Don't Provoke Princess

C78 Crying Xiao Yun

C78 Crying Xiao Yun

"As long as we sign the blood contract, the blood of the people closest to me in my family will turn purple, and the color of their eyes will also change. Once I betray the contract, their eyes and blood will turn black." Xiaoyun explained patiently.    


Mu Qingqing suddenly regretted not asking Xiaoyun to pour her a cup of blood-red tea. If she had drunk it, then there wouldn't have been such a serious matter. If he refused to let Xiaoyun execute the contract now, it would cause the nine generations of the family to be killed. What a strange planet.    


"Don't talk about such a heavy topic. You've lived on Earth for three thousand years, why don't you buy yourself a house or something?" Mu Qingqing looked at the ceiling of the cave and couldn't quite breathe.    


"After falling from the atmosphere, it landed at the foot of the mountain. I've explored beyond this mountain, but I look like an outsider on your planet. When I first showed up as a real person, those people were still wearing what they now call simple clothes. They thought I was some kind of monster, throwing eggs and vegetables at me. In the past three thousand years, I've gone out several times, but nothing good has happened. At first it was just a curse, but then it started hitting me. After the world war broke out, they even sent me to the newspapers, saying I was an alien and they were going to capture me for experiments. I was once caught, and when the guards weren't paying attention, I escaped. " Xiaoyun explained slowly. Her black eyes, which were no different from a human's, were sparkling and translucent. But I'm just an alien abandoned by a planet, I'm not stealing, I'm not snatching, how can you humans be so cruel! "    


Mu Qingqing couldn't help but feel her heart soften when she saw her crying. She gently patted Xiaoyun's back. At the end of the day, after seeing Xiaoyun a few times, she had indeed not done anything bad and was still trying to follow the customs by making her blood-red tea.    


"Alright, alright, stop crying. Not everyone is like this." Mu Qingqing hugged Xiaoyun's neck, comforting her like a big sister.    


What puzzled Mu Qingqing was that after so many years, what did Xiaoyun rely on for a living? And why would she be at the market in A City?    


"We don't need to eat, but we can eat, we can taste food, but we have to spit it out. I went to the market because it was so lonely here and I wanted to find a lively place. "I heard that an old man who sells vegetables said that I could chat with him if he sells vegetables, so I asked him for a stalk of garlic seed and brought it back to grow there." Xiaoyun said sadly as she wiped the blue tears from the corner of her eyes.    


"But nobody buys my garlic shoots, and so does the coriander. Except for you, who's a little better, those people just ignored me. " Xiaoyun's tears fell unceasingly, causing Mu Qingqing to be stunned.    


"So I told you to go and see what they were selling, and you switched them to tomatoes." Mu Qingqing finally understood why Xiaoyun always sold stalls. Why are the tomatoes you sell so big? Did you add pesticide? "    


"What is a pesticide?" Xiaoyun asked curiously.    


"That's right, how did you manage to plant a tomato so big?" It looked like it had been bred in space, and it surprised her.    


"The ship has our planet's soil in it. On our planet, everything is so big. " When Xiaoyun was collecting garlic seedlings and coriander, she had done so earlier, so that it wouldn't grow so crazily.    


"Oh …" Mu Qingqing looked at the pumpkin next to the curtain, and faintly felt like it was going to grow into a giant pumpkin.    


"You are from the M-122 planet, do you have any special abilities?" Mu Qingqing asked expectantly as she stared at her imprinted baby face.    


"I have everything you have, and I have everything you don't have." Xiaoyun said with a complacent expression. This was their planet's pride.    


"Such as? For example, can you fly? Is it possible for her to be like the legends say, or is it possible for her to be some kind of an Earth Escape Technique or Wall Piercing Technique? " Mu Qingqing was curious about her, if this creature from another planet had an incredible ability.    


"Soaring Sky Technique, we have a ship. There's also an excavator for the Earth Escape Technique. If you're going to pass through the wall, then how about you take down the wall? " Xiaoyun answered thoughtfully.    


"So it wasn't that magical." Mu Qingqing stuck out her tongue. It seemed that the aliens were not as powerful as she had imagined.    


"I have to go back to the hospital. If I don't go back now, my parents will worry." The air in the cave was sparse. Mu Qingqing was worried that she would be suffocated by the air in the cave, so she suggested to go back.    


"Alright, Master, I'll send you back." Xiaoyun had always been kind to her request.    


"No need to call me master, it sounds too estranged." "Mu Qingqing was a bit depressed. She kept calling him 'Master', which sounded weird." My name is Mu Qingqing, you can call me Qingqing. "    


"Understood, Master." Xiaoyun replied respectfully.    


Xiaoyun pulled open the pink curtain that hid the sun's rays from the sky. The whole appearance of the huge spaceship in front of Mu Qingqing's eyes made her dizzy.    


