Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C779 Vicious man-eater

C779 Vicious man-eater

"Oh my god, is that a waterfall at the bottom of the sea?" Lei Yang muttered to himself in shock.    


At this moment, he felt that his brain capacity was somewhat small. How could a waterfall form at the bottom of the sea? This confused him, and it went beyond the scope of his previous understanding of things.    


Lei Yang carefully looked towards the waterfall. After a period of adaptation, his eyes were already able to clearly see the scenery of the underwater world.    


Only after approaching the waterfall by about five hundred meters, did Lei Yang manage to clearly see that it was a gigantic cliff that was at the bottom of a sea realm. At the bottom of the cliff, there was an incomparably pitch-black, dark sea trench that was god knows how deep.    


As for the waterfall, it was left behind on the cliff and deeply fell into the dark ocean trench. Quickly after, it made huge rumbling sounds.    


In reality, looking at it from that position, the waterfall was truly magnificent. Just the mouth above the waterfall was several hundred meters wide, and it was many times more spectacular than the waterfalls on land before.    


Furthermore, through observation, Lei Yang discovered that the flow of the water was flowing at an indescribable speed. Just imagine, being able to see such a clear picture of the water flowing in the water, the speed at which it flowed could be imagined.    


However, after observing for a long time, Lei Yang found out that the waterfall was actually not a real waterfall, but instead, between the ocean trench and the cliff, the ocean water was flowing together, forming a state similar to a whirlpool at the bottom of the sea.    


However, the location of this whirlpool was still located on the huge underwater cliff, so one could only see half of the whirlpool. The waterfall was in fact the cross section of this huge underwater whirlpool, which was equivalent to the huge underwater whirlpool.    


However, even though Lei Yang had finally figured out the origin of the waterfall after observing and analyzing it, he still felt that it was too mystical. He couldn't help but admire the power of nature.    


Although the scenery here was magnificent and beautiful, Lei Yang felt that he did not have much time to appreciate it. He was a person who valued friendship and promises more, so he had to quickly find Yuwen Lin and Yuwen Lin.    


There was no need to mention Big Brother Xie Jun, who had owed her a favor when she was in the middle boundary of cauldron's waters area, and Yuwen Lin was even more so. Whether it was the relationship between them, the care Yuwen Tai had given him, or his promise to Yuwen Tai back then, he had to find Yuwen Lin and do everything in her power to protect him.    


However, there was nothing he could do about it. This underwater world was enormous, and he was incapable of finding the Dao in it. If he wanted to find someone here, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.    


Lei Yang stood far away from the waterfall and was contemplating how he should go and find his good friends. At this moment, a green light suddenly flew out of the waterfall in front of him, straight toward him.    


The green light carried an astonishing speed and did not seem to be affected in the slightest by the sea water. It was like an indescribable green arrow that carried an indescribable force as it shot forward.    


Along the way, as if he had cut open the ocean water, Lei Yang, who was deep in thought, unconsciously frowned. His entire body subconsciously dodged to the side, only then dodging the attack.    


"Who?" The first thing Lei Yang thought of was that there might be Dao Children who were teleported here, and it was very possible that these Dao Children were the ones who ambushed him.    


He said in his heart: "No matter which family or sect's Dao Children it is, they are all so unreasonable, without even saying a word, and have already hidden in the shadows to probe us. Such a sinister person, if I catch him, I will definitely kill him quickly!"    


Although he did not pay much attention to it earlier, he still saw that the green light was coming from the direction of the waterfall. Although he did not pay much attention to it earlier, he still saw that the green light was coming from the direction of the waterfall.    


However, after the green light was dodged by him, it came back from behind and once again pierced toward him like an arrow.    


"Eh, motherf * * ker, there's no end!" This time, Lei Yang did not dodge. Instead, he turned around and threw his first punch of the Thunder Fist, smashing ruthlessly towards the green arrow.    




Along with a clear muffled sound, sparks flew everywhere on Lei Yang's fist in an instant, and his entire fist even felt an enormous force, to the point where he unknowingly took a step back, stabilizing his somewhat swaying body.    


As for the green light ray, it was like an arrow that was sent flying backwards by Lei Yang's huge fist force. It released a sharp roar, and after it passed through the sea, it became a series of dull and heavy roars.    


It was only then that Lei Yang saw the green light that was shot as sharp as an arrow by the fist power. It was actually a fish that was about one metre long, its entire body emitting green light.    


It's entire body was covered in green scales, and the green light was coming from its scales. At the moment, it had probably launched two attacks towards Lei Yang, probably because of the damage it caused to him in the previous two attacks, its green bean-like eyes released an endless amount of anger and killing intent. It bared its fangs and looked at Lei Yang from afar, revealing its extremely sharp, pointed sword teeth.    


"man-eater", after seeing this fellow's appearance, Lei Yang immediately blurted out his name. However, this was the first time Lei Yang had ever seen a man-eater with such a huge body and green color.    


In the books, Lei Yang had seen records of this type before, but they usually grew in rivers, lived in groups, and the largest one was only a foot long. They shouldn't have appeared in such a deep sea.    


However, he then thought about it, with how dense the Spirit Qi at the bottom of the Carefree Sea were, it was not impossible for them to nurture some mutated or extraordinary life forms.    


Then, that day, the green man-eater roared for a while, then rushed towards Lei Yang like Lei Yang, as though it had a huge grudge with him. Furthermore, Lei Yang could already feel that the fellow had a Cultivation Power that was like a Great Circle of Nascent Soul.    


However, even with its cultivation, it was not a threat to Lei Yang. He would rush towards Lei Yang with an indescribable force, but it would not be able to cause any harm to Lei Yang, because Lei Yang's speed was too fast. In the water, his agility had already far surpassed it.    


No matter how fiercely and violently it tried to attack Lei Yang, Lei Yang was always able to easily dissolve or dodge it. It was so tired that it was gasping for breath, but Lei Yang still stood there calmly.    


Although that fellow was looking at Lei Yang with an extremely vicious expression, he could not do anything to Lei Yang.    


Lei Yang knew that this kind of man-eater usually liked to live in groups. He had already used his divine sense to scan the surroundings, but he had not found any of its other companions or its group.    


Seeing that fellow being so fierce and helpless against him, and that he was so angry at him for a moment, Lei Yang immediately had a bad taste in his heart.    


Then he shook his finger at the man-eater and said, "You want to fight with this sovereign? You can't, you can leave!"    


However, this action made the man-eater even more furious, as if it was provoked. It opened its mouth and roared, and then emitted a wave of strange and invisible fluctuations.    


That wave spread out in the water like a wave. After a while, the huge waterfall on the cliff directly trembled, and Lei Yang immediately realized where the problem was. A bad feeling rose in the bottom of his heart.    


However, before he could even run, he saw tens of thousands of green lights rush out of the waterfall in an instant, fiercely piercing towards him at the same time like a myriad of arrows. The power of this attack and the power of this formation were so great that even the sea water in front of him began to boil.    


The green lights that were shooting towards him like sharp arrows were definitely one after another ferocious and berserk man-eater.    


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