Best Soldier Son-in-law

C499 Hiding from Debts

C499 Hiding from Debts

If you knew, why did you do it?    


"Brother Nan, please save my uncle."    


Chung Xinyue also went forward to beg.    


Lin Nan was unable to refuse Chung Xinyue's request.    


"Alright, wait for me here. Uncle, follow me."    


After saying that, Lin Nan supported Chung Faangyong and walked towards the second floor.    


When they arrived at the room on the second floor, Lin Nan let Chung Faangyong lie on the bed in the bedroom.    


"Lin Nan, sorry to bother you."    


After Chung Faangyong said that, he closed his eyes and fell asleep because he lost too much blood.    


Lin Nan carefully took off the clothes on Chung Faangyong's upper body.    


Then, he took out two silver needles.    


He rubbed his fingers and began to rely on the hot needles from the Spiritual Energy.    


After the heat needle was done, Lin Nan quickly dropped the needle and accurately inserted it into the two major acupuncture points on Chung Faangyong's chest.    


Repairing the internal organs was to stimulate the cells to grow rapidly through reincarnation.    


Liver necrosis was not because of the loss of organs, but because the activity of the cells was too low and a large amount of necrosis led to the failure of the liver.    


Then the purpose was very simple. It was enough to activate the cell activity in the liver.    


This was not a difficult task. As long as the Spiritual Energy was used to moisturize and repair all the necrotic cells, Chung Faangyong would be able to recover from the root of the problem.    


A faint golden light flashed on Lin Nan's fingertip. He injected the Spiritual Energy into Chung Faangyong's body through the silver needle, and the Spiritual Energy began to slowly swim around.    


There was only one difficulty in treating this illness.    


Chung Faangyong was an ordinary person. He might not be able to withstand the Spiritual Energy flowing through his body.    


Therefore, Lin Nan had to control his strength well. Not one point less, not even one point more. He had to ensure that he could repair the cells in his liver in the most gentle way.    


When the Spiritual Energy entered his body, Chung Faangyong's body quickly reacted and started to shake violently.    


Lin Nan controlled his strength slightly before Chung Faangyong's body's reaction was clearly reduced.    


Spiritual energy flowed through his liver and started to circulate around the necrotic parts. Every time it flowed through his body, it would bring endless life to his cells.    


This required a process.    


But it wouldn't be too long.    


It was also very quiet downstairs. Everyone was worried about Chung Faangyong's safety.    


Chung Qianqian said in a low voice. "Mom, do we have to go this far?"    


Fong Yuqin covered her face with both hands and it seemed like she was suffering in her heart.    


She thought that some things would not be known if they were swallowed in her stomach. Then, after a period of time, it slowly faded away.    


However, this layer of window paper would eventually be pierced through.    


At this point, she didn't know how to face it.    


Chung Wei changed his arrogant attitude and said, "Mom, this is all my fault. When Lin Nan cured Dad's illness, we will tell everyone. I will take responsibility for what I have done wrong. "    


Chung Xinyue, who was standing at the side, did not listen to anything. She just nervously clenched her fists and kept praying for her big uncle.    


Upstairs, Lin Nan began the final stage.    


Treating this illness. Actually, the difficulty was not very high.    


Actually, if Chung Faangyong had discovered it in the early stages, he could have been cured in a normal hospital.    


However, in the countryside, many people avoided illnesses and illnesses. They were afraid of spending too much money. When they were unwell, they liked to endure for a while, which led to the worsening of the illness.    


Lin Nan withdrew the Spiritual Energy, then received the needle and said, "Uncle?"    


Chung Faangyong's eyelids twitched a few times before he slowly opened his eyes.    


"You are fine." Lin Nan laughed softly.    


Chung Faangyong looked at the ceiling and the familiar house. Finally, he looked at Lin Nan's face.    


"How long has it been?" Chung Faangyong asked.    


"About twenty minutes." Lin Nan answered easily.    


Chung Faangyong could no longer feel any abnormalities in his body. The pain in his chest and chest had disappeared as well.    


He exclaimed, "God! Lin Nan, you are really amazing. "    


"In the future, you still have to pay attention to the combination of nutrition and exercise. Only by being strong and strong can you live a healthy and long life." After Lin Nan finished speaking, he slowly got up.    


Chung Faangyong sat up from the bed and said, "Lin Nan, I am really sorry. We gave you so much trouble, and you even turned around to help us."    


Lin Nan smiled and said, "One thing is another! I don't care about things, I don't care about people. Alright, let's go downstairs. We don't want them to worry. "    


After saying that, he took the lead and walked downstairs.    


Chung Faangyong carefully got down from the bed and followed them.    


Chung Qianqian, who was downstairs, heard the footsteps coming from the stairs and said anxiously, "There's movement!"    


Everyone's spirits were immediately lifted and they looked towards the staircase.    


They first saw the calm Lin Nan. When they saw Chung Faangyong following behind them, they were all overjoyed.    


Because Chung Faangyong's face was rosy and shiny, and he looked very healthy!    


Chung Qianqian and the others immediately surrounded Chung Faangyong and asked him a long and short question.    


"Thank you, Brother Nan. You are really amazing." Chung Xinyue's face was full of admiration and her little face was flushed.    


"What the hell is going on?" Lin Nan drank a mouthful of tea.    


Seeing Chung Qianqian and the others walk over, Lin Nan took a step forward and said, "You don't need to thank me. Don't pretend. What I want to know now, you guys should know it too."    


Fong Yuqin lowered her head and said, "I will speak! Actually, that sum of money... "    


Just as she was about to say something, there was a loud noise outside the house. Someone was knocking on the door loudly.    




It was more like knocking on the door.    


The door made a loud noise, and it could fall down at any time.    


"What's going on?"    


Chung Wei raised his eyebrows and got up to open the door.    


However, when he opened the door, his expression froze on his face.    


His face was filled with fear, and his legs were trembling uncontrollably. Furthermore, he was retreating step by step!    


It was as if he was retreating step by step! It was as if... he had seen something terrifying!    


Soon, four uninvited guests in black suits and sunglasses forced their way in.    


They didn't come with good intentions!    


Four men walked in and coldly stared at Chung Wei.    


"You don't live in the house in your town, and you actually hid here? It made it easy for us to find it. " One of them said coldly.    


"I... I..." Chung Wei was so scared that he almost lost his ability to speak.    


"You what you? Hurry up and pay me back!" The black-clothed man shouted in a stern voice.    


"Return the money?"    


The people in the room were confused.    


And from the looks of it... Chung Wei went to borrow from a loan shark?    


That's not right.    


When Chung Wei asked for money, Fong Yuqin would give it to him very readily.    


Why did he need to borrow money?    


"Friends, if you have something to discuss, come in and have a seat." Lin Nan walked forward and said.    


"It's none of your business here. Get lost!" The black-clothed man said coldly.    


If it was before, this group of people would have been slapped so hard by Lin Nan.    


But today, his temper was especially good.    


Lin Nan said politely: "I have no other intentions. But... I have to let people know what happened, right? "    


The four of them looked at each other.    


As the saying goes, when you reach out your hand, you don't hit a smiling person.    


"If you want to ask, ask Chung Wei! He actually gave a fake address and secretly ran here to hide his debt." The leader of the men in black said fiercely.    


"Hide from the debt?" Lin Nan touched his chin.    


The man in black ignored Lin Nan and turned his head angrily, "One hundred thousand yuan is not enough to solve the problem this time, at least two hundred thousand yuan!"    


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