Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C759 Is that so?

C759 Is that so?

Is that so?    


As soon as Bai Zhanxiong finished speaking, his entire body instantly burst out with dense white light, and the white light seemed to cheer for him, actually causing his originally burly body to continuously expand.    


This rate of expansion was extremely fast, and in just a few breaths of time, Bai Zhanxiong's entire person had turned into a three hundred meter tall giant. What had also changed was not only his body, but even his face.    


His face now looked somewhat like a human's, but also somewhat like a deer's, giving off a very strange feeling. His four limbs, however, bulged with various kinds of muscles, filled with explosive power, like a berserk King Kong. The white light previously emitted from his body had now surrounded his body, forming his protective divine light.    


And just as his entire body underwent a change, above his head, Lei Yang's figures which carried with them various berserk techniques had already descended with a loud bang. In an instant, the Bai Zhanxiong who had transformed into a giant was submerged within a resplendent light that could explode using a technique.    


A deafening dull sound immediately erupted from the sky.    


Although Bai Zhanxiong's enormous body was engulfed by the technique, one could still clearly see that he was constantly fighting against Lei Yang's technique while the technique itself could explode.    


After Bai Zhanxiong's body mutated, he was unaffected by the overflowing technique. As he fought back and forth, he roared out loud: "Scatter for this daddy!"    


Not only did he not dodge, he even used his huge hands to directly crush the incoming arcane skills. Although there were still quite a few arcane skills bombarding his body, they were all blocked by his protective divine light. In the end, not a single one of them actually approached him, truly injuring him.    


In this kind of constant resistance and impact, the illusory image that Lei Yang relied on his speed to form became fewer and fewer. His true body was already about to appear, and couldn't be hidden anymore.    


After the stalemate lasted for a few more breaths, Bai Zhanxiong finally determined, through his spiritual sense, that the Lei Yang holding the Heaven Ripping Rend was his real body.    


Thus, Bai Zhanxiong immediately clenched his huge fist and ruthlessly punched towards that direction. He shouted even louder: "Little bastard, why don't you reveal your true form to me!"    


The strength behind this punch was so strong that not only did it cause the surrounding space to collapse in an instant, it also caused the sky above to tremble in an instant. After feeling the danger, Lei Yang's true body had no choice but to throw out his Dragon Soul Spear as he decisively turned around and took two steps forward.    


The huge force of the fist caused the air to immediately collapse, producing an indescribable sound of collapse. At this moment, Bai Zhanxiong's entire person seemed to have become like a devil god.    


With a huge force, like an arrow that had always been golden, the Dragon Soul Spear shot towards the center of his brows. However, at this moment, it was directly grabbed and crushed into pieces.    


As a result, the divine sense in his sea of consciousness immediately went berserk, and in an instant, it was like a gust of wind, spreading throughout the entire space. However, he still could not find Lei Yang's figure.    


However, he still did not see a single shadow of Lei Yang. In his fury, he immediately locked onto the distant Feng Jiuwu, and directly smashed towards her with his fist.    


He continued to laugh sinisterly, "Damn it, since you like hiding yourself, I might as well kill her first before saying anything else!"    


However, just as he finished his sentence, a huge, cyan crescent moon projection silently appeared above his head.    


The moment she appeared, Lei Yang walked out of thin air as well. With a raise of his hand, he pointed and ferociously shouted, "The river of time, the ancient desolation, the everlasting protection of the cyan moon, the protection of all four directions, lead the Blue Glow, seal everything within, and seal me!"    


With that point of his finger, a huge Blue Glow began to quickly envelop and seal the gigantic Bai Zhanxiong on the ground. It was Lei Yang's Green Moon Forbidden Seal.    


Although Bai Zhanxiong was currently protected by the divine light and his body was huge, he was still unable to escape his sealed fate. The Blue Glow immediately enveloped him and at the same time, the huge fist which he smashed towards Feng Jiuwu in the distance was also immediately frozen in mid air.    


Although the Green Moon Seal had only changed the flow of time and was not a true seal, the difference in the flow of time was too great. At this moment, it was equivalent to being sealed.    


