Don't Provoke Princess

C233 Xiaoyun Fracture

C233 Xiaoyun Fracture

On the way.    


"Tell me, how did you get this wound?" There were no cars on the road, and the sound of the engine was rather abrupt. Mu Anren slowed his tone and asked Mo Xiaoyun.    


"I fell." Mo Xiaoyun kept his cool and did not directly explain the situation to Mu Anren.    


"Why are you standing outside the door?" Mu Anren wanted to ask him something just now, but seeing that he was patiently enduring and was afraid of delaying him, the child was in more pain, so he decided to ask him in the car.    


Mo Xiaoyun pursed his lips and avoided his gaze.    


There was no sound from the back of the car for a long time. Mu Anren turned around and saw that the little guy didn't want to tell him the reason.    


"Are you not used to this place?" Mo Xiaoyun just nodded and didn't like to talk anymore. Mu Anren discovered that he was no longer as talkative as he was at Zhaoxi City. Since he had just arrived at a new place, this little fellow was definitely not used to it.    


"Did you have a good time at home?" Mu Anren asked again without giving up.    


"I've just arrived at a new place, and I have to get used to it for a period of time. I'll slowly get used to it." Mu Anren truly liked this child from the bottom of his heart. Mo Xiaoyun was intelligent and very calm, even more so than when Mu Yichen was young.    


"I want to go back to where I came from." Mo Xiaoyun said with his young and tender voice.    


"Don't you like it here?" Seeing him open his mouth, Mu Anren found a topic to talk about.    


"I don't like it." Mo Xiaoyun answered firmly.    


"It's not that Daddy doesn't want you to stay there, it's because your task of clearing Sister Qing's studies is already very heavy. If you stay there all the time, not only will she have to face the heavy workload of her classes, but she will also have to take care of you, you little rascal. She is very tired." Mu Anren sighed in heartfelt admiration.    


"But I'm leaving. Sister Qing Sister Qing won't be interested to be alone there." Mo Xiaoyun muttered.    


He couldn't be at ease with Mu Qingqing staying there by herself. Besides, Mu Qingqing would usually look for an opportunity to go to a place with a lot of chaos. If he wasn't there to watch over her, who knows what dangers she might encounter?    


"Her main focus is on studying, playing games is secondary. Aunt Qiong will always stay there to accompany her. She will be very touched by your concern." Mu Anren said slowly.    


"Can I go back now?" Mo Xiaoyun tilted his head and looked at the dark world outside the window. Earth was like M122, it had the alternation of day and night.    


"No, A city will be better for you in the future. If you want to learn how to do business, you will have to follow dad in the future." You are already a big child, you should study properly when you need to. " A child has no choice. Mu Anren thought.    


A trace of gloom flashed across Mo Xiaoyun's eyes. He didn't want to stay in A City. Mu Xiaoyou's contempt for him was as disgusting as swallowing a fly. Compared to Mu Qingqing's honesty, this girl from Earth was like a scum among humans. He did not want to live with her.    


When they arrived at the hospital, Mu Anren took him to register. During the night, it was an emergency room, and by this time, all the doctors had already left work. There were only the doctors on duty.    


"Make the film first." After taking off Mo Xiaoyun's jacket, the doctor pinched his stiff right elbow. He knew that Mo Xiaoyun was probably fractured, but he needed to make a film to be sure how broken his bones were.    


Therefore, Mu Anren took Mo Xiaoyun to take CT pictures.    


Mo Xiaoyun looked at those electronic devices nervously and felt a bit uncomfortable. There was a magnetic field around him, and his magnetic field and this magnetic field were two colliding forces. At this moment, he was already sweating profusely.    


"What's wrong? "Is there anything else that feels uncomfortable?" Seeing the beads of sweat on Mo Xiaoyun's forehead, Mu Anren noticed it no matter how careless he was.    


"I'm fine." Mo Xiaoyun replied indifferently. Not a single tear fell from his eyes.    


"Mo Xiaoyun." The nurse with the CT camera shouted.    


"Here." Mu Anren replied and had no choice but to let him go in first. Since he had arrived at the hospital, he could treat any discomfort.    


After the thick security door was opened, Mo Xiaoyun's footsteps became slower and slower, to the point that he was even dizzy.    


"Does it hurt?" When the nurse saw that he couldn't move, and that large beads of sweat were on his forehead, she thought that a child of his age would have long cried out loud. This child must have been gritting his teeth and holding back. Turning around, she reached out her hand to support Mo Xiaoyun and helped him walk to the CT position.    


Mo Xiaoyun's eyelids twitched. Beads of sweat flowed down his face nonstop. He didn't even have the strength to wipe the sweat off his face.    


"Don't be afraid, just have the doctor take a look at you later. Just bear with it." The nurse consoled him when she saw how strong he was.    


Mo Xiaoyun didn't even have the strength to nod. He was sitting alone across from the nurse, waiting for a CT scan.    


The CT machine was ready. Mo Xiaoyun slowly raised his hand to the table. Suddenly, the entire CT room was filled with bright sparks and scorching smoke. Then, the room was enveloped in darkness.    


