meat and said, "Old Mr. Huang, why do you say the Spirit Medicine Valley seems to be an abyss of hell?"    


"It is not like hell. But it's definitely not a good place."    


Huang Kui paused for a second and slowly said, "Actually... a long time ago, the Spirit Medicine Valley could be accessed by outsiders at will.    


The sect master of the Spirit Medicine Sect had the heart to help the world. Anyone who went to the Spirit Medicine Valley to request medicine would not be stingy with gifts.    


However, there are always some evil people with ulterior motives who covet the Spirit Medicine Valley, this holy land. "    


" What happened? " Lin Nan immediately put down his chopsticks and asked.    


"Two thugs pretended to be sick and entered the valley. They robbed seventy to eighty percent of the herbs in one night and then ran away.    


After the sect master of the Spirit Medicine Sect heard about this, he thought that it was his own fault. He felt that he had let down the ancestors of the Spirit Medicine Sect, so he committed suicide out of shame and shame.    


Before he committed suicide, he did not allow the people of the Spirit Medicine Valley to chase after those two villains.    


Until the last moment before he died, he still had good intentions in his heart." Huang Kui said regretfully.    


From his expression, it could be seen that Elder Huang hated those two villains.    


This was the real story of farmers and snakes.    


"These two repay kindness with ingratitude, they're worse than animals" Qin Feng said coldly.    


"After the Grandmaster died, his junior brother succeeded the position of the Grandmaster of the Spirit Medicine Sect.    


However, his junior brother's character was the complete opposite of the sect master's. He was a person who especially hated the outside world. He even blamed the loss of the Spirit Medicine Valley on the evil thoughts of humans.    


Since then, he had cast a spell to seal the entrance to the Spirit Medicine Valley. At the only entrance to the valley, he used the miasma produced by the rotting of the spirit herbs to block the footsteps of ordinary people.    


This way, the Spirit Medicine Valley was artificially created a place that was isolated from the world! "    


" Isn't this too extreme? " Lin Nan frowned.    


"Anything is relative! It could not be denied that the current Spirit Medicine Valley was very rich. There were spirit herbs everywhere. It even surpassed the peak of the past.    


Moreover, the Spirit Medicine Valley has been gradually forgotten by the people. It has become a rumor."    


After Huang Kui finished speaking, he picked up a piece of fish meat with his chopsticks and ate it.    


Lin Nan was quite sympathetic to the Spirit Medicine Valley's situation. He could not judge who was right and who was wrong.    


However, he asked tricky questions, "Mr. Huang, since the Spirit Medicine Valley has been sealed, why do you know how to enter?"    


"Grandfather was originally from the Spirit Medicine Valley..."    


Xiao Yu had not finished speaking when Huang Kui covered her mouth.    


However, Lin Nan still heard it and said in surprise, "Old mister Huang came from the Spirit Medicine Valley?"    


He had already hidden it from her. No, huang Kui could only sigh. "Sigh, that's true! When I was in the Spirit Medicine Valley, I had always followed the Sect Master.    


I was deeply influenced by him. I felt that since there was a gift from nature, I should benefit humans. I should not sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labor.    


However, the actions of the current sect master are completely different from my ideals.    


I have also talked to him before. Even if it is to prevent outsiders from entering, we cannot completely seal them off. We can open up a few days for the people to come in and ask for medicine.    


However, this idea was directly rejected by him.    


Helpless, I can only choose to leave."    


Hearing this, Lin Nan nodded his head.    


Old Huang had his own goals, but the current Sect Master had his own considerations as well.    


If their ideologies were incompatible, it was only a matter of time before they parted ways.    


"Thankfully... the Spirit Medicine Sect still has many sensible elders.    


They all tried to persuade the current sect master, asking for an exclusive benefit.    


They allowed me to return to the Spirit Medicine Valley once a month and take some spirit medicines to treat the people outside.    


This way, the Spirit Medicine Valley would continue to serve the people, and outsiders would not be able to enter the Spirit Medicine Valley.    


This has been going on for thirty years."    


After saying that, huang Kui let out a long sigh.    


Lin Nan was deeply moved by Huang Kui's deeds. He couldn't help but clasp his fists and say, "Old mister Huang, you are noble and righteous. You have the heart to help the world. Junior really admires you!"    


As a doctor, Lin Nan respected such a person the most!    


Huang Kui only smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, this is also good. I only hope that after I die, this child will inherit my mantle."    


As he spoke, he looked at Xiao Yu beside him.    


Right now, what he hoped the most was that Xiao Yu would grow up as soon as possible, and he would be able to live until then.    


Lin Nan saw what happened and asked curiously, "Old mister Huang, where's your son?"    


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