Don't Provoke Princess

C229 Annoying Child

C229 Annoying Child

Mo Xiaoyun followed beside Su Cuiyun. Every step she took, he would have to stride forward, but luckily, he had the stamina to keep up.    


There were many places that sold food in the market, so Mo Xiaoyun couldn't even move as he stared at the place that sold corn. He grabbed Su Cuiyun's coat pocket and looked up at her.    


"What for?" Su Cuiyun turned around and asked him in a displeased manner.    


"I want to eat that." Mo Xiaoyun pointed to the corn that was boiled in water in the big iron pot. He had been envious of it for a long time.    


"What are you eating? Didn't I buy everything at home?" Seeing that there were a lot of people around, Su Cuiyun didn't feel right reprimanding him like this. She could only tactfully say that Chen Xiaojie had bought it at home.    


"I want to eat now." Mo Xiaoyun stared at her without blinking, his blue eyes were especially conspicuous.    


Su Cuiyun squatted down, unable to understand the kid's personality. She could only tell in a soft voice, "There are a lot of these in my house, I'll eat them when I get home."    


Suddenly, Mo Xiaoyun began to cry, his tears rolling down his face. He wasn't faking it at all.    


"Mom, I'm so hungry. You haven't fed me for days." Mo Xiaoyun was not only crying, he was also shouting for fear that the people around him would not be able to hear him.    


Hearing Mo Xiaoyun's cries, everyone on the street who heard the sound was attracted by the sound and turned their heads to look at them.    


Su Cuiyun was completely shocked. What was this? She pinched him so hard at home that not a drop of tears came out of her eyes. Right now, she was not only crying, but she was even saying loudly in front of so many people that she hadn't fed him anything for days.    


"You!" Su Cuiyun was angry and angry at the same time.    


The Lady Boss had long seen Mo Xiaoyun pointing at her stall. Now, seeing Mo Xiaoyun crying and saying that he hadn't eaten for so many days, she felt very sympathetic. He put the three corns into a transparent plastic bag and quickly walked to Mo Xiaoyun.    


"Wa, eat." The Lady Boss looked at him pitifully, and then looked at Su Cuiyun with a complicated gaze.    


"Su Cuiyun took out ten yuan from her handbag and handed it over to the old lady who sold the corn." The child is blabbering. Me? I just want to see him picky about food at home. I just want to cure him. Thank you for your kind intentions. "    


Su Cuiyun had a kind and sincere expression on her face. At first glance, she looked just like that. The lady boss of the corn seller pushed the money back, but her expression was still complicated.    


"My baby also picked at food when she was young, she would only know how to eat if she was hungry. How can you not let her eat for a few days like this?" The woman selling corn looked at Mo Xiaoyun, who was crying with tears in her eyes, with sympathy. Mo Xiaoyun was a very obedient child. His face was yellow and skinny. He must have been malnourished for a long time because he couldn't eat well. Most importantly, the child's face was still bruised and looked extremely pitiful. I don't know what this gorgeous mother did to this child.    


"Yes, yes, I brought him here to buy something nutritious." Su Cuiyun was embarrassed for only two seconds before she came up with an idea.    


Mo Xiaoyun wiped away his tears. With one hand holding the hot corn, he couldn't let go of the corn that he got his hands on.    


Su Cuiyun fed Mo Xiaoyun mouthful by mouthful, her eyes filled with maternal love.    


Seeing Su Cuiyun's amiable attitude, the crowd slowly dispersed. This was a family matter, so they had no right to interfere.    


Mo Xiaoyun looked at Su Cuiyun with misty eyes and tears in his eyes as he munched on the corn.    


This brat was a little muddle-headed. Su Cuiyun saw that he was almost done eating, so she slowly led him to the front. All along the way, she had been thinking about how, in the end, she was just a street child with much more experience than Xiaoyou and the others. This kind of child made her put up her guard.    


Not long after he walked forward, Mo Xiaoyun's gaze quickly fell on a stationery store not far away. There was a stall propped up by a stool there and there were all kinds of toys.    


Su Cuiyun's reaction, which had been staring at him the whole way, gave him a bad feeling.    


"Mo Xiaoyun, let's go over there. There are a lot of fun things over there." Su Cuiyun pointed at the ladies' clothing store at the side and said in a fawning tone.    


Hearing that, Mo Xiaoyun immediately threw the corn on the ground, shook off Su Cuiyun's hand, and walked towards the toy stall.    


"Mo Xiaoyun, come back!" Su Cuiyun suppressed her voice a little. The high heels under her feet were already painful enough, and now she still had to chase after Mo Xiaoyun. She turned around and saw that the corn seller was still staring at her. If she didn't care about Mo Xiaoyun, then there might be trouble.    


Mo Xiaoyun caught up to the stall that sold toys. He was staring anxiously at the model helicopter on the stall, the toy that all the little boys wanted.    


"Good child, we already have enough toys at home. Can we go somewhere else to buy toys?" Su Cuiyun had no choice but to speak kindly to this little ancestor. In front of outsiders, she had to act like a good mother.    


