Don't Provoke Princess

C211 Impermeability of a Hundred Poisons

C211 Impermeability of a Hundred Poisons

"I'm worried about you." Mo Xiaohe saw through her thoughts and knew that he was indeed acting on his own, but if he didn't, there probably wouldn't be any Mu Qingqing left.    


"Now that I'm done, it's like I got lucky. I want to know what the result is." Mu Qingqing was calm and collected, as she was already used to Mo Xiaohe's way of doing things.    


Mo Xiaohe's expression was slightly sunken, showing that he was a bit serious, which didn't quite match with his age.    


Judging from his expression, the matter was very serious.    


"Auntie Su can't find out why you did it, but there's something wrong with her lifestyle." Mo Xiaohe knew that her mental age wasn't that of a child, so he also thought about whether he should tell her directly. But the reality was, this girl didn't want to keep it in the dark. Worried that she would not be able to take it when she saw Mu Anren and Su Cuiyun getting divorced in the future, he took the initiative to talk to her.    


Is there a problem with your lifestyle? Mu Qingqing was even more stunned. Su Cuiyun had always been dead set on Mu Anren. Although she was a little inferior to her daughter, in terms of relationship, she had never been disinterested in Mu Anren.    


"Is your investigation reliable?" Mu Qingqing asked with a cold expression.    


Mo Xiaohe took out the folded photo from his shirt pocket and handed it to Mu Qingqing.    


"Look at the person in the photo, do you know him?" Mo Xiaohe asked in a deep voice.    


Mu Qingqing spread out the photo. The man in the photo looked very gentle. He looked like a gentleman. A gentle man like that hugged Su Cuiyun's waist with one hand, which was resting slightly below it.    


The picture made her smile bitterly.    


"You know him?" Mo Xiaohe asked her with uncertainty. His expression looked like Mu Qingqing knew this person.    


"You overestimated me. I don't know this person. Moreover, I lost my eyesight in my previous life. I might have to listen to the voice to be able to recognize this person." It was impossible for Mu Qingqing to fold the photo and give it back to Mo Xiaohe, so she held it in her hand.    


"This person has a very close relationship with Auntie Su." Mo Xiaohe said in a deep voice.    


"What does it have to do with me? I've distanced myself from her." Mu Qingqing shook her head. She didn't want to tell Mo Xiaohe another thing; she was going to another place.    


Mo Xiaohe looked at the indifference on her face and chuckled. "You're obviously very weak, but you just want to arm yourself so that you won't be infected by any poison."    


The black pupils stared at him warningly. Even though Mo Xiaohe had exposed her disguise, Mu Qingqing still had a cold expression on her face. She just didn't want to show her panic in front of Mo Xiaohe.    


"I will have my men continue to follow up on this matter. Be careful at Mu Family." Mo Xiaohe said calmly.    


Mu Qingqing lowered her eyes and said, "Mo Xiaohe, I want to ask you a favor."    




By the time Mu Qingqing and Mo Xiaohe finished their business, the dishes in the room had all been served. Mo Xiaoyun finished the whole plate of peanut rice, but the rest of the dishes remained untouched.    


"Why didn't you eat?" Mu Qingqing asked Mo Xiaoyun in surprise. Didn't this little guy like to eat delicacies the most?    


Mo Xiaoyun looked at Mu Yichen with a wronged expression, "Bro won't let me eat it."    


Mu Qingqing couldn't help but laugh when she heard this. These two people were really obedient, especially Mu Yichen, who even knew how to respect his teacher.    


"I won't be able to eat until you all return." Mo Xiaoyun added on. In his heart, he didn't understand this strange rule. The delicious food was clearly placed in front of him, but Mu Yichen refused to let him do it. He said it was so against the rules.    


There are so many rules on Earth. Mo Xiaoyun thought like this, but he didn't dare to move the chopsticks in his hand.    


"Eat, there's no need to be so polite with Brother Mo." Mo Xiaohe said with a smile.    


After this meal, Mo Xiaohe got into the old SUV and was going to take them home.    


"Brother Mo, can I come see you more often?" Mu Yichen asked Mo Xiaohe in anticipation.    


"I'm afraid you won't find me so easily." Mo Xiaohe smiled helplessly. The sick leave was almost over, he was going back to the army in a few days.    


"He doesn't have free time. Yichen, don't bother your master too much." Mu Qingqing said kindly.    


"Oh, okay." Mu Yichen answered carefully.    


"It's no trouble. I taught you how to make games because you like it. Just use the chat just like before. I don't have much time if we meet again." Mo Xiaohe answered lightly.    


Only then did Mu Yichen nod his head obediently.    


Knowing that Mu Yichen's master was Mo Xiaohe, Mu Qingqing no longer worried about him being cheated. However, fate was such a strange thing. She couldn't help but wonder if Mo Xiaohe was the one who planned all this.    


After returning to Mu Family, Su Cuiyun and Mu Xiaoyou were not at home. Aunt Qiong was cooking dinner in the kitchen, and the smell of smoke and fire lingered, and Mu Qingqing could smell the red-braised meat.    


"Aunt Qiong, what did you make to eat?" Mu Qingqing looked at the lid of the pot with anticipation.    


