Don't Provoke Princess

C81 Become Angry from Embarrassment

C81 Become Angry from Embarrassment

"Didn't I tell you to follow Mu Qingqing? "I told you to sprinkle that powder into her drink. Why didn't you listen to mom and go play by yourself in a place like that?" Su Cuiyun was extremely regretful. If she had known that this would happen, she wouldn't have let Mu Xiaoyou go no matter what.    


"She wouldn't let me follow her, so I went outside to wait. Mom, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong. " Mu Xiaoyou sobbed as she held Su Cuiyun's clothes tightly in her hands. She had thought that going outside would strengthen her rich friends and help her mother escape the Mu Family earlier. She hadn't thought that it would harm her instead.    


"My foolish Xiaoyou, mother won't let you go in the future." "Su Cuiyun hugged Mu Xiaoyou with a pained heart, feeling extremely regretful." Damned Mu Qingqing, it's all her fault. She's the one who harmed our Xiaoyou, Mama won't let her off! "    


When the nurse at the side heard Su Cuiyun's words, she couldn't help but feel ashamed of her mother's actions. Encourage your own daughter to drug someone else? He really could do it. To his own child. In her opinion, Su Cuiyun and her daughter were the ones who deserved to die the most.    


Mu Xiaoyou cried for a long time. She was tired and fell asleep unconsciously. Su Cuiyun gently carried her to the bed and patiently accompanied her. Her heart felt like it was being stabbed by a knife. If Mu Qingqing couldn't learn her lesson, then she wouldn't be able to rest peacefully for a day.    


In the police station, Mu Anren and Mu Qingqing were interrogated separately, but after Mu Qingqing entered the police station, she didn't say a word. She just sat on the chair with a calm expression.    


It wasn't that Mu Qingqing didn't want to say anything, but she had been listening to Mu Anren's confession the entire time. She wanted to know how Mu Anren had explained the whole story.    


"Master, why is your family so mean to you?" Xiaoyun put on the Invisibility Cloak and sat beside Mu Qingqing's chair. There was not a trace of her shadow to be seen. This ethereal voice gave Mu Qingqing a slightly creepy feeling.    


She raised her head and looked at the monitor above her. She did not know if she could hear the sound. Don't talk. "    


Mu Qingqing reminded him softly.    


Xiaoyun supported herself with her head on her knees, waiting with Mu Qingqing out of boredom.    


"Tell me what happened." The police officer sitting across from her kept repeating the same sentence to Mu Qingqing. Seeing that Mu Qingqing was a minor child in a hospital gown, he couldn't help sympathizing with her.    


Mu Anren, who was next door, had finished recording his statement. Seeing that the time was ripe, Mu Qingqing slowly opened her mouth.    


"That passbook and real estate certificate were indeed stored in my dad's school bag after drinking that day. I've forgotten about this these past few days." When Mu Qingqing finally answered the question, the police officer took out his pen and wrote it down.    


"It's also impossible that I was the one who did the alcohol allergy thing with my sister. My sister wanted to go with me to Karaoke, so she pestered me to go with her. But she only stayed in the room for a while, and then she went out. When my classmates and I woke up, I looked around for her, and finally found her in someone else's room. At that time, she smelled of alcohol, and I don't know who she drank with, or what she drank with. But I was seen carrying my sister to the hospital. " Mu Qingqing said honestly.    


Another police officer pushed open the door and entered the interrogation room. He compared the statement in his hand to this one and confirmed that the father and daughter pair were not lying.    


The police officer taught Mu Anren a lesson before letting the two of them go home.    


On the way, Mu Qingqing sat in the back with her head down, not saying a word.    


Mu Anren didn't have anything else to say to Mu Qingqing as he drove. He just drove and didn't even look at Mu Qingqing.    


Mu Qingqing didn't say anything along the way, but she was surprised to see what Mu Anren was thinking.    


The guilt in his heart was towards Mu Qingqing. He thought back to fourteen years ago. Su Cuiyun smiled gently while hugging Mu Qingqing. Her smile was filled with motherly love. However, this scene deeply stung Mu Qingqing's eyes.    


Now, Su Cuiyun only smiled at Mu Xiaoyou in such a motherly way. But to Mu Qingqing, she was extremely harsh and heartless. Mu Qingqing was surprised to find that Mu Anren was reminiscing about the past.    


The scene quickly turned to the scene of Su Cuiyun clutching her stomach and being sent to the hospital. At that time, her elegant, light skirt was dyed red with blood. Su Cuiyun's face was in extreme pain and she was carrying a child in her womb. It was probably the day that Mu Xiaoyou and Mu Yichen were born.    


Mu Qingqing's heart was in turmoil, but she continued to read.    


Outside the operating room where the light was on, another woman was wheeled into the delivery room.    


Surprise was written all over Su Cuiyun's pale, sweating face. Opposite the bed lay a woman who looked exactly like Su Cuiyun.    


Mu Qingqing was dumbstruck as she looked at Mu Anren's memories. She was so shocked that she couldn't utter a word.    


