Don't Provoke Princess

C234 Ultimatum

C234 Ultimatum

Mu Anren was stunned. This girl was truly angry, she would never speak to him in such a tone.    


"Qingqing, you know daddy is doing it for your own good." After a long while, he lost. He felt guilty, because whatever he said was wrong. He could only sincerely say this.    


"I know, I know. Please consider the fact that my life was threatened before and let Little Brother Xiaoyun regain his Zhaoxi City." Mu Qingqing lowered her voice and begged in a pained tone.    


Hearing the pleading tone, Mu Anren looked at Mo Xiaoyun in the rearview mirror with a calm expression. Why do I feel that this brat's character is similar to Mu Qingqing's? However, Mu Qingqing had really grown up and now knew the difference between right and wrong. She knew clearly in her heart that Su Cuiyun was not good to her, and not much better to Mo Xiaoyun.    


"Alright, dad promises you, then I'll send him over tomorrow." Mu Anren compromised.    


Mu Qingqing finally let out a sigh of relief after receiving Mu Anren's affirmation. As long as she could bring Mo Xiaoyun back to her side, she could temporarily let Su Cuiyun off the hook.    


Mo Xiaoyun didn't sleep well that night. The pain from his broken elbow was indeed real. He was starting to feel that he had lost a quarter of his ability. He had fused with the fake human body, and the real feeling was no different from a human's. Mo Xiaoyun was a little worried, could it be that in a hundred years, a person from the M122 planet would become a pile of bones? Like so many dead people, they were buried under the earth's soil and were lost forever.    


Mu Anren was sleeping beside him, sleeping soundly, as if showing no signs of waking up. Although they said they would take care of him, he actually needed to be taken care of even more. Mo Xiaoyun had already noticed that he had overdrafted his physical strength, so he didn't know how long it had been since he had a good rest.    


On the afternoon of the second day, Mo Xiaoyun was wearing a thick cotton coat with his hands buckled inside the cloth. At first glance, he looked like he was being naughty.    


Su Cuiyun didn't like Mo Xiaoyun as he sat at the dining table with a spoon of rice in his left hand.    


"How old are you? You're still eating with a spoon. What kind of habit is this? " Su Cuiyun stared at him, but she didn't dare to speak too loudly because Mu Anren was still sleeping upstairs.    


Chen Xiaojie glanced inside and patiently consoled, "Sister Su, it's normal for a child of his age to not know how to use a spoon. Just teach him slowly."    


Su Cuiyun looked at Mo Xiaoyun in disgust, but she was extremely agitated inside. How could she have the time to teach him that? She was going out for a walk and a game of cards with the rich lady in the circle. Where did you get the time to teach some kids?    


"I'm warning you, you're not allowed to utter a single word about what happened yesterday." Su Cuiyun lowered her voice and warned him again.    


Mo Xiaoyun pretended not to hear her as he lowered his eyes and focused on eating.    


Wu Tie slept soundly and rubbed his neck. Seeing that it was already past midnight, he stood up to wash his face and rinsed his mouth. Today, he had to send Mo Xiaoyun back to the Zhaoxi City, so he had to inform him before he could leave. He was able to temporarily take a breather as he managed the company well.    


After making the last shredded potato, Chen Xiaojie sat down to the side and prepared to eat.    


With a "pa" sound, two chopsticks were thrown in front of Mo Xiaoyun's bowl.    


"Teach him to eat with this, what's wrong with always using a spoon? If others see it, it should be said that our family has no more home tutors." The more Su Cuiyun looked at him, the more she disliked him, so she decided to correct him.    


Chen Xiaojie glanced at Mo Xiaoyun's right sleeve and was about to say something, but Su Cuiyun interrupted her again.    


"You're still hiding your right hand after a meal? What, a broken arm?" Su Cuiyun scolded Mo Xiaoyun snappily, but there was a hint of disgust in her eyes.    


"His hand is broken, don't you know?" Mu Anren coincidentally came down from upstairs. His footsteps were quite light, so he didn't expect to hear this. Surprised him.    


Su Cuiyun stared blankly at Mu Anren on the stairs, then looked at Mo Xiaoyun.    


"No, that's impossible." Su Cuiyun was sure that she was only punishing him for standing and not hitting him. Moreover, he even caused her to take a cold bath. If it wasn't for her strong resistance, she wouldn't have been able to get up today.    


"Why are you bathing him in cold water when you have nothing to do? What do you want to do in the middle of winter? " Mu Anren recalled what Mu Yichen said last night. Wasn't it Su Cuiyun who caused Mo Xiaoyun to be like this?    


"It's a misunderstanding. I-I haven't bathed the child in so many years and forgot to turn on the cold water. I didn't adjust the temperature properly." Su Cuiyun explained bitterly with an embarrassed smile on her face.    


"You have stayed in this house for more than ten years. You can even adjust the temperature of the water with your eyes closed. Are you trying to put pressure on the child by doing this?" Mu Anren mercilessly exposed Su Cuiyun's lies as he looked at her coldly.    


Su Cuiyun immediately lowered her head. In front of Mo Xiaoyun and Chen Xiaojie, she felt that she had lost a lot of face. She was already very patient as she used her chopsticks to poke at the rice in the bowl.    


