Don't Provoke Princess

C80 A Disorderly Household

C80 A Disorderly Household

The moment Su Cuiyun lifted the bedsheets, Mu Qingqing tried to move her body in an attempt to obstruct Su Cuiyun's line of sight. At the very least, she could not let her see Xiaoyun's existence.    


"Get down here!" Su Cuiyun ignored everything and pulled Mu Qingqing off the bed. She wasn't worried at all about the pain from her hand with water on it.    


Mu Qingqing glanced at the bed behind her with lingering fear. Xiaoyun was nowhere to be seen, only the empty bed sheets.    




Mu Qingqing froze for a second, but was pulled down by Su Cuiyun to the ground. Her right hand, which was holding the needle, dripped with a portion of her blood.    


"Mom …" Mu Qingqing leaned forward on the floor and looked at Mu Anren in disappointment.    


He was the one who stopped Aa Qi and Aa Jiu at the door of the ward. Following him was the police officer from the Public Security Bureau.    


"I don't have a daughter like you. Go up and see how our lives were ruined by you!" Su Cuiyun snapped.    


"I didn't." Mu Qingqing said in pain, her words pale and powerless.    


"Comrade Police Officer, it's her. She's the one who stole the house certificate and passbook. Arrest her, she did it. " Su Cuiyun pointed at Mu Qingqing's head as tears streamed down her cheeks. I don't have such an outrageous daughter. Please judge her case. "    


Mu Qingqing gritted her teeth, unwilling to shed even a single tear that would cause pity.    


"Mom, you are accusing me for no reason. What evidence do you have to prove that I did it?" Looking at the policemen blocking the ward's door, Mu Qingqing asked loudly and with a clear conscience.    


Su Cuiyun wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, as if she had thought of something, and walked straight to the cabinet that Mu Qingqing kept her things in. Inside the cabinet was a beige schoolbag. Su Cuiyun flipped the bag upside down, revealing everything inside to everyone.    


The red account book and the red certificate of real estate entered everyone's eyes.    


Mu Qingqing's face turned pale. That's right, how could Su Cuiyun return safely? He was already prepared for her to walk right into his trap.    


She had been careless, she had been reckless.    


Her hand slowly reached for the red book, her eyes filled with disbelief. Just as she was about to touch the book, Xiaoyun's voice rang softly in her ears, "Master, don't touch it. There are no fingerprints on it. If you touch it, there will be your fingerprints on it. "    


Mu Qingqing abruptly retracted her hand and raised her head to stare at the bottle above her head.    


"Qingqing, what else do you have to say for yourself? I'm so disappointed in you. Your home is for you to eat, wear and study. You are just such a heartless person to us. " Su Cuiyun shook her head in disappointment. Even Mu Anren, who was standing by the door, shook his head in disappointment.    


In this era, there were not many surveillance cameras. Even if there were, they were rare.    


Mu Anren also stopped believing Mu Qingqing. This disappointment made the corner of Mu Qingqing's mouth twitch.    


"Uncle police, I didn't steal anything, and I didn't touch any of these records or my real estate certificate." Mu Qingqing looked at the policemen at the entrance and slowly got up from the ground. It wasn't convenient to wear a wide hospital gown. Seeing that, Aa Qi quickly pushed through the crowd and helped her up.    


Mu Anren felt that Mu Qingqing had made him lose even more face.    


"You've been caught red-handed, yet you still want to quibble? Qingqing, how did you become like this?" As Su Cuiyun sobbed, she did not forget to wail and tell Mu Qingqing of her 'crime'.    


"It's all my mom's fault. She didn't teach you well, which led you to be like this." Su Cuiyun covered her nose, looking like she couldn't bear to watch any longer. It seemed that Mu Anren was moved.    


Other than Aa Qi and Aa Jiu, everyone present was moved by Su Cuiyun's motherly love for her.    


"Don't be like this okay? Uncle police hasn't proven my innocence yet and you're already rushing to decide the case. Are you an impartial police officer?" Mu Qingqing endured the sadness in her heart as she mocked Su Cuiyun.    


"First, let's go to the police station and take a statement. We will definitely investigate the truth of this matter." One of the policemen said in a serious tone.    


Mu Qingqing glanced at the nurse who was blocked by Mu Anren outside the door. Since she couldn't get in, she didn't expect the nurse to pull out the needle anymore. So she pulled the needle out of her hand, and the blood on the back of her hand was held down with cotton.    


"I haven't touched the passbook or the real estate certificate. If I did steal it, there should be my fingerprints on it. Uncle Police, I've seen the TV. Didn't the TV say I could compare the fingerprints?" Mu Qingqing didn't want to go to the police station, and she believed that Mu Anren wouldn't let her in. If she had a daughter who had been in the police station before, she would definitely lose face. What's more, Aa Qi and Aa Jiu were members of the Mo family. If the Mo family saw a joke at this moment, Mu Anren would definitely not feel good about it.    


Su Cuiyun's face paled slightly. She even stopped crying.    


"I've been staying in the ladies' room all afternoon, the bodyguards of the Mo family can testify for me." Mu Qingqing looked at Aa Jiu with a firm expression with clear eyes.    