She had once watched Journey to the West. There was a story about a real and fake Monkey King in it. Mu Qingqing felt unspeakably sad at this moment. The two Su Cuiyun were lying on a sickbed, both pregnant women with large stomachs. This...    


The scene suddenly stopped. Mu Anren shook his head and focused his attention on the road in front of him. He didn't want to think about the past anymore.    


However, the scene in Mu Anren's mind was already imprinted in Mu Qingqing's mind. She couldn't forget it even if she wanted to.    


"Dad, are you married twice?" Mu Qingqing suddenly asked.    


Mu Anren suddenly stopped. He was still thinking about how to talk to Mu Qingqing, but she opened her mouth first.    


"No, how could that be possible?" Mu Anren started the car and smiled guiltily. However, his expression was not as serious as it was in the morning. "Qing Qing, why do you think that?"    


Mu Qingqing's heart was bleeding as she held Xiaoyun's hand. Mu Anren had never lied before, but now he felt a bit guilty. This meant that she was right, Mu Anren was the Second Marriage.    


"I just feel that my mother is different from other mothers. Other people's mothers would bring food for their children. They would rather starve themselves than starve their children. " Mu Qingqing paused for a moment and didn't continue.    


"Don't let your imagination run wild. Our family has three children. Sometimes, it's normal for your mother to not be able to take care of them." Mu Anren's heart sank. He remembered the look on Mu Qingqing's face as she pulled out the needle from the ward. She was resolute and merciless.    


"Did you find out I was missing in the afternoon? Was the first thing you called the police for, or was it to find those passbooks and real estate certificates?" Mu Qingqing suddenly felt that she was very cruel and determined to peel off the bloody reality in front of Mu Anren.    


Mu Anren's fingers that was holding the steering wheel moved slightly and his expression immediately collapsed.    


At that time, Su Cuiyun had told him that his family passbook and real estate certificate were missing, so his first thought was to find his passbook and real estate certificate and then call the police to arrest the thief. But when she came back to her senses, Su Cuiyun said that Mu Qingqing had also disappeared. At that time, he just wanted to find Mu Qingqing and teach her a lesson. If necessary, he could still listen to Su Cuiyun and send her to the police station.    


The truth is cruel.    


This child, Mu Qingqing, was not as important as his passbook and real estate certificate.    


"What if Xiaoyou disappeared today?" "Mu Qingqing refused to let Mu Anren go and stabbed him in his heart." Or, Yichen. "    


"Alright, Qing Qing. Don't bother about the past anymore. People can't always remember the past. Today's matter, we will go over it in reverse. " Mu Anren was a bit annoyed, the accelerator under his feet became heavier.    


He had never thought that his eldest daughter would have such an aggressive day.    


Mu Qingqing felt the pain not only because of Su Cuiyun's physical and mental devastation, but also because of Mu Anren's encouragement and love for her.    


Now, Mu Anren also began to follow in Su Cuiyun's footsteps. How could she not be heartbroken?    


She could not see tomorrow as a peaceful day, and she believed that Su Cuiyun could not do it either. " I can turn it over, can I, Ma? "    


When Mu Anren heard this, he immediately felt that his daughter was unusually mature. She was too sensible, her words went straight to the point. Just Su Cuiyun's attitude today was enough to show that she couldn't do it.    


"If Mom and Xiaoyou can turn the page, I can forget what you did to me today." Mu Qingqing rubbed her arm. Su Cuiyun had done all she could to pull on her arm, and it still hurt. Xiaoyun also saw the bruises on her arms.    


"Mu Qingqing." Mu Anren suppressed the anger in his heart. Mu Qingqing was challenging the authority of his family's head!    


"I worked hard to get into Sankou High School and became the top scholar of A City. I haven't had a blemish in fourteen years. In the end, the first blemish in my life came from my family. Dad, if it was you, would you be able to calmly accept this fact? " Mu Qingqing asked in a sorrowful tone.    


Mu Anren stopped the car by the side of the road and found a noodle restaurant that was open all night. "Come down, let's have a good talk."    


Opening the car door, Mu Qingqing walked out with a calm expression. At the same time, she was on guard against Mu Anren.    


He ordered two bowls of beef noodles. The cilantro was dotted with the color of the whole bowl of noodles, giving it a color.    


Mu Qingqing moved her chopsticks but did not taste it.    


"Qing Qing, family members must trust and understand each other. "Sometimes, mom and dad would inevitably do something wrong, and everyone is no exception." Mu Anren said sincerely. His father's prestige stood in front of Mu Qingqing.    


"Trust and understanding, I've done it." Mu Qingqing looked at Mu Anren without a smile on her face. Her cold appearance gradually became ethereal.    


"Dad, don't lie to me, you're married, right?" It would be better to do DNA monitoring than to ask Mu Anren. Mu Qingqing decided to ask Mu Anren directly.    


"No!" Mu Anren slammed his chopsticks on the table angrily. This was the first time Mu Qingqing saw Mu Anren get angry from embarrassment.    


In the dead of night, the boss of the noodle store glanced at Mu Qingqing's table. Mu Anren also sensed that there was someone there and immediately calmed down.    


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