Don't Provoke Princess

C91 Undoing Cardiac Knot(part I)

C91 Undoing Cardiac Knot(part I)

Sann Jiashu was worried about the two girls walking on the dark path as the night was so dark. It was unknown where the bad guys would hide.    


After changing her clothes, Xiao Huali walked downstairs in large strides. Now that she had eaten, she had the strength to speak.    


"I'm going to her house to sleep." Not allowing Sann Jiashu to retort, Xiao Huali informed Sann Jiashu in a forceful tone. Her tone was as cold as if she was in an icehouse.    


"Little Li, it's too late. Let's go tomorrow." Sann Jiashu's tone was euphemistic, her tone pleading due to guilt.    


"I'm just informing you that I've said that I'll go to her house to sleep." "Xiao Huali's face was cold as she resisted the urge to swear." You... "You'd better leave me alone and not follow me. Otherwise, I really don't know what I'm going to do."    


Jumping into a river was possible, jumping off a building was possible, and taking poison was possible. Xiao Huali's stubborn temper was really the type that meant what she said.    


Sann Jiashu turned her body with difficulty, her intention clear.    


She was willing to give way.    


Mu Qingqing wanted to say something to ease the stiff atmosphere between mother and daughter, but she was stopped by Xiao Huali's sharp gaze.    


After leaving the Xiao family's residence, Mu Qingqing held Xiao Huali's arm. The night was as dark as day for her. She could even walk with her eyes closed.    


"Can you tell me what my mother's heart is about now?" Xiao Huali's hair was a little messy. She was in a hurry to change her clothes so she could go downstairs early to listen to Mu Qingqing tell her about Sann Jiashu's troubled heart.    


"No, I have to find your father." Mu Qingqing flatly refused.    


"Why aren't you giving me any face?" Xiao Huali was extremely depressed. She was afraid that Mu Qingqing would lie to her, but she was also afraid that Mu Qingqing would not tell her the truth.    


"You came all the way to my house." At this moment, Xiao Huali felt the distance between the Xiao family and school was not close. However, the distance from Mu Qingqing's home to hers was even further.    


"You didn't come to the hospital to look for me these few days. I was worried that something would happen to you, so I came." Mu Qingqing knows that Xiao Huali didn't see the pumpkin in the living room and isn't going to mention anything about it. "    


Xiao Huali's heart warmed a little. You she... You're so kind to me. "    


"Since we're friends, we should share the hardships."    


"Pei pei pei, don't spout nonsense." Your parents can't get a divorce, and I don't want my friends to share it with me. If you really are friends, then you should share the blessings. " Xiao Huali was stunned by Mu Qingqing's words and quickly reacted.    


"" Mu Qingqing smiled. Xiao Huali and I might be through thick and thin together. " In four days, my family will be hosting Party for Number One Scholar in the town. I came here to invite you to eat and drink. "    


"He can't come. My brother will come back here that day. I can't let him in my house." Xiao Huali said regretfully.    


Mu Qingqing went silent. She wasn't sure if she should advise Xiao Huali or support her decision. After all, in her previous life, she had a decent impression of Xiao Huali's brother.    


"Why aren't you talking? Are you trying to persuade me again? " Just like in the house.    


"Don't try to persuade me, this is something that I have decided upon. That is my home, and I have always lived as a child with Xiao Huali since I was young. Do you know what it means to have two tigers in one mountain? "If I let him in my house, I, Xiao Huali, will definitely listen to his every word and willingly become his little sister." Xiao Huali gritted her teeth as she spoke. The Xiao family was her territory. No one else was allowed to lay their hands on them!    


"The door is locked." Mu Qingqing looked at the place they had arrived at. The metal door was locked and the sentry pavilion was dark. There was no one inside.    


Xiao Huali regained her senses and pointed in the direction of the female dormitory. The wall over there is shorter, so we can just climb over it. "    


For her, this was a common occurrence, but for Mu Qingqing, it was the first time in her life.    


"Can't you just walk through the door?" Mu Qingqing looked hesitantly at the wall that was slightly high and was completely stupefied.    


She had already seen Xiao Zhiming's position, he was crouching in the principal's office.    


"The iron gate is turning over and injuring the body." Xiao Huali said in a low voice, avoiding his gaze.    


Ah? "Did she hear it wrong? The iron gate was rolling and injuring her body?" "Where is the injury?"    


"I used to tear my pants with that spike when I flipped over from the top." Xiao Huali was rather magnanimous, but when she spoke and scoffed at the mosquitoes, she did at least complete her explanation.    


"Cough …" "Fine." Mu Qingqing snickered.    


The two of them stopped wasting time. Xiao Huali easily climbed up the wall, reached out to grab Mu Qingqing's hand, and pulled her up against the wall.    


It was already very late, and it just so happened that the day was a holiday. The students in the school had all gone home, and at this moment, there were only people left in the building. Mu Qingqing and Xiao Huali walked into the school side by side.    


"Go to the dormitory. There's a bed there, so my dad should be resting there." Xiao Huali stood at the fork in the road between the dormitory and the diligent study building and pointed at the dormitory as she spoke.    


"Let's go to the principal's office. Maybe uncle has work to do." Mu Qingqing pointed at the study building and said.    


"No way. It's already the holidays today." Xiao Huali believed her judgment. It was already late in the night, so Xiao Zhiming must have rested.    