"I have no time to waste on you. Today, I'll send him to Qingqing City." Mu Anren didn't want to talk much with her either. He looked at Mo Xiaoyun's right hand, which was tied inside the cotton coat. It was unknown how much suffering the child had suffered.    


"His right hand is fractured, so why are you giving him food with chopsticks?" Seeing the bamboo chopsticks in Mo Xiaoyun's left hand, Mu Anren was speechless towards Su Cuiyun. This was f * cking incompetent!    


"I, I don't know." Su Cuiyun really did not expect him to fracture. Even though Mu Anren mentioned her now, she still looked at Mo Xiaoyun with suspicion. This brat is too devious, I still don't know how he broke his bones.    


Mu Anren snorted coldly. He was completely disappointed in her.    


Walking to the dining table, Mu Anren put a spoon into Mo Xiaoyun's bowl, "Little Chen, feed him."    


"Eh, alright." Chen Xiaojie had wanted to feed Mo Xiaoyun since a long time ago. When she heard Mu Anren say that his right hand was fractured, her heart tightened and she looked at Mo Xiaoyun with pity. Su Cuiyun had made such an adorable little fellow into a miserable state.    


"Dad, I'll eat by myself." Mo Xiaoyun held the spoon tightly in his hand. He was not used to being treated as a three year old child, let alone being taken care of like this.    


"Doesn't your hand hurt?" Mu Anren asked him in concern.    


"It doesn't hurt. I can eat by myself." Mo Xiaoyun answered seriously.    


Seeing that he insisted, Mu Anren could only nod, "If your hand hurts, then let your sister feed you."    


Mo Xiaoyun nodded.    


"Come up, I have something to say to you." Mu Anren looked at Su Cuiyu with a cold gaze.    


After closing the bedroom door, Mu Anren had his back to Su Cuiyu.    


"Anren …" Su Cuiyu knew that he was angry at the moment because she had treated her child badly.    


Standing in the same room as before, Mu Anren said with some regret, "It's been thirteen years, it's about to end."    


Su Cuiyu did not react for a moment. Thirteen years?    


Then she thought about it, the lunar calendar was already a new year, and her Xiaoyou had also eaten at the age of thirteen.    


Thirteen years. It had been a very long thirteen years.    


"I've been thinking about her from time to time these past few days." Mu Anren's mouth revealed a trace of a smile, a smile that came from the bottom of his heart.    


Su Cuiyu clenched her fist. How could she not know who Mu Anren was talking about!    


"Stop it!" Su Cuiyu let out a loud roar and covered her ears. She leaned against the wall, feeling a little weak.    


"It's not that you can avoid everything just because you don't want to hear it. You know better than me what kind of life I've lived with you for the past thirteen years." Mu Anren said coldly.    


"If you dare to divorce me, I will go and tear apart your image as a hypocrite in front of those wives!" She had already expected what Mu Anren wanted to do.    


"Su Cuiyu, thirteen years old Mrs. Mu, you haven't gotten anything. What good will it do you if you continue like this?" Mu Anren asked, avoiding her sharp gaze.    


"At least, at least we have children. We can maintain a complete family." Su Cuiyu looked at him as if she was about to collapse. She didn't want to bring up the matter of the divorce at all.    


"Complete family?" Even Mu Anren found the word 'family' laughable. Did this family really look like home?    


"Anren, think about Yichen. Also her daughter, Mu Qingqing. Mu Xiaoyou, if they knew that you and I divorced, they would have broken down." Su Cuiyu thought of the three people who were her bargaining chips.    


Mu Anren turned around and looked straight at her. He issued his final ultimatum, "In the last two years, when Yichen enters the military academy, Xiaoyou will send it to dad. They will understand these things when they grow up."    


Su Cuiyu heaved a sigh of relief after getting the chance to relax. As long as they didn't leave.    


"I'll give you a compensation. I'll keep all three children with me." Mu Anren said in a deep voice.    


Su Cuiyu leaned against the pink-white wall and slowly slid down, her vision already blurring into a blur. After so many years, Mu Anren's heart was still as ruthless as ever. He paid no attention to her feelings of companionship.    


"Su Cuiyun, is it really worth it for you to treat her like this?" Su Cuiyu asked, unwilling to give up.    


"You are not worthy of mentioning her!" Mu Anren snapped.    


"Heh, back then, it was you who were in cahoots with me. Did you think that you had washed yourself clean because of her years of abstinence?" Su Cuiyu sneered, her hands hanging powerlessly at her sides. The black down jacket was enough to keep her warm, but it still made her shiver all over.    


Mu Anren walked out of the bedroom with heavy steps. He didn't want to talk to Su Cuiyu anymore. It was as if giving her an extra glance was a luxury.    


Today, he was going to bring Mo Xiaoyun to the Zhaoxi City, and time was already tight enough. After explaining the final decision to Su Cuiyu, he didn't plan on delaying even a second. Even if Su Cuiyu was right, he wouldn't have any other possibility with her. Divorce was a foregone conclusion.    


As the car sped along the road, Mu Anren was in a bad mood. Mo Xiaoyun didn't dare to speak carelessly and felt a little lonely along the way.    


When they arrived at their destination, Mo Xiaoyun looked at the brightly lit villa and then looked around. He felt that the atmosphere wasn't right.    


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