"Mom, I want this." Mo Xiaoyun raised his head. His hands were still covered in corn crumbs, but he said that to Su Cuiyun in a very pitiful tone.    


"Baby be good, mom will buy it for you next time." Su Cuiyun caressed Mo Xiaoyun's head. She clearly wanted to wring off his head, but she couldn't do so. She hated him! Why did that bitch Mu Qingqing pick up such a naughty kid, it was simply a waste of food and money on her Mu Family!    


All of a sudden, Mo Xiaoyun kneeled on the concrete floor with his head lowered and said in a very wronged tone, "Mom, I know you really like your brother and sister. You usually buy them a lot of toys and clothes, so I know I'm the child you hate the most. But I really like this toy. "    


"Ancestor, I'll buy it for you. I'll buy it right away." At this moment, Su Cuiyun finally understood how amazing Mo Xiaoyun was. This kid was no ordinary person. It would only take a minute for him to ruin her image. She thought of the usually humble Mu Qingqing. This child had stayed with her for a long time, so she had so many ulterior motives?    


Mo Xiaoyun cried very hard, and he kowtowed loudly. "Thank you, mother."    


It was as if Su Cuiyun had mistreated him, making him have an extremely low status in the family.    


After getting the model helicopter toy, Mo Xiaoyun hugged the toy with an expressionless face as he was pulled tightly by Su Cuiyun.    


"Mo Xiaoyun, I'm warning you, you'd better behave yourself outside!" Su Cuiyun held onto his hand, and the smile on her face was obvious. She was clearly gritting her teeth as she said those words.    


She really wanted to throw Mo Xiaoyun away. This brat was truly the bane of Mu Family, he had truly caused her death.    


Mo Xiaoyun was expressionless as he let her lead the way.    


When they were halfway to the ladies' shop, Su Cuiyun suddenly stopped and asked with a smile, "Tell mom, what else do you want to buy?"    


Mo Xiaoyun shook his head.    


Very good, this devilish brat finally became obedient. Su Cuiyun was secretly delighted. Presumably, her warning had taken effect.    


Thus, she strode into a shopping mall with Mo Xiaoyun. She came out to buy clothes. Now that the little ancestor had finally calmed down, she dared to bring Mo Xiaoyun into a ladies' clothing store.    


The moment she entered, she arranged for Mo Xiaoyun to sit on the sofa that was prepared for customers. At the beginning, when she was picking out clothes, she kept looking at Mo Xiaoyun. Seeing him so focused on playing with toys, she didn't think too much about it anymore. Then, she began to feel at ease in choosing clothes.    


"Miss, you must be very good at wearing this. You have a good figure, but wear this to show off your figure." The shop assistant enthusiastically recommended clothes for Su Cuiyun and said something to praise her youth.    


"Alright, I'll give it a try." Su Cuiyun smiled as she took the clothes from her hands before turning around and entering the women's fitting room.    


"Sister, what is this?" After confirming that Su Cuiyun had entered the women's fitting room, Mo Xiaoyun's short body squeezed into the cashier counter. He looked at the pretty girl with a pair of bright and spirited eyes.    


"This is a red stamp, don't touch it carelessly." The girl at the cashier's counter patiently explained to Mo Xiaoyun when she saw that he was cute, had a pair of blue eyes, and was especially lovable.    


Mo Xiaoyun nodded obediently and stood aside in a daze as he watched the customers come to pick their clothes.    


Seeing him act so obediently, the girl at the cashier's counter ignored him.    


"Wrap these clothes up." After the customer had chosen his clothes, he went to the cashier's desk to check out the bill.    


Mo Xiaoyun ran to the side. The girl at the cashier thought he was bored from standing on the side and didn't notice him.    


Not long after, the cashier's girl reprimanded him, "Whose child is this? How can it be like this!"    


She hurried from the cashier counter to the area where Mo Xiaoyun was wearing a down jacket. One hand was still holding Mo Xiaoyun's wrist, pointing at the down jacket that he randomly touched, as she shouted loudly.    


Coincidentally, Su Cuiyun walked out of the fitting room. When Mo Xiaoyun saw her walk out, he immediately freed his hands from the cashier and rushed to her side.    


Su Cuiyun, who changed into a white winter dress, didn't even get to see what she looked like in the mirror before she was attracted by Mo Xiaoyun.    


"Mom, I'm scared." The toy in Mo Xiaoyun's hand had long fallen onto the ground of the down jacket area. The corn crumbs on his face also rubbed against Su Cuiyun's white skirt when they pounced on her.    


Su Cuiyun lowered her head to look at him, but she had a bad premonition in her heart.    


"So he's your child." "This time, the cashier finally caught the parents of the naughty child." The head waiter, this is the kid, he stole our dirt and grabbed all the clothes. Tell me, what do I do? "    


The customers in the shop had long heard the girl's shout, so they all turned their attention to her. Many people stopped in their tracks, waiting to see what would happen to them.    


Su Cuiyun looked in the direction the girl pointed, and immediately felt dizzy.    


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