But Lei Yang did not dare stop for even a moment, he knew that although he had powerful fighting strength, there was still an intrinsic difference between a Nascent Soul's cultivation and a Path-Understanding Cultivator's, so he could not seal Bai Zhanxiong for too long.    


Therefore, the moment the Green Moon Seal was formed, he performed an incantation gesture and pointed fiercely at the green moon in the sky, instantly luring down another group of Blue Glow.    


But this time, the Blue Glow did not add this seal to the one surrounding Bai Zhanxiong, but had instead formed a green blade of light in the air. It was the blade of light from Lei Yang's Green Moon Seal.    


The blade of light was only a blade, not a hilt. It was only three feet long, and it didn't release any pressure or light. It was like a blunt weapon.    


However, at this moment, when Bai Zhanxiong, who was sealed within the Green Moon Seal, heard this, her heart involuntarily throbbed wildly.    


They could see the essence behind it through its appearance and appearance. Although the green light blade at the moment did not seem to have any power, in reality, it carried a strange sense of time as if it was going through a cycle.    


Adding on to the fact that he had already seen through the essence of the Green Moon Seal, he was even more sure of his thoughts now that it had to do with time.    


"How is that possible? He's clearly just a Nascent Soul cultivator! How could he know a Daoist magic? Could it be that he's deliberately concealing his cultivation base?" Bai Zhanxiong kept thinking in his heart, but the more he thought about it, the more terrifying he felt that the other party was.    


In fact, of all Daoist magics, time and space were the most difficult to master. In fact, they were the world's natural laws and order. Strictly speaking, they were no longer Daoist magics, but rather, Daoist magics.    


Just as Bai Zhanxiong was analyzing and pondering in his heart, Lei Yang waved his hand, and the unremarkable green light blade suddenly flew towards him.    


At this moment, his heart was beating even faster. Even though he knew that the item was extremely dangerous, his body's movement was slower than a snail's. This situation almost drove him crazy.    


However, in the end, he was still at the late stage of Dao enlightenment. His mental state was much stronger than the cultivators at the early stage of Dao enlightenment. In this situation, he didn't panic, but instead became even more calm and collected.    


Although he was incapable of moving, his will was as nimble as a normal person's. Therefore, under this incredible pressure, he was finally able to unleash the power of the late Dao Seeking stage.    


With a thought, a ball of light flew out from the top of his head. Although he was in the forbidden zone of the Azure Moon, the ball of light was not affected by the seal of the Azure Moon.    


After the ball of light flew out, it instantly enlarged, as though it transformed into a vast and boundless world. In this world, there was a vast and boundless prairie that was exactly the same as the spell Bai Lang executed earlier.    


However, in the world of Tao techniques that Bai Zhanxiong had used, it was not just a white deer, but instead an indescribable group of white deer.    


The world grew larger, and the seal of the Azure Moon Forbidden Area grew larger, causing enormous cracks to appear in the area that was the seal.    


And after the crack, Bai Zhanxiong's huge body, with immense brute force, tore the remaining seal of the Azure Moon into pieces, as he completely regained his freedom.    


However, at the same moment, the azure blade beam that was slashing out ruthlessly slammed into the spell from the White Deer Steppes.    


There was no sound, nor did it cause any cracks to appear on the boundless world of magic. Even the blade of light collapsed as if it couldn't withstand a single blow.    


However, Bai Zhanxiong did not dare to underestimate him, and was currently feeling the changes in his original position, but after a few breaths of time, when he realized that there were no changes at all, he grinned and said: "Motherf * cker, it's actually a fake, a floral display, completely a threatening move!"    


But just as he finished speaking, Lei Yang who was in the air coldly replied: "Is that so?"    


Right at this moment, the Tao technique world of the White Deer Plains in front of Bai Zhanxiong suddenly changed. It did not listen to his commands, and immediately shrunk and turned back into a ball of white light, directly flying back into his Heavenly Spirit Point. It was as if time had flowed backwards in an uncontrollable manner.    


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