Don't Provoke Princess

C86 Out of Thin Air

C86 Out of Thin Air

After Mu Qingqing had finished her shower, she went downstairs. Aunt Qiong had left her some hot food and hot food to prevent her from eating cold food. Her stomach was not feeling well.    


"Qing Qing, are you hurt?" Aunt Qiong looked her up and down with concern. Only after she confirmed that there were no obvious injuries on her body did she calm down.    


"It's nothing serious. Aunt Qiong, have you eaten your fill?" On the contrary, Mu Qingqing was concerned about Aunt Qiong.    


"Little girl, you're so worried for an old man like me. It really is your aunt's intimate little cotton-padded jacket. She's even more concerned about others than my child." Aunt Qiong smiled as she poked the center of her brows lightly, feeling relieved.    


At the very least, nothing had happened to the little girl, and she hadn't been disfigured.    


"Aunt Qiong, have you seen Xiao Huali in the past few days?" During this time, Xiao Huali didn't come back to the hospital again, so Mu Qingqing started to miss her.    


"Aiyo, I haven't seen this girl for a long time. Did you guys quarrel?"    


Mu Qingqing shook her head. Thinking back to Xiao Huali's tearless appearance that day, she couldn't help but worry. As Mu Qingqing chewed the steaming hot rice, all she could think about was Xiao Huali.    


This Little Fox, how could she not want to chat with her after holding back for so many days?    


When Mu Anren went downstairs, Mu Xiaoyou took the opportunity to slowly walk down the stairs while holding the ice cube on her face. He carefully stepped on the smooth marble steps, afraid that he would anger Mu Anren.    


As he was walking down the last step, the black liquid poured down like a constant waterfall.    


"Ah!" Mu Xiaoyou looked up, but didn't see anything. She only saw a black liquid splashing onto her head out of thin air.    


Mu Anren and Mu Qingqing looked towards Mu Xiaoyou's direction at the same time. They saw that her entire red dress had been dyed black and her face had also turned black.    


Mu Anren turned around and looked at Mu Qingqing with a threatening gaze. It seemed to be asking, Did you do it?    


Mu Qingqing stared blankly at Mu Xiaoyou. She couldn't finish her meal, so she got up and walked to Mu Xiaoyou's side. When she looked up, it was empty. When she moved closer to Mu Xiaoyou, she could smell the ink on her body. It was only after a long while did she realize that it had been splashed with ink.    


The second floor was facing the stairs, but it was empty. There was not a trace of it.    


"Dad, nobody threw ink upstairs." Mu Qingqing shook her head, not knowing what was wrong.    


The ink that came out of thin air could not possibly be Mu Qingqinguping's. Just think, how could a person who ate in the dining room fly out of their body to the second floor to throw ink at Mu Xiaoyou?    


Mu Anren's frown eased up and he quickly went to the second floor. Indeed, there was nothing here, no ink, and no one.    


Mu Xiaoyou was splashed all over by the ink and her face was darker than an African's.    


"Mu Qingqing!" I hate you! " Mu Xiaoyou glared at Mu Qingqing with uncontrollable rage. She was ready to carry Mu Qingqing to her death, but she was stopped by Mu Anren.    


"Xiaoyou, this isn't your sister's doing." Mu Anren's white shirt was stained with the ink of Mu Xiaoyou's body, and immediately turned black.    


"It's her. She was the one who splashed me. She was the one who harbored hatred in her heart and wanted to take revenge on me!" Mu Xiaoyou gnashed her teeth as she faced Mu Qingqing. The anger within her subsided and burned like a prairie fire.    


"Calm down, your sister just ate in the dining room. She was thinking about how to throw ink at you from the second floor when she was eating in the dining room!" Mu Anren roared at Mu Xiaoyou, telling her to calm down.    


Mu Xiaoyou saw that Mu Anren was angry, so she shrugged her shoulders and looked up fearfully. There was nothing on top, but she felt scared instead.    


"Dad, there's a ghost!" There's a ghost in our family! " And it was even produced in broad daylight! Mu Xiaoyou raised her head to look at the bottom of the white staircase and was instantly stupefied.    


"Don't talk nonsense." Even though Mu Anren was also anxious and afraid that this was Mu Xiaoyou's retribution, as the head of the family, he had to let his family calm down first.    


At this point, Mu Qingqing had lost her appetite, and she could understand Mu Xiaoyou's accusations. After all, in this family, she was the only one who had this motive.    


Wearily, she walked back to her room, not bothering to look at Mu Xiaoyou's and Mu Anren's expressions. The feeling of disgust she felt from the bottom of her heart finally made her tired.    


He was tired of the constant quarrelling and fighting in his house. Life was not as interesting as adding seasoning salt, but more like adding chili sauce and mustard, making it especially exciting.    


"Master, your sister has been splashed with ink by me. Are you happy?" Xiaoyun had been waiting for her in the room for a while now. She took off her stealth clothes and hopped about. Her blue eyes could see the joy that came from the bottom of her heart.    




Mu Qingqing thought about it for a moment. The moment she saw Mu Xiaoyou being splashed with ink, she was blinded. After that, when she was criticized by Mu Xiaoyou, she was annoyed. At this moment, Xiaoyun asked her if she was happy about it. She seemed to feel a faint sense of happiness in her heart.    


