Best Soldier Son-in-law

C812 It's a Little Difficult

C812 It's a Little Difficult

This is the second time Xu Ping has cursed.    


A strong sense of shame rose in that person's heart.    


He could not help but curse himself in his heart. What a despicable person!    


Zhuo Baixian calmed down a lot and said with a piece of paper in his hand, "Zhao Feng?"    


"Elder Zhuo, I'm here!"    


Zhao Feng very consciously took a step forward.    


Zhuo Baixian stroked his beard and said: "The cause of your diagnosis is lung discomfort. May I ask how you determined it?"    


"Through the diagnosis of the pulse, the patient's pulse is very calm, and his bodily functions are all normal."    


Zhao Feng hesitantly explained: "But... through observation again, I found that the patient's breathing wasn't smooth. So I determined that his lungs weren't feeling well."    


"There are many illnesses that cause him to be unable to breathe, and you can judge that it's because his lungs aren't feeling well."    


Zhuo Baixian shook his head and said: "Besides, I can tell you very responsibly that the patient's breathing is very good. He was just a little nervous when you diagnosed him. So, you misdiagnosed him."    


Although Elder Zhuo didn't yell like Xu Ping Ping.    


However, his expression became serious.    


Zhao Feng's face instantly turned red.    


Misdiagnosis was a very serious matter for doctors!    


"Hmph!" Xu Ping snorted coldly.    


He failed to meet his expectations.    


Mei Sanjiu, who was standing at the side, looked at the other two pieces of paper in her hands and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, the two of you have also diagnosed wrongly."    


Seeing the strange expressions on the two people's faces, mei Sanjiu shook her head and said: "You guys wrote a bunch of useless papers, but you didn't manage to get the point at all! Analyzing illnesses is not writing a thesis, you need to focus on getting straight to the point. So, I'm sorry, all of you didn't get any points! "    


As a result, four out of the five people who went up were instantly killed.    


Only the last Zhuge Qingyun was left!    


There were still many people below who did not see the illness. They stretched their necks and their faces were full of anticipation.    


He also did not know what Zhuge Qingyun just wrote with a few strokes.    


Xu Ping seemed to be able to read people's hearts as he raised Zhuge Qingyun's piece of paper high up.    


Everyone looked!    


They realized that there were only two words on it: "Spinal column!"    


"This kid, he has something!" Lin Nan nodded.    


"Master Lin, it's the same as your diagnosis!" Li Feng also said with a smile.    


Because when Lin Nan reminded him to look at his eyes, he knew that there was a problem with his spine!    


"How did you diagnose it?" Xu Ping put away the paper and asked calmly.    


Zhuge Qingyun first bowed to the three judges and did a good job on the surface.    


"Obviously, the patient kept looking straight ahead. No matter how noisy the surroundings were, he did not look away. From the angle of the reflective arc, it doesn't make sense.    


Then there is only one answer. There is a problem with the patient's spine!    


And I also discovered that the patient's head is lowered and cannot be straightened.    


From these two points, we can infer that the patient's spine is fractured. This is where his illness is!"    


"Pak pak pak!"    


Zhuo Baixian was the first to clap his hands and shouted: "Well said, completely correct! The Compassion Sect is indeed worthy of its reputation as a medical sect!"    


After a few seconds of hesitation, the entire audience erupted into applause!    


Zhuge Qingyun bowed once again very politely, revealing a faint smile on his face.    


Lin Nan could not help saying, "This old fellow, each question is more tricky than the last! If that patient stays still, it's very hard to tell that there's a problem with his spine!"    


"If the patient is covered in eyes, it will be even more difficult!" Li Feng smiled bitterly.    


"Then it will not be a medical conference, but a competition to find fault!" Lin Nan said with a smile.    


It was a competition. At least it was reasonable!    


Who would be bored to the point of covering their eyes to see a doctor?    


Wasn't this deliberately making things difficult for others?    


And following that, it was time for the exciting moment to announce the points!    


Xu Ping smiled faintly and said, "This question has three points."    


When Zhuge Qingyun heard that, his face was still calm.    


It was as if everything in the world could not affect his emotions!    


"Thank you, elder Xu."    


Zhuge Qingyun cupped his hands and said, then silently returned to the contestant area.    


Many people looked at Zhuge Qingyun with appreciation. After all, the performance on the stage was obvious to all!    


However, there were also some blabbermouths who expressed contempt!    


Just a mere three points, what was so great about it?    


Just as Yan Xin was about to announce the next question, xu Ping stopped him.    


He scanned his surroundings and sneered, "I forgot to tell you. I only prepared seven questions this year, and there are only five left."    


"What? Only seven questions?"    


The audience exploded!    


"If I had known earlier, I would have seized these two chances. I can answer both of these questions. The competition after this will definitely be even more intense!"    


"That's right, elder Xu didn't play according to the routine, causing us to be in a complete mess!"    


"It's over, it's all over!"    


Many of the contestants complained, as if they had lost their parents.    


Lin Nan, who participated for the first time, did not feel very surprised!    


"Seven? There are so many questions?" Lin Nan asked.    


"In the past, there were many questions in the Sacred Hands Conference. Apart from the limited number of high score questions, there were many other questions that could not be completed. But this year, the rules were temporarily changed. There were only seven questions, and the points were uncertain. "    


Beside him, li Feng sighed and said, "This means that we can't wait any longer. I estimate that... a large number of people will appear in the next question. Otherwise, we really won't have a chance! "    


" So it's like that... So it's not only the question that has become difficult, even the number of questions has shrunk. This undoubtedly increases the competition. Heh, this old man can do it!" Lin Nan said with a smile.    


This was what a competition should be like.    


At least it had to be in a state of anxiety. If there were too many questions, everyone would have a chance. Then there would be no competition!    


Yan Xin rested for a moment and then said, "Everyone, please be quiet. Next, please bring out the third patient!"    


Very soon, the staff pushed the third patient onto the stage.    


This patient was different from the previous ones. Once he went on stage, he held his head in his hands.    


His expression was very painful. He was clearly telling others that his head hurt very, very much.    




"A lot of illnesses can cause headaches. If you don't diagnose it yourself, you won't be able to determine the cause of the illness!" Wang Yao said.    


"That is true, but the first two patients have traps. This shouldn't be so easy, right?"    


"Who cares... I can't think of an answer here. I'm going up on stage!"    


After he finished speaking, that fellow was really the first to walk onto the stage!    


With this leader leading the way, more people did not want to wait any longer. They all ran up the stage!    


After all, headaches could still be diagnosed, but later on, if they encountered even more difficult cases, then they would have to wait for nothing!    


Yan Xin Yang was stunned. Then he smiled and said, "Looks like the contestants are all very proactive. Just like before, three minutes to think about it!"    


Those who were slightly calmer all chose to watch from the side.    


Running up to the stage in such a hurry actually didn't give them any advantage.    


Lin Nan rubbed his chin and pondered, muttering, "This is a little difficult."    


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