"And that schoolbag, I haven't touched it at all today." Mu Qingqing's tone was neither hasty nor slow. She was in no hurry to explain herself, but only explained a few important points.    


"That's right, my responsibility is to protect Miss Mu. When she disappeared in the afternoon, the furnishings in the house had not been touched. All afternoon, the cleaning lady proved that she really was staying in the ladies' room, and in the storage room. " Aa Jiu's voice was as cold as a knife. After he finished speaking, he intentionally gave Mu Qingqing a glance.    


"Dad, did you really call the police?" Mu Qingqing looked at Mu Anren with an impartial gaze.    


Mu Anren's eyes were filled with fatigue. He didn't know why, but he didn't have the courage to look at Mu Qingqing's clear eyes.    


Yes, they were all daughters. Why was she so harsh to Mu Qingqing after she became allergic to alcohol? Wasn't the real estate certificate and passbook meant for the three siblings? Mu Anren lowered his gaze. Only then did he feel that he went too far.    


"Comrade Police, this is a misunderstanding. I think that no matter how bad our child is, he shouldn't have to murder his own sister. I just remembered about the deposit book and the real estate certificate. A few days ago, I went out to drink, and I was afraid that I would be in trouble, so I put such a precious item in her bag. " Mu Anren slapped his forehead and said regretfully: "It's all my fault for having such a lousy memory. If I didn't drink that wine, I wouldn't have forgotten about it." Alas, he was old and useless. "Look …"    


Su Cuiyun stared at Mu Anren in astonishment. She was the one who dragged Mu Anren to the police station to call the police. Now, Mu Anren denied that he let Mu Qingqing off so easily?    


"You have already called the police and established a case. You will have to go with us to the station and take a statement about this matter. If you call the fake police, you'll be responsible for it. "    


"Fine, Qing Qing, go to the Public Security Bureau to take your statement with dad." Mu Anren turned his head to look at Su Cuiyun and said, "Go upstairs and take care of Xiaoyou. We'll be back after we finish our statement."    


Su Cuiyun ignored the tears on her face. "Anren …" "Then you …"    


"Enough, even your own child doesn't believe you, who else can he trust? "Stop talking. Go upstairs and take care of Xiaoyou. Just wait for us to come back." Mu Anren glanced at Su Cuiyun coldly, turned around and left with the police.    


Su Cuiyun looked at Mu Qingqing with a displeased expression, but she did not dare to continue being a demon. He could only watch as Mu Qingqing walked out safely with Mu Anren.    


Upstairs, Mu Xiaoyou had just woken up. Accompanied by a nurse, she went to the toilet. When she tilted her head and saw the numerous pimples on her face in the mirror, she couldn't help but scream out loud. "AHH!    


"Who, who is this ugly bastard?" Mu Xiaoyou pointed at herself in the mirror, still in shock. At first glance, she saw her hand full of pimples.    


"AHH!" Mom! "Mom!" Mu Xiaoyou pushed away the nurse who was supporting her and stared at the monster in the mirror with a broken face. She kept tugging at her hair with her hands.    


Hearing Mu Xiaoyou's scream, Su Cuiyun no longer cared about Mu Qingqing's situation and ran upstairs.    


"Darling, darling, mom is here, mom is here." Su Cuiyun rushed to the toilet. Looking at Mu Xiaoyou, who was grabbing her hair with a broken face, Su Cuiyun's heart broke.    


It was all Mu Qingqing. All of this was caused by Mu Qingqing. This damnable little bitch, sooner or later I'll kill her!    


"Mom, mom, how did I become like this? How did I become so ugly! I don't want to become ugly. " Mu Xiaoyou burst into tears and kicked the broom in the bathroom to the ground.    


"Darling, stop crying. The doctor said you will be fine in two days. "Darling, don't worry." Su Cuiyun caressed Mu Xiaoyou's hair to comfort her.    


"Mom, I don't want to become ugly. "Ahhh!" Mu Xiaoyou screamed, feeling extremely uneasy. The abominable and ugly appearance in the mirror was deeply imprinted in her mind, causing her to feel extremely uneasy.    


"We won't become ugly. We will never become ugly." "If he's going to change, it'll be that Mu Qingqingrin girl." Su Cuiyun pulled Mu Xiaoyou into her arms and said hatefully.    


"Mu Qingqing, was it caused by Mu Qingqing?" Mu Xiaoyou's memory came to a stop after she got drunk that night. It seemed like she was with Zhan Yufei. Also... He was even slighted.    


"Darling, you know you're allergic to alcohol, why are you still drinking?" Su Cuiyun's heart was broken. She had protected Mu Xiaoyou, whose body was weak, until she was twelve years old. But now, she had become neither a human nor a ghost.    


"I'm not drinking, it's someone else … Someone gave me a cup of tea. " Mu Xiaoyou was so anxious that she was crying. She didn't know when she drank the wine.    


Su Cuiyun didn't listen to Mu Xiaoyou's explanation. Alcohol allergy could only be caused by drinking alcohol. There was no reason for it to be a cup of tea.    


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