"Little girl, this is your favorite Red Braised Meat. It's almost time for you to have a taste." Aunt Qiong lifted the lid of the pot and steam rose into the air. Her chopsticks firmly grabbed a piece of meat that was fit for eating. She then placed it next to Mu Qingqing's mouth.    


Powerful enough to taste. Mu Qingqing could not stop herself from nodding as she mumbled, "Delicious."    


"Slow down, it's hot." Aunt Qiong could not help but worry when she saw how anxious she was eating.    


The door suddenly opened, and Su Cuiyun carried her big and small bag up to the second floor with a displeased look on her face. Yichen, where did you go? Didn't you say that you're going home? Why did you come back at this time? "    


Mu Yichen smiled embarrassedly as he helped Su Cuiyun carry the stuff.    


"What time do they go back?" Mu Qingqing knew it would be Monday tomorrow, and they would have to get to A City as soon as possible.    


"Originally, you said you were going back at 3 o'clock, but Yichen didn't come back. Your dad picked up a call and went out to eat with his friends. I think we'll have to wait seven or eight before we can go back. " "Aunt Qiong used a small white porcelain bowl to place five pieces of freshly cooked Red Braised Meat." It's for Little Mo. "    


Mu Qingqing stretched out her hand and took it, then turned around and walked upstairs. This little guy was quite likable, even Aunt Qiong was beginning to be biased.    


Mo Xiaoyun was pleasantly surprised when he saw the hot Red Braised Meat. Without saying anything further, he stuffed three pieces of Red Braised Meat into his mouth. His cheeks were puffing out as he chewed, making him look really cute.    


The door was knocked. Mu Qingqing and Mo Xiaoyun looked towards the door at the same time. Mu Yichen walked in with a sickly expression.    


"Big bro is going to leave, don't forget about me little brat." Mu Yichen took out a blue game console from behind his back. He looked at it with reluctance and handed it over to Mo Xiaoyun.    


Mo Xiaoyun saw the novelty of the toy and immediately received it with surprise in his eyes.    


"Yichen..." Mu Yichen usually took his toys as treasures, and no one in the house could touch them, not even Mu Xiaoyou and Mu Qingqing. He actually took it out today. From the looks of it, it was for Mo Xiaoyun.    


"Little brat, big bro will give you this game console, you have to treat it better." Mu Yichen rubbed Mo Xiaoyun's head and looked at him while enduring the pain.    


"Your game console is so precious, yet you gave it to him just like that?" Mu Qingqing looked at Mu Yichen with a smile.    


Mo Xiaoyun couldn't bear to let go of the new game console, so he played non-stop with it.    


"I don't have any other gifts for him. My game console is the most in the family, he's the youngest in the whole family, and he doesn't have any toys." Mu Yichen scratched his head in embarrassment, "Next time, I will bring you a whole box of game consoles from home."    


"Our Yichen has really grown up." Mu Qingqing looked at him gratefully, "Xiaoyun, you have to learn to say thank you, brother."    


"Thank you, big brother." Mo Xiaoyun said obediently.    


After receiving the gift, Mo Xiaoyun was quite happy. If not for Mu Qingqing confiscating the game console, this little guy would have been out of sleep by now. With Mo Xiaoyun at home, this new home also seemed a lot more lively. Aunt Qiong cooked a whole table of food. Mu Yichen and the others ate their fill and then got into Mu Anren's car to drive back to City A.    


Life was peaceful again. As promised, the monthly test was scheduled for Monday. Mu Qingqing would no longer be the first person to submit the paper. In order to keep a low profile, she would do more wrong questions.    


After finishing her exam papers, Mu Qingqing held her forehead and closed her eyes as she looked at her surroundings. She intentionally looked at Xiao Huali's paper and discovered that she was still missing a large portion of the questions. This little girl's grades can't be as low as before.    


The Third High School had always had a winter camp, which gathered the top ten students in the grades for the last Monthly Test. They formed three squads and headed towards the C Province. Of course, Mu Qingqing was one of them. It would take at least ten days. She greeted Mu Anren in advance and left after New Year's Day.    


Before the results of the second monthly test came out, Mu Qingqing packed her luggage and rushed to C Province.    


After a whole day of sitting in the car, she felt a little dizzy. Her fellow students were more or less a bit tired. What she didn't expect was that Zhan Yufei was also in the senior year quota.    


A bottle of pure water was handed to her. She looked at it and saw Zhan Yufei, who she was extremely familiar with.    


"It will be better if you drink some water." Zhan Yufei said in concern.    


Mu Qingqing mysteriously received the pure water from Zhan Yufei. She raised her head and looked at the boy that she loved and hated. At this moment, her heart was mixed with many emotions that she couldn't see clearly.    


"Why aren't you drinking?" She was wearing a blue sweater and a white shirt. Her short hair accentuated her spirit. Mu Qingqing was the first ranked student of the first grade, and was also this year's prettiest girl. Naturally, she attracted the attention of many people. Because she was the oldest, many people couldn't even compare to her. They all knew that they weren't strong enough to take the exam and couldn't win against Mu Qingqing. However, Zhan Yufei was an exception. Even though he couldn't say for sure, he was still pestering her. At this moment, Zhan Yufei raised his hand to touch Mu Qingqing's soft hair, but it was mercilessly opened by Mu Qingqing.    


"I don't drink water from strangers." Mu Qingqing threw the water on the ground and turned around mercilessly.    


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