Mo Xiaoyun raised his head and looked at the ceiling in confusion. The anxiety and dizziness he felt in his heart had disappeared. He looked at the pitch-black CT room in confusion. He didn't seem to have done anything.    


"Little friend, don't be afraid. Auntie will go out and see what's going on." The nurse was afraid that he would be frightened, so she spoke gently.    


This was the first time such a situation had occurred, and the nurse could only guess that there was a problem with the circuit.    


Walking out of the CT room, the nurse was stunned. The lights outside were still on and there was no power cut in the hospital.    


"Let our colleagues in the engineering department see. The CT room is out of battery." The nurse said to the security guard.    


Mo Xiaoyun walked out of the CT room. At this moment, he didn't feel nervous at all. He raised his head to look at the sign in the CT room and vaguely understood something.    


"Are you done shooting?" When Mu Anren saw him come out, he thought it was over and was waiting for the result.    


The security guard called the engineering department, but no one answered. He then replied to the nurse. The engineering department had already finished their work. If they wanted to fix the electrical circuits, they would have to wait until tomorrow.    


"There's a blackout?" Mu Anren asked in surprise.    


"Yeah, there's a problem with the CT room's electrical circuit. There's no way to film it today. Why don't you come back tomorrow morning?" The nurse was also a bit sorry. She also felt sorry for the child in front of her. She had been enduring for so long, it must have hurt a lot.    


Mu Anren wanted to flare up, but after thinking for a while, he couldn't blame him. "Fine."    


Beads of sweat dripped off Mo Xiaoyun's forehead. The nurse turned around and entered the CT room. She took out two tissues and helped wipe the sweat off Mo Xiaoyun's forehead.    


"Auntie also wants to help you make the film earlier. How about this, you guys go up to Dr. Liu, he has a lot of experience, maybe we can let you take a look."    


"Is that the doctor from before?" Seeing Mo Xiaoyun in such pain, Mu Anren wanted to give it a try.    


"Yes." The nurse nodded.    


"Thank you, I'll take him up now." Mu Anren thanked the nurse, took the tissue the nurse gave him, and grabbed Mo Xiaoyun's shoulder as they walked in the other direction.    


"Thank you." Mo Xiaoyun said in a soft voice.    


After going up to the orthopedic floor, Mu Anren took him straight to Dr. Liu's office.    


"Where's the movie?" Dr. Liu asked.    


"There's no electricity down there. The nurse said she won't be able to do it today, so she'll have to wait until tomorrow." Mu Anren said in detail.    


"There's such a thing?" Dr. Liu looked at him in surprise. This was the first time the power had been cut off since the hospital was built.    


Ye Zichen looked at Mo Xiaoyun, who had a pale face.    


"Come here, I'll show you more." Dr. Liu was an old man, and when he spoke, he always spoke with a sense of kinship.    


Mo Xiaoyun walked towards him and obediently put his right elbow in front of Doctor Liu with a clear gaze.    


After confirming that Mo Xiaoyun's hand bone was torn, Dr. Liu applied medicine to the little guy and put a plaster on him. This little fellow didn't make a sound, not even a single tear, and this really made Doctor Liu look at him twice more.    


"Good education, this child will definitely have good prospects in the future." Doctor Liu touched his small head and could not help but praise him a little more.    


Mu Anren thanked the doctor with a smile on his face.    


"Come back and check again after a week. Be careful when you sleep at night, don't push it. The child is young, so watch him a bit more. " Doctor Liu warned.    


"Thank you." Mo Xiaoyun said politely. Even though this doctor's medical skills were not bad, the effects of the medicine he prescribed were still not as good as the medicine he concocted himself.    


After getting on Mu Anren's car, Mo Xiaoyun turned around and glanced at the entrance of the hospital with some lingering fear. He wanted to inform Mu Qingqing about the situation in the CT room and ask her, "What kind of places like this are there?"    


Mu Anren wasn't in a hurry to drive the car away. He thought for a moment, Mu Qingqing definitely wouldn't be able to sleep by this time, so he might as well give her a call before leaving.    


As he expected, Mu Qingqing didn't dare to move a single step. She restrained the urge to call Mu Anren and calmly sat on the sofa, waiting for him to call.    


As soon as the phone rang, Mu Qingqing picked it up.    


"Dad, is Xiaoyun done yet? How's his hand? " Mu Qingqing asked anxiously.    


"Don't worry, he's already got a cast. He's been injured for a hundred days, so it's not a problem for him to recuperate."    


There was a long silence.    


"Alright, it's getting late. Dad is calling to let you be at ease. We'll take care of this place. Just study properly by yourself." Mu Anren saw that she didn't say anything, so he decided to hang up the phone.    


"Dad, bring him back, I'll take care of him myself." Mu Qingqing said slowly, but her tone did not allow Mu Anren to refute her.    


"Your priority is to learn. Xiaoyun is also a part of Mu Family, and you still don't trust me?" If his daughter got stubborn, it would really be of no concern to him. Mu Anren found that Mu Qingqing's tone was almost the same as his.    


"Do you really want me to let you go?" First of all, I was almost poisoned to death by the sleeping pills. Even my brother, who I picked up, fractured right after returning over there. Can you, sometimes, consider my feelings? " Mu Qingqing suddenly lost control of herself. Her tone was full of anger.    


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