"Come on, come on, let's go to the office first." Mu Qingqing knew she wouldn't believe him, so she pulled her along in the direction of the office, not allowing her to refuse.    


There were no lights in the dark corridor. Mu Qingqing grabbed Xiao Huali's wrist and quickly walked upstairs.    


"Aren't you afraid of the dark?" Xiao Huali suddenly asked Mu Qingqing. She had thought that Mu Qingqing's cold, reserved appearance would make her flinch like an ordinary girl, but Mu Qingqing was not only unafraid, she even led the way in front.    


"Not afraid." Mu Qingqing suddenly realized something and halted her steps. "Ugh …" How do I get to the office? "    


Xiao Huali chuckled. "If you don't ask me where I'm going, I would think you've been here before."    


"But you're on the right track. At the end of it." Xiao Huali pointed to a window at the end of the corridor. The light from the outside was so bright that it reflected the shadows of the trees, casting a golden light on the end of the corridor.    


At the door to the principal's office, there was a white light seeping through the crack in the door.    


"It's really here …" Xiao Huali looked at Mu Qingqing with a conflicted expression. She didn't expect Mu Qingqing to be right.    


After knocking on the door a few times, there was no sound of him getting up. Xiao Zhiming seemed to have fallen asleep and was still sound asleep.    


"Dad, open the door!" Xiao Huali shouted into the door.    


Mu Qingqing simply pressed the door handle down, but was unable to open the door.    


The door is locked from the inside...    


[Xiaoyun, are you there?] Mu Qingqing tried to communicate with Xiaoyun using her own thoughts.    


Xiaoyun covered her mouth and almost cried out. Thinking that Xiao Huali was still here, she immediately held Mu Qingqing's hand with her own.    


[Master, I'm here.]    


"Can you open this door?" Mu Qingqing had no way to open the locked door.    


[Yes. I can change my magnetic field and turn the lock back to its original position.]    


[Alright, I'm pretending to smash the door. Open it again.]    


Mu Qingqing pressed down on the door a few times, but was unable to open it no matter how hard she tried. Little Fox, let's break this door open together. "    


"Alright." Without hesitation, Xiao Huali smashed down the door. To her, it was a piece of cake. The main issue was her father's safety.    


While Mu Qingqing and Xiao Huali were banging on the door, Xiaoyun took the opportunity to unlock the door.    


The office was in a mess, the white A4 paper scattered all over the floor. Xiao Zhiming was lying on his desk, his face as red as a cooked prawn.    


"Dad, dad!" Xiao Huali ran to Xiao Zhiming's side and continuously pushed him, trying to wake him up.    


The liquor was very strong. Only then did Xiao Huali notice the bottles scattered under Xiao Zhiming's office chair. There was all the beer and white spirits, and most of them were empty.    


However, Xiao Huali's eyes fell on the divorce agreement that Xiao Zhiming was pressing down. Only Sann Jiashu's name was signed on it, and there were quite a few small spots where Xiao Zhiming should be signed on it.    


"Dad …" Xiao Huali was no longer young, so she naturally understood why the pen in Xiao Zhiming's hand didn't drop.    


Mu Qingqing saw that Xiao Zhiming didn't have any reaction after so long, so she thought that he might have been poisoned by alcohol.    


"Little Fox, your dad, does he usually drink?" Mu Qingqing and Xiao Huali stood on the left side and one on the right side, staring at the back of Xiao Zhiming's head in a daze.    


"He only drinks when he's socializing." Xiao Huali knew Xiao Zhiming's personality very well. He would only drink with others unless it was something related to the school.    


"Dad, wake up." A trace of unease flashed across Xiao Huali's heart. Xiao Zhiming's expression was abnormal. Coupled with Mu Qingqing's puzzled question, she was even more unsettled.    


Taking advantage of Xiao Huali's inattentiveness, Xiaoyun passed a glass bottle from the zipper of the Invisibility Cloak to Mu Qingqing. Inside the bottle was a solid blue pill.    


[Master, give him five pellets. This is an antidote.]    


Mu Qingqing understood, so she pulled the cork and fed five pills into Xiao Zhiming's mouth.    


"Qingqing, what did you give my dad?" Xiao Huali stared blankly at the glass bottle in Mu Qingqing's hand, wondering where she had pulled it out from.    


"Heat-clearing and detoxifying pills." Mu Qingqing originally wanted to answer that this was for the sake of the wine, but if that was the case, wouldn't that mean that she already knew Xiao Zhiming was drinking? "They might as well answer tactfully that this is for detoxification." It was very hot in the summer, and my dad drank a lot, so he couldn't avoid a hangover. I didn't expect to have this medicine bottle in my pants pocket. Maybe uncle was lucky. "    


"My dad, he …" Xiao Huali seemed to have watched a weird change. Just now, her father's face was as red as a cooked shrimp. After taking the pill for 5 seconds, the heat on Xiao Zhiming's face faded.    


"The effects of this medicine are pretty good. It really is worthy of being my uncle's prescription." Mu Qingqing suddenly realized something. She had not expected Xiaoyun's invention to be effective to this extent, and Xiao Huali was staring at her as if she wanted to tell her that it was all done by Xiaoyun, an alien!    


Xiao Zhiming woke up in less than a minute. He rubbed his head and looked up at Xiao Huali, who was wearing a knitted sweater.    


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