"A bit …" Mu Qingqing answered honestly.    


"She did too much. I can't stand it any longer." Xiaoyun said indignantly with her hands on her hips.    


"I was the one who was splashed. Why do you look even more angry than I am?" Mu Qingqing smiled and gently rubbed her head that was hurting.    


"You are my master, what I hate the most is having one of my own people bullied." Xiaoyun said imposingly, her eyes darting around the room. That ink will only disappear after at least seven days. During this time, she will feel better. "    


"How did you manage to leave not a single trace behind?" There's no evidence at all in the house. " Mu Qingqing was no stranger to ink, and it was impossible to wash it off her clothes. Mu Xiaoyou would probably not go out for the next seven days.    


"I can change the magnetic field around me. I can float the liquid in the air, rearrange it, and then freely descend." Xiaoyun proudly held the cup of water that Mu Qingqing had placed on the desk in front of her. Then, in front of Mu Qingqing, she sucked the water in the cup into the air, forming a loving expression.    


Mu Qingqing blinked and the transparent watermark appeared before her eyes. Her lips curled up slightly. Your magic is very pretty. "    


Xiaoyun rolled her eyes at her, still falling from the air into the water cup.    


"Xiaoyun, you can't be any more mischievous. If this goes on, my home will become a ghost house. " There was no way to explain the existence of the aliens, and Mu Anren and Mu Xiaoyou already treated what happened just now as feudal superstition. If things continued like this, the people from Mu Family would go crazy.    


Xiaoyun hung her head, seemingly dissatisfied.    


"I'm not blaming you. They're my family, and it wouldn't do me any good to scare them like this. What I want is not to turn the place I've lived in for more than ten years into a ghost house. "Thank you for helping me fight against my injustice. In the future, I will use my own way to solve this problem. If I need your help, I will call for you." Mu Qingqing patted Xiaoyun's smooth head. There was no hair there.    


"Master, I'm sorry, I've caused trouble." Xiaoyun pondered for a moment. Although her revenge against Mu Xiaoyou had made her happy, it was not her job to create trouble for Mu Qingqing.    


Knocking sounds suddenly came from the door. Xiaoyun grabbed the stealth suit that was placed on the chair and put it on.    


"Qingqing, come out." It was Mu Anren's voice. Dad has something to discuss with you.    


After confirming that Xiaoyun was dressed, Mu Qingqing opened the door.    


"Dad." "What is it?" Mu Qingqing was already prepared to be scolded. She was afraid that Mu Xiaoyou would be splashed with ink.    


The smell of sweet and sour fish, after a long wash, still left a faint smell. Mu Anren looked at Mu Qingqing's expression with a meaningful look. Mu Xiaoyou spilled all over Mu Qingqing's sweet and sour fish. Mu Qingqing was a bit angry, but she didn't seem happy at all. It looks like she wasn't the one who did that.    


"Qingqing, daddy plans to give you a feast. The time is already set. In four days, at the big restaurant in town. You need to prepare and give a statement. " Mu Anren's mood did not seem to be affected by the matter of Mu Xiaoyou being splashed with ink. At this moment, his tone was rather relaxed and even had a little pride in it.    


"No need." She didn't like to show her face.    


"If you want to do it, then do it. Our family has not held any banquet in all these years. The only thing we can do is hold a banquet, and it will be very lively." Mu Anren had a smile on his face. Dad spent some money and found a tailor in town. He'll come over later to measure you and make you two sets of nice clothes. "    


This was a banquet Mu Anren could hold for Mu Qingqing with his own ability.    


"Dad, there's no need. I don't like these rituals. I like it to be quiet." When the time comes, the media will definitely be alerted. Mu Qingqing didn't like that kind of scene and also didn't like showing her face in front of strangers.    


Mu Anren's expression froze for a moment, then he said: "This is already decided, Qing Qing Qing, just listen to your dad."    


Mu Qingqing looked at Mu Anren, who was about to get angry. Before she could stop him, Mu Anren had already closed the door to her room. The democracy of this family did not exist, she realized.    


It wasn't long before the tailor Mu Anren had mentioned came. It was a beautiful woman in her thirties, wearing a simple plaid top and casual plaid pants.    


"You must be City A's top scholar, right? I really didn't expect you to have such an aura. " When Beauty Bai smiled, she was very amiable, causing the awkwardness in Mu Qingqing's heart to lessen. When it came to Beauty Bai 's tailor shop, everyone in the town knew about it. But in her previous life, Mu Qingqing had only passed by Beauty Bai 's tailoring shop.    


The temperament that Mu Qingqing gave to Beauty Bai was also quite different. She had a scholarly air to her. In other words, she had the air of a poet who had glorified himself.    


Mu Qingqing's face turned slightly red. She felt embarrassed to be praised by a stranger.    


"Everyone in the town calls me Beauty Bai . You can just call me Auntie Bai." Beauty Bai took out her tools from the beaded bag she had made. She used a soft ruler to measure Mu Qingqing's circumference.    


"Auntie Bai." "Beauty Bai !" Mu Qingqing called out in a low voice, but the word Beauty Bai occupied her mind. Before she could think about Beauty Bai 's name, Beauty Bai had touched her chest, making her blush even more.    


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