"No, you're going to use this to send me home?" Mu Qingqing could no longer remain calm. She had taken the most advanced form of transportation before. At most, it was just an airplane. At this moment, Xiaoyun was using a spaceship that was half the size of a mountain to take her home. Wasn't this meant to get her on the headlines tomorrow? " "No, no, no. You can't use this. It will be discovered."    


"They won't be discovered. My spaceship will block the signal, and the magnetic field here has been altered. Under normal circumstances, no one will be able to detect it." Xiaoyun patted her chest in assurance.    


"But this is too big. Half a mountain is too big." Mu Qingqing scratched her head, unable to bear to look at him directly.    


"This is a no-man's land, taking a flying ship is the fastest option." Xiaoyun was also in a difficult position.    


"Can't you walk?" Mu Qingqing said with some hesitation.    


"I'm afraid I have to walk for a few years." Xiaoyun scrunched her eyebrows and said in embarrassment.    


"Where is this place?" She did not want to try the feeling of being in a spaceship, and from the bottom of her heart, she did not want to be in this huge monster.    


"No one is here, your country's Longmen Desert Sect." Xiaoyun answered honestly. We don't have to ride on this monster, there's a very small ship in the innermost area that can ride on three people. "    


Mu Qingqing looked towards the innermost area with a skeptical look but couldn't see anything due to the metal door blocking her view.    


"Through the eye." Xiaoyun had no doubt that her master wasn't used to these abilities.    


Closing her eyes, Mu Qingqing saw the ship in the innermost part of the ship. It was no different from what she had seen in the newspapers. The disc shaped UFO was protruding out from the center like an egg.    


"But where do we fly to A City?" Even an airplane has to have a tarmac. Where can we park this ship that's bigger than a helicopter?    


"Follow me." Xiaoyun opened the cabin door and led Mu Qingqing into the cabin. The inside is completely sealed, so you have to wear this. "    


Xiaoyun handed Mu Qingqing a helmet and a thin crochet jacket. Only after looking closely at the pure white crochet coat did one realize that the yarn was a small tube that provided oxygen.    


Xiaoyun put on the crochet coat that Xiaoyun had given her. The collar was so high that it covered half of her nose. Xiaoyun pulled up the silk flowers for Mu Qingqing, and the entire crochet coat was tightly shut. That outlined white flower just happened to stay at the tip of Mu Qingqing's nose, adding a touch of mysteriousness to her beauty.    


Mu Qingqing immediately felt that the air had become many times fresher and her breathing was smoother after she had put on her crochet coat.    


After putting on her helmet, Xiaoyun started the ship. Mu Qingqing stared blankly at the various keyboards and buttons in the spaceship. Xiaoyun used the digital control to send Mu Qingqing's thoughts to a general destination. The screen made of special materials quickly selected the most suitable place to park the spaceship.    


"Our planet's technology is relatively advanced, with civilization leading by about a few hundred million years. In the three thousand years of life on Earth, I used the positioning technology in the spaceship to draw a precise map of the entire Earth. If it's updated, it's usually updated once every month. " Xiaoyun took off her image of a little girl, revealing her skin that was as smooth as wood grain. Her petite body sat on a space chair at the side, her legs crossed as she spoke.    


"Actually, when you didn't use that little girl's shell, you were pretty cute." Mu Qingqing muttered softly. She was extremely fond of Xiaoyun's perky posture when she controlled the spaceship.    


Xiaoyun was dazed for a moment. She turned her head mechanically as blue tears rolled down her face. She was like a broken bead, crying non-stop.    


"You … What's the matter with you? " Mu Qingqing had apparently forgotten about her Mind Reading ability. She looked at Xiaoyun, a wood-like alien, in a daze.    


"I'm so touched. So there are people on Earth who like me. I'm not a beast." Xiaoyun cried like a child, though it was hard to tell if her baby voice was a voice or just a voice.    


Mu Qingqing blushed with shame. Xiaoyun was too easily moved.    


The spaceship flew to the designated area within five minutes. Xiaoyun activated her hidden mode and changed the spaceship to camouflage mode. When the spaceship moved in parallel, it would automatically absorb the surrounding colors like a lizard and then absorb the surrounding sunlight to achieve the purpose of not reflecting light and true camouflage.    


The ship stopped fifty meters above the top floor of the hospital. The eggshell of the lower part of the ship merged with the upper part of the hull like a sliding lid, and in the center of the ship there was a strong current of air, one upward, one downward, the flat lower end of the ship, stretching down the transparent material by fifty meters, bringing the two currents together in the transparent material.    


Mu Qingqing and Xiaoyun landed steadily on the top floor of the hospital. The ship automatically retracted the transparent material and closed the eggshell like shell, turning it into a complete elliptical spaceship.    


"If I appear like this in a human's field of vision, will I really not get caught?" Xiaoyun looked up at the sad face of Mu Qingqing, her heart said she was very cute words to be delighted.    


"Which planet are you from? Don't you have any invisibility spells?" Mu Qingqing was also a bit depressed. She did not know where to hide the fifty-centimeter tall Xiaoyun.    


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