Young Madam Has Multiple Identities

C1062 Prepare to Go to Maldives

C1062 Prepare to Go to Maldives

Qin Qing's school was very efficient, and the results of the final exams could be found very quickly. She only knew that she could check the results after she received a call from Ning Yu. She was not too worried at first. Because she was actually very confident in her professional results.    


But the instructor was shocked by Ning Yu's overreaction. It turned out that it was because Ning Yu's results were a little worse and she died. Ning Yu's results were very good. If even she almost died, Qin Qing would be a little nervous.    


As Qin Qing opened the website, she secretly cursed this old professor for being too ruthless. She heard that a few of her classmates in the class had all failed their grades.    


Finally, she trembled and opened the website. She clicked on it and entered her account and password.    


Wow! She actually passed the old professor's subjects. Qin Qing even obtained a good score. Qin Qing was not a person who cared about her results very much. But she passed all of them and even got a good score. Qin Qing was still very happy. It felt very good to be recognized for her hard work.    


Qin Qing happily showed the results to her parents. Qin Yongliang and Zhou Zheng both praised Qin Qing. Zhou Zheng knew what her daughter meant. She was never a person who liked to show off. It was very obvious that she wanted to show off her results in such a high-profile manner. Zhou Zheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, the red packet is ready!"    


Qin Qing was very happy when she heard this. Finally, there was money to go out and wave. She was too happy. Maldives, wait for me!    


Finally, it was New Year's day. The New Year in Qin family was very simple. Qin Yongliang went out to work after having a meal at home, and so did Qin Chen. They were both very busy.    


New Year's Day could be said to be getting less and less festive. It might also be less ceremonial. Most of the time, people were busy and busy, as if they had forgotten why they had to leave. Qin Qing felt that the New Year was not interesting. There was only Zhou Zheng and her at home.    


After the New Year, Qin Qing did not want to stay at home anymore. It was too boring. She was either lying down and doing dramas or chatting with Zhou Zheng. Her Maldives was calling her!    


She said to Zhou Zheng, "Mom, I still have some time on vacation. I want to go to Maldives." She had an obedient look on her face. Zhou Zheng could see that when she mentioned Maldives, her eyes were full of stars.    


"You are going alone? Why don't I go with you." Zhou Zheng said. She was still worried that Qin Qing would go alone. Although her daughter had grown up, she was still a university student, right?    


As parents, it was inevitable that they would think more!    


Qin Qing did not want to be watched when she went out to play. She just wanted to go alone. It would be fun to travel alone!    


"No need, no need. Mom, someone is with me. My college classmate." She randomly made one up because she knew that it would be best if Su Wan accompanied her, but Su Wan was too easily exposed.    


"Alright, it is fine as long as someone is with you. But you must be careful. You must call your parents to tell them that you are safe no matter where you go. Do you understand?" Zhou Zheng exhorted her.    


"I know, Mom. Even if I am alone, I can do it. You have to believe in your daughter. You must take good care of yourself." Qin Qing promised Zhou Zheng.    


It was fine after Zhou Zheng was settled. Qin Yongliang had been busy outside. He did not have time to care about her anyway. Maybe one day, she would finish playing and go home. Qin Yongliang did not even know that she had gone out to play.    


Since she had decided, she went to pack her things.    


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